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#sexworkiswork activists like to hold up the 'New Zealand model' of 'fulldecrim' as the best way to make the sex industry safer. It's nonsense, and I'm sick of seeing it and having to counter it, so here's a handy thread to link to.

We have two main pieces of evidence 1/
The first is the 2008 Review of the Prostitution Law commissioned by the NZ govt. You can find it here…

They conclude from this the law was so far successful. But let's take a deeper look 2/
on p152 we find that stigma against those selling sex has not lessened
on p153, that brothels that were considered to be exploitative before are no better, with reports of rape and extortion
on p155 the promised 'employee rights' have not materialised as sellers are treated as……
Read 13 tweets
Welcome to my Saturday #linkdump, the third in an occasional series that may or may not be restricted to Saturdays, but which will ever be an ode to olde-timey #linkblogging of the sort practiced by our blogfathers, blogmothers, and other blogparents:

1/ A pot of chunky chicken and...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Any fule kno that Saturday is #Caturday, and today's woke felinism comes from @GoingMedieval, earthiest of all the Medivelist Bloggers, author of the superb *Once and Future Sex*, all about dirty dirty medieval people and their filthy filthy habits:…

Read 97 tweets
Welcome to my TED Talk on the far-right in Ireland. THREAD –
A lot of people on the far right in Ireland seem to be having difficulty understanding why we call them “far-right” so here’s a little explainer for those at the back
If you use "Antifa" (short for anti-fascist) as an insult, you're far-right
Read 14 tweets
I actually go out of my way to not say that #prostitution is paid rape for every woman in the trade. I always say "many" or "countless" or "often". I never point to individual women and say "you were raped". That's not my place and it doesn't help anyone. What I do want is...
...for the many women who felt traumatized by johns including the not overtly violent ones, the seemingly ordinary ones, who stick to agreements to be able to trust that feeling and not be gaslit into "if this upset and haunts you, you were in the wrong profession".
I do think johns should be criminalized cause I think exploitation is the rule not the exception. But additional acts of violence (robbery, strangling, sudden assault etc) should carry additional sentences which is my understanding of the implementation of the abolitonist model.
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Es läuft mal wieder eine Aboli-Aktion, bei der Leute Zettel hochhalten, warum Rotlicht abgeschaltet werden soll. Koordiniert von der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten eines deutschen Landkreises mit offizieller Adresse, also mindestens indirekt fließen dafür Steuermittel. 1/22
Ich möchte mal kurz auf die jeweiligen Gründe antworten. Überraschung, das wird ein Thread. #RotlichtAn #SexworkIsWork
Menschenhandel wird vor allem gefördert, wenn Sexwork stigmatisiert und ins Dunkle gedrängt wird. Besser Licht anschalten als aus. ...weil damit Menschenhandel gefördert wird.
Read 22 tweets
Est-ce que vous vous imaginez le nombre de fantasmeurs, qui se branlent ou s'excitent derrière leurs téléphone, qui nous contactent et nous demandent des photos, de leur détailler ce qu'on leur ferait, de leur parler de notre vie.... ?
[Thread 1/4]
#sexworkiswork #fantasmeur
Je ne vous mets que le dernier cas que j'ai eu à l'instant mais c'est tous les jours !
Les fantasmeurs : ce fléau qui gâche la vie des TDS.
Mais aussi de leurs clients ! Car vous payez pour eux. Par notre méfiance. 2/4
Nos tarifs ne sont pas du tout volés quand on voit le temps de FOLIE que l'on perd avec les fantasmeurs et lapineurs. (Sans compter évidemment l'investissement que notre activité demande)
Notre temps est précieux. Nous ne sommes pas des sous-humains. 3/4
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CN: Schwarzer/SWERFS/Tdf:
Call to action:
#SWERFs streiten mit allen Mitteln für die Einführung der Kund*innenkriminalisierung (sog. Nordic Model).
Helft mit dieses Wiener Event zu boykottieren, auf dem sich das who-is-who der (deutschen) Sexarbeit-Antis die "Ehre" gibt. ImageImageImageImage
Meldet Euch an, investiert 6 Euro und geht einfach nicht hin. Lasst die Antis, SWERFs und carceral feminists vor leeren Stuhlreihen ihre Desinformation verbreiten.
#sexworkiswork #rightsnotrescue
Ist übrigens umsonst. Diese Anmeldung für 6€ ist wohl irgendein vhs-Kram?
Read 3 tweets
🧵PHOTOS🧵Retour en images sur la marche féministe parisienne du #8mars2022
1/ Femmage aux Amériques latines & aux #Zapatistes pour commencer💜
@NousToutesOrg @chianteuses @Joh_Jokiera @BisounoursDeter @ZapatistaOrg
2/ Résistance à l'agression publicitaire #suffragetttes #LouiseMichel Ni #Patrie ni #Patriarcat ni #Mari ni #Macron ni #Maton
3/ De toutes les #couleurs & de toutes les #formes 💛🧡❤️💚💙💜🖤
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Just read another story of a woman exploited in German prostitution for years whose health was in such a state that she looked ill and decades older than she was. Still not a single "sex" buyer ever asked if she needed help or informed any authority about her distress.
When "sex" buying is legal not only do men feel emboldened to buy access to women they also feel they have no more responsibility towards her than "a customer of any service". You go in, get what you paid for and leave. Her health, well being, mental state - none of his business.
The law in Germany concurred with this: Until 2017 it wasn't a crime to pay to rape trafficked women, because "the customer" can't be held responsible for the situation of the "service provider". That's what #sexworkiswork does: Crushes sexual ethics in favour of the free market.
Read 7 tweets
Germany has lost the plot on #prostitution so completely that we are seriously after 20 years of legal free-for-all for sex buyers debating whether maybe letting them gang-bang women in a state of advanced pregnancy might be just slightly medically and ethically questionable? 🤦‍♀️
And I'm pissed off at both sides here because the right is only interested in this because they care about unborn children, i.e. they're also currently restricting our abortion rights, and the left just cares about men's pleasure and pretending that it equates to women's freedom.
But the #prostitution of heavily pregnant women is not a matter of personal opinion. And it's also entirely unrelated to questions of sexual agency, e.g. when a pregnant woman chooses to have sex for her own pleasure or sex to help induce labour. It's simply extremely dangerous.
Read 22 tweets
"Navigating Depression and Graduate Research during COVID-19"
Sue-Ann Benson-Haughton
University of Manitoba
Master's of History (2022)
I am tweeting on Treaty One Territory, home of the Anishinaabeg, Cree and Dene peoples.

