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Apr 2nd 2022
Am I taking a break from pandemic-related news? Is the pandemic over? No, then why in the midst of the pandemic, I’m doing this long thread on something different? Will disclose the reason in the end.....but I think this fascinating tale needed to be told to my twitter family 1/
Most of my close associates are aware of this saga. But most of the Twitterati are oblivious of this journey. It all started in the autumn of 1998 when I got two young kids with a weird behaviour—combative & agitated, chewing their body parts along w/ fever, vomiting, stupor.. 2/
Clinically and even after performing basic investigations, their clinical profile was not fitting in a proper known clinical entity. It was not encephalitis, not hepatic coma, nor another known multi-system disease. And this was not a stray incident. 3/
Read 101 tweets
Dec 23rd 2019
Here are the thread collating #CAAPotests planned for 24th December from all over INDIA🇮🇳
@deepsealioness @yehlog @naukarshah @_stayloud @mirzahyd1 @commieqazi @Actor_Siddharth @DearthOfSid @ReallySwara @ResistCAA @nuts2406 @Fatima_Z0hra
#Bangalore Protest Against Police Brutality and CAA / NRC
Date 24th DEC @ 5 PM
Venue👇in poster
More info @_riqsha
Spread it out Image
#Mysore Protest Against CAA / NRC
Date 24th Dec @ 11 AM
Venue : Town Hall
Read 14 tweets
Sep 23rd 2019
Caste Based Reservation in India Started in 2nd Century BC. In #Manusmriti - the law book of Brahmins all the laws were based on #Caste and no Merit was ever considered. It divided people into High & Low Castes on the basis of their birth and not on the basis of Merit.
Wealth, Political power, Spiritual leadership, Education, Ownership of Land, Trade and all lucrative aspects were reserved purely to the higher castes. This system of caste based discrimination entrenched in day today social life since ages.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 23rd 2019
The first #Mughal Emperor was Zahir ud din Mohammed #Babur Born in #Ferghana #Uzbekestan he ruled #India from #Delhi from 1st April 1526 to 26th December 1530.
This c1630 painting is from @V_and_A Artist unknown.
@DalrympleWill @India_Atelier @mukhoty @Bagh_eBabur Image
From @RCT this c1603 painting by artist #Mohan is of the 2nd emperor, Nasir ud din Mohd #Humayun, ruled from 26th Dec 1530 to 27th May 1540. Defeated by #Suri dynasty, he recovered the empire, ruling from 22nd Feb 1555 till 27th Jan 1556. Died falling from stairs
Tomb at #Delhi Image
From @hermitage_eng, the portrait by #Manohar c1580 is of the 3rd #Mughal Emperor Jalal ud din Mohammed #Akbar Ruling from #Agra from 27th Jan 1556 to 27th Oct 1605. Died from Dysentery and entombed at #Sikandra near Agra.
@DalrympleWill @mukhoty @India_Atelier @DilliKiRanaiyan Image
Read 29 tweets

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