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Aug 31st 2022
Woke up to amazing news: my $268,765 #studentloans were forgiven after 10 years of #PublicService through the #PSLF program! I don’t share this to gloat, but to provide some helpful tips to those in #MedTwitter who have questions about the legitimacy of this program. See 🧵
I was incredibly privileged to not have undergrad loans, but spent over $250,000 in tuition and expenses at a public university for medical school. All of my loans were federal.
The first year of residency, I claimed $0 income for the prior year, so was able to make 12 months worth of $0 payments that counted toward my 120 payments. I made sure to certify my employment by filling out the PSLF form each year and have it signed by my employer.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 17th 2022
Hmm. #DisasterSpam or essential #PublicService? Time will tell.

Can't help but wonder, though, if this announcement hasn't buried the lede... Changes to the Civil Contingencies Secretariat - the Cabinet
..."collecting and analysing live data" on a #permanent basis, in a '#CivilContingencies' context, sounds like something the public should be told more about!

Not unrelatedly, and while there's been a lot of focus on @PalantirTech's #NHS contracts, have you tried searching...
...#ContractsFinder for the work Government has awarded to #Palantir recently?

@CabinetOffice (GDS) published one measly £750k contract 👇 from 2015...
Read 7 tweets
Jan 13th 2022
I've been dutifully submitting documents to the Public Student Loan Forgiveness Program #PSLF office since I began my career in #publicservice as an audiologist for #VA in 2009. My first🧵...
As an A+++ personality, I read ALL the instructions. I consolidated my loans and my payments as instructed. I submitted my Certification of Employment paperwork every year beginning 2010
Back then, there was no tracking system, so I made one. I was counting my payments, ticking off progress to #120. In 2012, I was told, for the first time, that I had not read the fine print carefully enough
Read 27 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This part is called: RESTORING AND STRENGTHENING OUR DEMOCRACY:Building an Effective,Transparent Federal Government/Only one party understands that qualified,dedicated civil servants serve the people &this nation, not special interests.1/14
#Democrats condemn President Trump's determination to sow chaos and division by inappropriately deploying federal agents to American cities, where too many have used egregious tactics against peaceful protestors. 2/14 #DemPartyPlatform #TrumpChaos
#Democrats know federal agents can ably protect federal property while also clearly displaying badges, insignias, and identifying markings; without detaining Americans in undisclosed locations without cause & without brutally attacking peaceful protestors. 3/14 #DemPartyPlatform
Read 14 tweets
Dec 13th 2019
"Delivering for Australians" e.g.#Robodebt


"I am pleased today to release the Indep. Review of 🇦🇺 Public Serv & the Govt’s response. 🇦🇺 already has a world-class public service, however all orgs need to adapt & evolve to ensure they can be their best"
1. Delivering for Australians - a world-class Australian Public Service

Media Release by PM @ScottMorrisonMP
13 December 2019

"I am pleased today to release the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service and the Government’s response."

#Auspol @OZloop @LouiseBeaston
2. "Australia already has a world-class public service, however all organisations need to adapt and evolve to ensure they can be their best. The Australian Public Service is no different. Australians rely on the essential public services the APS delivers on behalf of the Govt."
Read 10 tweets
Apr 23rd 2019
Deputy City Attorney Erin Kuka here. I took over my office’s account today! (Thx, Dennis!)

It’s a big day bc our case re the 2020 census is at the U.S. Supreme Court! I’ve been on the case since day 1, and today I’ll tell you everything you need to know. #Census2020 #SCOTUS
First, what’s happening today? We’re in a coalition that banded together to fight injustice. Barbara Underwood from @NewYorkStateAG and @dale_e_ho from @ACLU are arguing for all of us.
No cameras or phones are allowed in the Supreme Court, but SCOTUS will release a transcript later today—I’ll post as soon as it’s out. #HittingRefreshAllMorning #Patience
Read 37 tweets

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