#PandemicMethodologies #CdnHist @PMTC2021 @CndHistAssoc
I've struggled with depression for 6 years. Trying to complete my M.A. during a pandemic has been exceeding difficult. Campus? Closed. Libraries? Closed. Archives? Closed. I’ve had to re-learn how to learn in isolation.
#PandemicMethodologies #Gradstudents #depression
In 2019, I worked as a stripper for 4 months, while attending full-time M.A. classes and working PT. I lost both jobs in March 2020. I didn’t have classes again until Jan 2021. It felt like the rug was ripped out. Pandemic dragged, my depression got worse.
Read 13 tweets
(1/4) STATUS FOR ALL: Full and permanent immigration status for all: Immediately ensure full immigration status for all migrant sex workers in Canada, without exception

#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork
(2/4) Day 7 of our campaign for #8CallsforJustice Honouring the 8 Murdered in Atlanta. Join us, post online with calls for solidarity.


#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork
(3/4) Watch this video: Asian migrant workers in massage parlours and sex industry call for Status for All

#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork
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(1/4) NO COPS AT WORKPLACES: Stop using anti-trafficking initiatives to justify the intrusion of law enforcement in places where sex work happens, including indoor sex work businesses

#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork
(2/4) Day 6 of our campaign for #8CallsforJustice Honouring the 8 Murdered in Atlanta. Join us, post online with calls for solidarity.


#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork
(3/4) Read this article: MIgrant Sex Workers Fight Police Illegality and Racism…

#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork
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(1/4) SEX WORK IS NOT TRAFFICKING: Review existing anti-trafficking initiatives that conflate sex work with human trafficking, and revise policies to remove assumptions that sex work is a form of trafficking or exploitation

#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork Image
(2/4) Day 4 of our campaign for #8CallsforJustice Honouring the 8 Murdered in Atlanta. Join us, post online with calls for solidarity.


#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork
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(1/6) RIGHTS NOT RESCUE: An end to policing, racial and social profiling and the use of criminal or rescue models

#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork
(2/6) Day 3 of our campaign for #8CallsforJustice Honouring the 8 Murdered in Atlanta. Join us, post online with calls for solidarity.


