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May 4th 2023
As more than $1B (just the start) is being committed to a new reactors, critics say #nuclear’s cost overruns, construction delays and safety concerns outweigh its benefits. /2
#onpoli #cdnpoli… via @TorontoStar
Renewables such as wind and solar are cheaper, quicker to build and have no long-term radioactive legacy. /3
The last nuclear plant Ontario built was so expensive that it caused the bankruptcy of Ontario Hydro. /4
Read 14 tweets
Oct 15th 2022
✨⬆️ #Paris ⬆️✨

#FaitesduNucléaire, final de l'édition 2022, on y est ⚛️💪

La tournée Dieppe 🪁 Strasbourg 🇪🇺 & Lyon 🐻‍❄️ de cette rentrée nous a motivé comme jamais à mobiliser pour le #climat et notre avenir énergétique 🌍

Vous êtes prêts ? #seasonfinal 🎬 Image
Pour nous trouver place de la République, ralliez-vous à la bannière 🎏

#FaitesduNucléaire #Paris Image
La fusion nucléaire est avec nous pour chauffer l'ambiance ☀️😎 Image
Read 15 tweets
Jan 12th 2020
Message was sent in error, official statement followed up confirming no release of radioactivity.

But also it sucks this happened, sending erroneous emergency alerts is the kind of error that makes nuclear look bad and *worth* fearing
Sounds like plenty of people who were more than 10 km away got the message as well, which is uh, another mistake
Read 14 tweets
Jan 5th 2020
Images and Tweets by @TPostMillennial detail last night's vigil for “heroes of Islam” #Qasem_Soleimani. The event was organized by the @MahdiYouth Society (MY Society). Within the group was a #Hezbollah supporter, waving the terrorist organization's flag.
As per the Gov't of Canada website, both #Hizballah & #Soleimani's #QodsForce are🚩as terrorist organizations.

So you have @MahdiYouth organizing an event with protesters clearly supporting terrorist organizations and declared by the 🇨🇦 gov't.
So who is @MahdiYouth?

Based in #Pickering, MY Society was founded and is sponsored by Al-Mahdi Islamic Centre @almahdicentre.

Based on their Facebook videos (which include clear anti-Israel views), there doesn't seem to be much inclusion of girls.
Read 7 tweets

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