Here's why it doesn't work👇 [THREAD]

Whether you view Lincoln as the “Great Emancipator” (as I do) or believe as some historians do, that he was "dragged into abolition," three 4/
This is the condensed version. 6/


So, most black Americans did what they had been doing since Lincoln; they waited, expecting their fair share was forthcoming. 23/
Now, to that sea change. 27/

"Next to Eleanor Roosevelt, he became widely regarded as the best friend that blacks had in the new administration." 54/

I firmly believe that FDR would have followed through with major #CivilRights legislation after WWII ended, but like Lincoln, Roosevelt never 60/

The GOP regained the presidency with Dwight Eisenhower's victory. To his credit, 67/

John F Kennedy was a vocal #CivilRights supporter during his campaign and his first notable action occurred while still a candidate, after he learned that MLK had been arrested in Georgia, Kennedy 70/

3. On May 3, 1963, "PUBLIC SAFETY" Commissioner Bull Conner ordered the police to use dogs, and firemen to use high-pressure fire hoses to stop protesters (including children) in Birmingham, Alabama. 75/

To call Nixon's #CivilRights record 'dismal' would be an understatement. He had two basic "accomplishments;" a halfhearted task force that worked with local leaders to 92/…
