Today is FRIDAY.
A DAY to remember.
]Mueller Report[
Are YOU ready???

Chatter has increased, respectively to the PANIC in DC.
The plan has been set- All systems GO.
Be vigilant. Keep your head on a swivel and if you see something hinky say something.
Both were delayed due to cooperation with other ongoing investigations. Interesting developments
"‘Delete Facebook NOW’: WhatsApp co-founder accuses Mark Zuckerberg of trading privacy for revenue after allowing ads on the platform." The RATS are running. We have the guy that co-founded WhatsApp- who sold to FB in 2014, turning on Cuckerberg. Light disinfects. #QAnon

I sent this out to you guys last night. Joint Chiefs Chairman Joe Dunford testified that GOOG is directly benefiting the Chinese Military. TREASON? Keep in mind that GOOG is VITAL to the US Military operations WW, according to the Pentagon. Sunrise brings light- #QAnon

The message is clear from #QAnon. However I believe that D-3083 will tie to another drop and is NOT in context with the other drops from today- previous. I will give you more as I figure out the connection. These people are sick & evil. It is NOT a coincidence.

@LindseyGrahamSC is requesting:
McCabe memos
List of all attendees in meetings with [RR] & McCabe (#2)
All docs/comms from meetings where 25A was discussed between [RR] & #2
Any opinion prepared by office of legal counsel Re: 25A
Docs from FBI's OPR Re: McCabe dismissal

#QAnon links us to a twit from @elenochle where they connect the 12 links to the YT vid to the 12 Senators (R) who voted to terminate @realDonaldTrump's National emergency declaration.

#QAnon is signaling CodeMonkey /CM/ to stay alert- They shills are attacking all Q related sites hardcore today. @PatriotsSoapbox has been getting shilled all day as well as 8-chan. The KITCHEN IS HOT. Keep your head on a swivel. Stock Market close will bring BOOM.

Two military planes today were using #QAnon call signs. The USAF plane was Q, the USArmy plane was ANON. This is a UNIFIED operation. Solidarity.

An Anon pokes fun at #QAnon about 'slippin' and Q responds with equal jest- "Busy saving humanity". I am certain that this is related to the attacks on the board and captcha problems.

“You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher."

Sec Test 1.
All #QAnon sites are under severe attack. Q is just making sure that comms are secure. Look for communication on /PF/ if comms cannot be confirmed secure. Something BIG is about to happen.

Time stamps matter.
1+4+3+3 = 11
Operation underway #QAnon?

Today at precisely 3:42pm, AG Barr authorized the Declaration of National Emergency in relation to the Border Wall in the Oval Office. #QAnon confirms the 1st Marker is COMPLETE.
Follow the WATCH- 3:42 D-2913.

#QAnon connects the D-2647 watch- Set to 3:15 to the D-2913 watch- Set to 3:42.
Today is 3/15 and at 3:42 the 1st MARKER was Complete. Is there a bigger #QProof than that? #WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #SAVEAMERICA #UNITEDNOTDIVIDED #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #StormIsUponUs

"The real 'fun' starts soon."
Mueller report>DECLAS>IG Report>TRUTH>JUSTICE.
The WALL means more than you know.

"Newly unsealed court filings show the office of the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., shared with the FBI and a host of media outlets the unverified dossier that alleged the Russians had compromising information on now-President Trump."
foxnews.com/politics/court… #QAnon

Hansen is a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer who transmitted national defense information to the People’s Republic of China’s intelligence service (PRCIS).