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Dec 23rd 2022
Predicting that in 2023 the #Fed will be forced to abandon hiking and actual cut rates before the year is over

This will result in an #inflation #supernova
The fed will reverse its policy not because it’s beaten resource/energy related inflation but instead because they need to stop the financial system from collapsing, along with severe housing sector and employment pain.
China will be reopened and hungry for commodities and competition for various metals will be greatly intensified. The world is going to wake up to the reality that the resource sector has been underinvested in for over a decade and…
Read 8 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
Let's do a little $LUNA near-term roadmap...shall we?
1. @orion_money dropping in next few days
2. #ozone insurance burning 90M $LUNA to $UST that will then be used to purchase collateral (such as $BTC) to ensure future stability of @terra_money ecosystem
3. #IBC only recently enabled, @cosmos chains are all heating up
4. @SecretNetwork #supernova happening on Nov09; increasing
5. @osmosiszone just started, liquidity & use increasing by the day
6. @SECGov unfortunately thinks it is their mission to kill #defi, going after #stablecoins like @Tether_to (if #terra grabbed half of $USDT mkt cap, ALL $LUNA would be burned twice over at current price)
7. @OKEx just launched $UST / $USDT trading pairs, ppl opting for $UST now
Read 9 tweets
Sep 11th 2021
Je čas s tím jít ven.

Všichni jste hvězdy!

A nepíši to proto, abych vám namazal med kolem úst.

Je to prostě pravda.

Takže ať už jste měli dnešní den jakýkoliv, nadechněte se a zakřičte si: "Jsem hvězda!"

Cítíte se lépe? Super.

A teď si to pojďme zkazit...

Blbý totiž je, že nejste hvězdy jen vy.

Ale taky všichni kolem vás.

Takže hvězdou je i ta nemožná sousedka, co vás furt šmíruje.

Hvězdou je i váš otravný kolega, co celý dny má blbý kecy.

Hvězdou je i šéfka, která se po vás furt vozí.

A hvězdou je i po letech ex vaší ženy.
Jenže ani tím nám to nekončí. Ať dosadíte sebevětší nebo sebevětšího *****, tak i ona či on jsou hvězdami...

A nejenom oni... ale i (skoro) všechno kolem vás...
Read 22 tweets
Apr 12th 2021
A diffuse glow of high-energy gamma rays hints at the presence of powerful cosmic accelerators, called PeVatrons, within the disk of our Galaxy.


Img credit: Heasarc/Lambda/NASA/GFSC

#Space #Astrophysics
Many physicists believe that such #PeVatrons accelerate particles up to at least PeV energies (PeV=10^15 eV).

Possible PeVatrons include #supernova explosions, star-forming regions, & Sgr A* the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy.

#Space #Astrophysics
But despite decades of hunting, only a few PeVatron candidates have been located in the #MilkyWay.

The Tibet ASγ experiment, a #China-#Japan collaboration, has reported new measurements that provide further evidence for galactic #PeVatrons.


Read 6 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
296. #SophieJones (2021) A raw and resonant coming of age story about dealing with grief and overcome pain,it feels very personal. The cinematography is gorgeous and visually stunning with excellent performances by the cast especially the lead who is great.Really good. ⭐⭐⭐1/2 ImageImageImageImage
296. #Moxie (2021) A fun and entertaining coming of age movie that might be a bit flawed, but the performances by the cast is good and it is a bit long however it deals with a lot of important issues and it have a really powerful scene at the end, the direction is strong. ⭐⭐⭐ ImageImageImageImage
297. #TheHitchHiker (1953) A swift thrilling noir film that is visually pleasing with great direction, it is very tense,suspensful and fast paced (yeah it's only 70 min)anchored by a trio of great performances by the cast. The story might not fully fleshed but still fun. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ImageImageImageImage
Read 287 tweets
Dec 31st 2020
#SUPERNOVA #SolarWinds malware is actually pretty boring. So boring in fact, I made a video.

Thread 👇
Adversaries have injected a call to a method called DynamicRun() into the existing LogoImageHandler class. An existing method, ProcessRequest() has been trojan'ed to accept 4 GET parameters passed to the Orion web API Image
These GET parameters are designed to contain

"code" - a blob of C# code which is then compiled
"clazz" - the name of a class which is to be instantiated
"method" - the name of a method to call within the clazz
"args" - supplied to the aforementioned method Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 27th 2020
1/ could it be that #SUNBURST introduced #SUPERNOVA, but only to victims of interest (not the whole 18K)?
Abusing #Solarwinds Orion vulns with #SUPERNOVA , attackers can bypass auth and get access to Orion.
From there they get access to cloud cert to Sign #GoldenSAML
2/ If so this explains a lot:
It means no mysterious second actor as originally claimed by Microsoft reducing the complexity of this story…
3/ it explains why the #SUPERNOVA webshell was not signed (because it's not part of the backdoor payload, but introduced later)
And finally, it tightly connects the method of entry to the #GoldenSAML post exploitation.
Read 3 tweets
Feb 26th 2020
Hoy se cumplen 27 años del estreno de #Supernova, la película protagonizada por Marta Sánchez.

👉Fénix, una exitosa cantante intergaláctica, es suplantada por Supernova, una cyborg malvada creada por un magnate de los flanes que está obsesionado con ella… ImageImageImageImage
El "conde Nado" (#JavierGurruchaga) es un magnate de una multinacional de flanes que le manda flores a Fénix (#MartaSánchez) a través de un microondas, que además de servir como máquina de teletransporte también hace videollamadas.
El conde Nado rapta a Avelina (#ChusLampreave) una reputada científica que le ayudará a cumplir sus malvados planes.

Además nos dejarán este gran combate de esgrima.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 15th 2020
As you might have seen it, @LIGO has detected some weird gravitational waves. I took more than a day to take the time to read everything about it. So, is this new candidate related to #Betelgeuse?
Let's go for a little thread!
Contrarily to what some people said, Betelgeuse is NOT in the 90% zone for the GW. As you can see, it is next to it, probably in the 95% zone. So we cannot exclude that it comes from Betelgeuse, but it is unlikely.
Also, no unusual gamma-rays...
Read 10 tweets
Jan 13th 2020
1/10 All eyes on #Betelgeuse these days. What’s happening to this well-known star in the constellation of #Orion?
2/10 Normally one of the brightest stars in the sky, it’s now fainter than ever before in recorded history.
3/10 Astronomers think the star is preparing to blow, going #supernova. Think cosmic time scales though. This artist’s impression shows #Betelgeuse shedding its material.…
Credit: @ESO /L. Calçada
Read 10 tweets
Jan 5th 2020
Why do we know #Betelgeuse may go #Supernova within the next few 100000 years, but most likely not soon? And why are we sure the Sun will be a safe star for Billions of years?

A brief primer #thread to Stellar Evolution. 1/

Sun: SDO. Betelgeuse: ESO/ALMA
#astronomy #Space
First thing to know is: stars are not all alike. They are big, small, bright, dim, have different colors and die different deaths. The quantity at the root of their diversity is their MASS. Stars have masses between roughly 0.1 & 100 times the Sun’s mass. Large ones are rare.2/
Here is the fundamental diagram of stellar evolution. It’s called the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram (HRD). The further left you go, the hotter stars become. The further up you go, the brighter stars become. 3/
(Pic: ESO)
Read 20 tweets

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