But also it sucks this happened, sending erroneous emergency alerts is the kind of error that makes nuclear look bad and *worth* fearing
Feeling that moment of panic-- is my family in danger, am I about to lose everything? Has real impacts
Humans are deeply affected by the emotional trauma of evacuation. The fear of evacuation is also very normal and shouldn't be dismissed
It's not enough to just admit that the wrong button was pushed, the nuclear community needs to recognize the subtle but real risk perception consequences of sending false alarms and figure out how to do better

My take-home message is still the same, unfortunately, though there's probably even less the nuclear industry can do about it! cool!!
They're definitely not analogous hazards, but I wonder...
This may not have been your fault but not staying on top of it can absolutely make it worse!
Drills and emergency preparedness? 👍👍👍
Accidentally notifying the public for real during a drill? 👎👎👎