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Jul 10th 2021
So it’s time for me to come off the fence re 19th July. I’m in favour of:
a) Opening up on 19/7, but with stronger mitigating baseline measures than the govt is proposing
b) Opening up vaccinations to 12-17s as supply permits, starting with the vulnerable.
I’m very conscious that many people will disagree with something I’ve said there, and possibly all of it. And I have good friends on all sides of these debates, who I don’t want to lose. So it may help to say: just because you oppose (or support) vaccination of teenagers…
…doesn’t mean that I think you’re a psychopath. And just because you might support extending regulations for another few weeks, doesn’t mean I think you’re a “bedwetter”, or uncaring about those who have suffered during lockdown. So I’d be grateful if you…
Read 45 tweets
Jan 21st 2021
1/2 This is a complete red herring. Lay ofr outdoor exercise. Read the #transmission report to #SAGE here Support #SupportToIsolate for #EssentialWorkers…
2/2 #SupportToIsolate for #EssentialWorkers ha to be top of the list - here's why. I am of course blocked by @trishgreenhalgh.…
Read 3 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
1/2 Nice. #HouseholdTransmission can be reduced - but financial and personal #SupportToIsolate is needed (read Annexes). Let's hope for some action to support everyone who needs it #COVID19
2/2 and if you want more accessible version of what you can personally do to reduce #HouseholdTransmission - here are my blogs packed with advice #COVID19……
Read 3 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
1/1 Let's target #SmartLockdown to address *unavoidable* contact patterns of the precarious #keyWorkers who carry most risk with #SupportToIsolate strategies. #tier4 #lockdown #ThinkLikeAModellerStingLikeABee. Here's why.… Cassius Clay
2/3 #EssentialWorker jobs, overcrowded #housing, shared #transport, #unpaidcare roles, lack of money - these are major *mechanisms* of transmission, not just statistical associations. See… & @FinancialTimes #smartlockdown #tier4 #lockdownuk Letter Financial Times 31st December 2020
3/3 This @PHE report says it all. Even before #newvariant effect, we knew it's the people who are out there working who carry our #Covid19 risk. We need a #SmartLockdown that supports every #Essentialworker to #SelfIsolate #tier4 #lockdown…
Read 4 tweets
Jan 4th 2021
So *how" to slow this @chrischirp? What is a #smartlockdown? #EssentialWorkers are exposed to many unavoidable contacts. We've offloaded nearly all #Covid19 risk on precarious keyworkers. #tier4 #lockdown #SupportToIsolate. Blog… & @FinancialTimes Letter Financial Times 31st December 2020
We *know* this happened in Toronto. Data from UK? #TestandTrace @PHE_uk Let's have a #smartlockdown if we have to move away from #Tier4
Read 3 tweets

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