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Feb 23rd 2023
1/ In the Iliad, Homer often refers to the uniqueness of the capabilities of the armies of Achilles and Ajax, where they are described as dense formations of elite soldiers, who use brilliant tactical battles under the guidance of highly trained warlords.
#Homer #Iliad #Troy
2/ " ...howbeit thereto could he no more avail, for with shields were they fenced in on every side, as they stood around Patroclus, and before them they held their spears. For Ajax ranged to and fro among them and straitly charged every man; ➡️
➡️ Thus mighty Ajax charged them, not one, he bade them, should give ground backward from the corpse, nor yet fight in front of the rest of the Achaeans as one pre-eminent above them all; but stand firm close beside the corpse and do battle hand to hand. ➡️
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Jun 1st 2022
New arrivals on @NetflixIndia..

#JackRyan : #ShadowRecruit (2014)
#TheArtOfSteal (2013)
#HotelForDogs (2009)
#Case39 (2009)
New arrivals on @NetflixIndia..

#Troy (2004)
#Collateral (2004)
#TheLastCastle (2001)
Read 5 tweets
Aug 3rd 2021
Day 9 of #TurkeyJewishRoadtrip:

Ayvalık/Troy/Çanakkale/Dardanelles Strait

Waking tp to the view of the Agean sea and #Cunda was quite amazing - not to say pretty relaxing... We are going to Çanakkale!
Last night me and Chaim were walking in Ayvalık - a coffee shop owner noticing the Kipah on Chaim's head walks over:

- "Are you guys Jewish by any chance?" - "Of course!" we say.
- "Let's have coffee, its on me. Last year I got stuck in Israel for 8 months during the pandemic."
He was excited to see Jews walking on the streets of his hometown, and is planning on opening an identical coffee shop in Tel Aviv...

Leave a comment if you prefer the Sunset over Sunrise...

Back to Çanakkale...
Read 18 tweets
Jun 30th 2020

1. Tertullian observes, that the sanctity and purity of the manners of the Christians was a sufficient motive to stir up the rage of Emperor Nero,
#FirstMartyrsOfTheChurchOfRome #EarlyChurch #Christianity #Jesus
2. himself an avowed enemy of all virtue.

He took the following occasion to discredit them: The city of Rome had been set on fire, and had burned nine days, from the 19th to the 28th of July, in the year 64. During this horrible tragedy,

#RomanEmpire #History #Emperor #Nero
3. Nero came from Antium to Rome, and seated himself on the top of a tower upon a neighbouring hill, in the theatrical dress of a musician, singing a poem which himself had composed on the burning of Troy. The people said he caused fire to be set to the city

#Iliad #Troy
Read 10 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
#troy on a mission to 90 points! Image

Following nicely. Expecting more upside in here ⬆️🆙 Image
Is the price glued to this squiggly line?? Still holding for two months straight 😂

#TROY Image
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