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Dec 29th 2020
#VIDEO: In the year 2020—despite the widespread lockdowns and restricted movement—space exploration and research continued to proliferate across the globe. In case you missed any of these mind-blowing space stories of 2020, then here is a reckoner!
#2020inSpace: Ten Out of the World Happenings That Kept #Astronomy Enthusiasts on Their Toes This Year…

On September 14, 2020, a paper published in the reputed journal Nature Astronomy, revealed detection of #phosphine—a colourless, flammable gas—on the clouds of #Venus.

(📸: SSV, MIPL, Magellan Team, NASA)
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Sep 16th 2020
Things have quietened enough that I'm going to share my thoughts about the detection of #phosphine on #Venus announced yesterday.

In short: this is a BIG fucking deal. And here's why:

(a 🧵)
Phosphine (PH₃) is a fairly rare gas. It forms in giant planets, like #Jupiter, because of the extreme conditions inside them (and because of their hydrogen-rich atmospheres). Neither condition applies to Venus.

PH₃ is also produced by biological activity.
As a result, it's thought to be a useful thing to look for in the atmospheres of #exoplanets that might be habitable.

But nobody expected to find it in the atmosphere of Venus—a world the team led by Prof. Greaves (@jgreaves6) used to test their detection methods.
Read 12 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
14/09 > Un gaz associé à la vie découvert dans les nuages de #Vénus via @Sciences_Avenir #LaMethSci Image
[L’étude à découvrir] 14/09 > Gaz #phosphine dans les ponts de nuages de #Vénus via @NatureAstronomy #LaMethSci
09/09 > Plus de chats pourraient être positifs au #CoVid19 qu'on ne le croyait au départ, selon une étude via @ScienceDaily #LaMethSci Image
Read 7 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Astronomers found a gas in #Venus's clouds that could signal #alien life… Image
#Venus' carbon-dioxide-rich atmosphere and high temperatures make the planet's surface inhospitable to life. But new research suggests the clouds surrounding Venus could harbor microbial life.

#LifeOnVenus #space
A new study found traces of #Phosphine — a gas typically produced by anaerobic microbes on Earth — in the upper reaches of #Venus's clouds. The researchers said the phosphine's origin "could be unknown photochemistry or geochemistry, or possibly life."

#LifeOnVenus #space
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Sep 14th 2020
So #phosphine/phosphane/PH3 was found in the atmosphere of Venus and people are speculating whether this implies the existence of microbial life in Venus's atmosphere. What's the chemistry behind this? I'll try to explain in a way that's also understandable for non-chemists 1/13
One Earth, the most common phosphorus (P) compounds contain oxygen, like phosphate, which is present in many minerals and also seawater and fresh water. P compounds without oxygen are pretty reactive in an oxygen atmosphere. 2/13
Elementary P and also PH3 have the hazard warnings flammable, toxic, corrosive, and environmental hazard. Dangerous stuff for most Earthlings! 3/13
Read 14 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
Unexplained Chemical Process Detected in #Venus’s Clouds; Scientists Debate If it’s a Sign of Life - by @deekshith_np…

(Image credit: SSV, MIPL, Magellan Team, NASA) Image
The detection of #phosphine—a colourless, flammable gas—on the clouds of Venus, has kicked off an intense debate over the presence of life on the Earth’s sister planet.

According to the paper published in the reputed Nature Astronomy journal on Monday, #phosphine could originate from unknown photochemical or geochemical processes on Venus, or it could be a biological product from the presence of life.

Read 14 tweets
Sep 27th 2019
Lorsque l’on cultive du blé,celui-ci peut être attaqué par une multitude d’insectes , de champignons,de maladies. Du coup, on le traite avec des produits adaptés. Mais ensuite, on le mange,ce blé.Que reste-t-il de ces produits dans ce blé? Un #thread basé sur mon analyse du jour
D’abord, comment se présente un résultat d’analyse ? Comme ceci: en haut, les substances recherchées , dont les détails sont à la suite.
✅en premier: les métaux lourds: le cadmium et le plomb. On est très en dessous des normes, aucun soucis.
En dessous , on recherche les alcaloïdes de l’ergot. L’ergot est un champignon qui pousse naturellement sur les céréales, et dont un jour, on a tiré le ... LSD. Il est donc conseillé d’éviter d’en croquer sinon...
Read 20 tweets

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