Prof Jackie Cassell Profile picture
Public health & sexual health research & action #Covid19. Work @bsmsmedschool @UHSussex @ukhsa Blog Also #Swale #feminist #violin
Jan 20, 2022 4 tweets 6 min read
How should we evaluate #ContactTracing? Here are some thoughts fresh from the #STI world, relevant for #COVID19 folk too! #PartnerNotification @LUSTRUM_5 @BASHH_UK @DewsnapClaire @JohnMcSorley10 @kallmemeg 2/3 Here's a link to our #ContactTracing #standards paper in this week's @Eurosurveillanc journal… and our #LexiconOfLove underpinning #data on #PartnerTypes
Nov 29, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Really looking forward to this week's #DGUM exam at @ApothecariesLDN Wed/Thu. We examiners look forward to supporting trainees, and promise *no* trick questions about how to use this apparatus Image All done. Calm, orderly, 3rd #pandemic sitting. I hope our candidates had a positive experience and will visit @ApothecariesLDN again soon Image
Jul 8, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
"Prof Sackell" calling @BylineTimes @NafeezAhmed. May I correct you slightly? First my name. Secondly, I signed this letter first drafted by @rwjdingwall - all my requested edits were made before publication. Here's link to the piece…
Jun 23, 2021 5 tweets 8 min read
1/3 If we're testing #ivermectin for #COVID19, it exposes the scandal that #ivermectin is not licensed for routine use for #scabies outbreaks in the #UK. We know it works for #scabies (unlikely in #COVID19). It's on the @WHO #EssentialDrugs list! @UniofOxford @CMO_England 2/3 .. our #scabies research explores why this local and global #NeglectedTropicalDisease gets missed in #UK #carehomes. Take a look here at our research. Why aren't we using #ivermectin routinely? @UniofOxford @NIHRresearch
May 22, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
1/2 #Vaccines are amazing. They make normal activities - like #carehome and #amateur community #singing #choirs safe. Not just business. So what do you make of @DCMS ban >6 in new guidance? #COVID19 @DCMSArts 2/3 There is probably no easier setting for doing an #outbreak investigation than a #choir. @MakingMusic_UK & others have well developed risk assessments. Ask @BarbaraEifler Around 300k people sing weekly - more than football (more women tho....)
May 2, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
1/3 In today's @Daily_Express I argue it's time to end #criminalisation and #coercion in managing #Covid19. We must return to the old ways of doing #publichealth - #inform #support #consent - they serve us well...… 2/3 #Vaccination doesn't only change what we can do - it changes the decision space. Let's think beyond emergency response, and build the trust and support needed for #ResidualCovid - new trade-offs.
Apr 28, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 Going to #Sheppey to record a @bbcsoutheast special on how #covid19 has affected the Islans. Which backdrop would you choose? Pics on next tweets
Feb 24, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
1/3 This thread sets out a very important and basic point about diagnostic #tests. As #COVID19 cases decline, a higher % of positive results will be false positives. Big issue for #schoolsreopeninguk
@educationgovuk needs to.... 2/3 @educationgovuk needs to state clear #exitstrategy for #covid19 testing in #schools to retain trust in a system that was always going to be fragile.
Feb 18, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
1/3 Once you get the #scabies itch, it's hard to get rid of it! @michaelghead and @MedVetAcarology doing fantastic international work #NTD 2/3 Which builds on our #NTD work in the UK, would you believe. Here's why we're looking forward to seeing #scabies again in #carehomes as #COVID19 ebbs…
Feb 12, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
1/3 Once >50s and clinically vulnerable people have had #Covid19 #vaccine, the tradeoff of benefits and #harms for #TestAndTrace and #asymptomatic testing in particular changes rapidly. My take at @bmj_latest #CovidUnknowns seminar yesterday 2/3 Big issue - when #hospitalisation #deaths low and the vulnerable protected, why would we ask #children #parents #essentialworkers and other non-Zoomocrats to #SelfIsolate, #test over and over to leave home? Listen to @bmj_latest #Covidunknowns webinar
Feb 10, 2021 4 tweets 6 min read
I am shocked by the damaging #10yearsjail move by @MattHancock @10DowningStreet It goes against our excellent traditions of #publichealth by consent. Look at how we handled AIDS - no coercion! @FPH @acmedsci @RCPLondon @rcgp @ADPHUK must tell govt how damaging this is. #ItsASin @jimmcmanusph @felly500
Jan 7, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
Societal structures - #housing, #essentialworkers #unpaidcare expose people to #Covid19 risk. "Pandemic fatigue" is a convenient myth used to gloss over the real issues. Important blog on an issue now widely reported for... example @bbcnewsnight 4th Jan, even @Telegraph… covered it, drawing on my
Jan 6, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
This is misleading messaging @SwaleCouncil - please delete and re-word. Always, always state *clearly* and early that even with a negative test you can be infectious. This could backfire, and badly. #COVID19 Every test invitation should start with a caution about false negatives. A negative test is *not* a licence to stop social distancing #COVID19 @SwaleCouncil.
Jan 4, 2021 4 tweets 7 min read
1/1 Let's target #SmartLockdown to address *unavoidable* contact patterns of the precarious #keyWorkers who carry most risk with #SupportToIsolate strategies. #tier4 #lockdown #ThinkLikeAModellerStingLikeABee. Here's why.… Cassius Clay 2/3 #EssentialWorker jobs, overcrowded #housing, shared #transport, #unpaidcare roles, lack of money - these are major *mechanisms* of transmission, not just statistical associations. See… & @FinancialTimes #smartlockdown #tier4 #lockdownuk Letter Financial Times 31st December 2020
Jan 1, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
1/ Well informed and thoughful thread on changed #COVID19 #vaccination priorities in UK. Thanks @sandyddouglas #Scientific advice to govt here and it's...… 2/ worth remembering that when you have #booster for #tetanus #hepatitis or whatever, no one asks what #brand was used last time. With #COVID19 it's also ...
May 25, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
Sadly not one journalist asked about need to protect every locality#s #NHS #ITU capacity in #cummingspresser. This is why #NoSecondHome #StayHome is important and will continue to be throughout #summerholiday. A very important issue to keep live as #lockdown releases @Fox_Claire this is an important issue and I was sorry it wasn't asked. This hasn't got through and will matter for a long time to come.
Apr 14, 2020 13 tweets 11 min read
When I started working on #scabies outbreaks in #carehomes some of my colleagues thought it was a weird, marginal interest. Now with #COVID19 it's changing. Everyone's realising that infection is a big deal in these #EndOfLife settings. Image #Carehomes for older people are hard to study. Residents often have #dementia, staff are run off their feet, #consent to research is difficult - brilliant colleagues including @MedVetAcarology sorted this…