Images and Tweets by @TPostMillennial detail last night's vigil for “heroes of Islam” #Qasem_Soleimani. The event was organized by the @MahdiYouth Society (MY Society). Within the group was a #Hezbollah supporter, waving the terrorist organization's flag.

So you have @MahdiYouth organizing an event with protesters clearly supporting terrorist organizations and declared by the 🇨🇦 gov't.

Based in #Pickering, MY Society was founded and is sponsored by Al-Mahdi Islamic Centre @almahdicentre.
Based on their Facebook videos (which include clear anti-Israel views), there doesn't seem to be much inclusion of girls.

Also based in #Pickering, Al Mahdi Islamic Community Centre (AMICC) is financed and run by The Council of Islamic Guidance Inc.; a registered charitable organization in Canada 🇨🇦.
Last pic is where you are directed when you click on "Donate".

Council of Islamic Guidance
Al Mahdi Islamic Community Centre
Mahdi Youth Society
So why is a Gov't of Canada registered charity financing the activities of people who support terrorist groups as also declared by the Gov't of Canada?
Perhaps the directors who run The Council of Islamic Guidance can help answer that question?