#8CallsforJustice #StopAsianHate #SexWorkisWork
(3/6) Rescue kills the sex worker, especially migrant. Anti-trafficking organizations and law enforcement are working together to rescue the trafficked. Instead of protection, migrant sex workers are being charged, surveillance, arrested, detained and deported.
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Letztens einen Beitrag über Prostitution von @NathalieSuthor auf @3sat angesehen - die Enttäuschung war groß. Extrem einseitige Werbung für das nicht zielführende schwedische/nordische Modell. Kritische Stimmen zensiert und vor allem unter Vorspiegelungen falscher Tatsachen zum
Interview gebeten. Hier die Stellungnahme von @Johanna_Weber_…
Ein Schlag ins Gesicht für alle Sexarbeiter*innen, die ihren Job freiwillig und gerne weiterhin legal ausüben wollen. Sexarbeit ist nicht automatisch Zwang/Menschenhandel/Vergewaltigung. So wie viele meiner Kolleg*innen bin ich nicht traumatisiert, psychisch krank, oder
Read 4 tweets
Sources against the sex industry: a master thread
How “sex work” affects/harms all women by legitimizing male violence and devaluing sexual abuse 🙃…
Tackling all the pro arguments…
Read 147 tweets
Realistically, Sex Workers start preparing now for difficult change.
Like an animal fattening up for hibernation through a rough winter...
So too should you be getting the details of your clients off platforms like Twitter, which you could lose overnight. Make your own site. 1/6
Tell people to visit it & get them used to visiting it to reach you, even now. Get involved in your Sex worker rights groups (like @SexWorkHive) as when Twitter goes you’ll mainly reach peers there. Don’t rely on OnlyFans. Build mailing lists to reach people you need for work 2/6
Look into accepting more private income, be sensible with crypto, listen to your guts, & advertise in the more secret places, from Reddit to the dark web but DO NOT compromise on safety: check your clients by @NationalUglyMug & call a buddy with client details before a meet… 3/6
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Las que llaman “trabajo sexual” a la explotación sexual de las mujeres se dicen interseccionales cuando curiosamente su manera de analizar esta problemática recurre a ejemplificar con mujeres privilegiadas de Polanco haciéndolo “porque quieren, les va rebién y son bien felices”.

Otras muchas en esquinas, en precariedad, violadas, violentadas, con proxenetas que las golpean y les quitan su dinero, con problemas de salud física, emocional y mental.
¿Dónde está la interseccionalidad que hasta dicen que es su corriente de “feminismo” cuando no pueden ver de frente una necesidad de análisis interseccional tan claro como lo es el de la prostitución?

Tres pesos de consciencia de clase se les pide.
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Presently at the DCO 1’s office at Asaba GRA police division to hear a case against sex workers.
Details soon.
Meanwhile, it’s a new month and a holiday. #endpolicearbitraryarrest
So it happened that I was called upon yesterday by one of our Female Sex Worker(FSW) client that she and 12 other sex workers were arrested by the Asaba GRA police division at one of their hotspots in Asaba around 10:30pm for violating the Delta State COVID-19 pandemic curfew
On getting to station, 9 out of the 12 girls had bailed themselves, some with as much as #10,000; the minimum was #4,000. I was directed to meet with the DCO 1. During the meeting, he confirmed that they were arrested at one of the police’s “black spots” during curfew hour.
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"Sexarbeit darf durch Corona nicht in die Illegalität abrutschen!" Meine Kollegin @mareikeengels und ich sind heute für @GRUENE_Hamburg in die #herbertstrasse gefahren und haben mit Sexarbeiter*innen über ihre aktuelle Situation gesprochen. --> Thread <--
Spätestens seit Samstag, als in der Herbertstraße eine #Rotlicht-#Demo für #Sexarbeit trotz #coronavirus stattgefunden hat, findet die Debatte Einzug in die Öffentlichkeit: Sexarbeiter*innen aus der ganzen Bundesrepublik demonstrierten gegen ihr Corona-bedingtes Arbeitsverbot.
In Hamburg gibt es rund 7.000 angemeldete Sexarbeiter*innen. Sie werden von den restriktiven Maßnahmen, sprich dem grundsätzlichen Prostitutionsverbots in Corona-Zeiten in existenzielle Nöte getrieben. 2.500 € für Soloselbstständige reichen nach 4 Monaten längst nicht mehr.
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Dear (🤢) SWERFS and TERFS. This thread is for you.
You think you know all about sexworkers and their work? You don't even know who we are!
We are living, feeling, breathing human beings for fucks sake!
We are men, women and non-binary. We are trans, cis and inter. We are gay, straight, bi, pan and asexuals (yes, let that sink in). We are as queer as it gets.
We are mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, siblings, friends, partners, husbands, wifes, lovers, neighbours, colleagues.
We come in all shapes and sizes. We are skinny, we are big, we are small and we ar tall, we are hairy, hairfree, black, white, pink, brown, pale as ghosts, colourful as a colouring book. We have long hair, short hair, or no hair at all.
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#SexWorkers remind us sex work is about work. Like all workers they #deserve #rights and #protection against violence at workplace, stigma and discrimination in society.

#EndGBV #accesstoredress #16days #AwarenessToAccountability #dignityatwork…
Current criminalisation (in majority of African countries) of sex work means #sexworkers are on the front-line of #GBV in that the perpetrator knows they are unlikely to report it, and that they are vulnerable and unprotected.

#EndGBV #accesstoredress #16days #dignityatwork
In the context of #MeToo: sex workers face judgement, stigma, blatant systematic discrimination. In media, they’re punished 4 their nonconforming sexuality by being criminalized/slut-shamed.

#EndGBV #accesstoredress #16days #dignityatwork #sexworkiswork…
Read 8 tweets

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