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Feb 13th 2023
You can read my Independent op-ed on the flawed report on #antisemitism in the NUS by signing up for free.… Here's a thread of takeaways from the piece.
Lawyer Rebecca Tuck KC was commissioned by the National Union of Students to report on allegations of #antisemitism in the NUS. Published last month, her report's findings are deeply flawed.1/14
I was interviewed in person by Tuck, and am quoted twice in the report. But I was dismayed by what I found. First, a woeful lack of transparency.2
Read 15 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
Was wir in der Bekämpfung von #Antisemitismus dringend brauchen? Eine Strategie! Gut, dass der Antisemitismusbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Dr. Felix Klein, heute eine nationale Strategie gegen #Antisemitismus vorgestellt. Eine Einordnung: 🧵 1/8
„Eine koordinierte Strategie gegen #Antisemitismus war lange überfällig”, so Tahera Ameer, Vorständin @AmadeuAntonio. “Es ist gut, dass die nationale Strategie nicht nur Ziele für die Antisemitismusbekämpfung setzt, sondern auch bisherige Maßnahmen auf den Prüfstand stellt.” 2/8
Gut ist: Das Strategiepapier ist nicht nur eine politische Willensbekundung oder ein Katalog, der bisherige Maßnahmen der Antisemitismusbekämpfung abbildet. Es identifiziert vielmehr auch die relevanten Handlungsfelder, konkrete Ziele sowie aktuelle Herausforderungen. 3/8 Image
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Nov 16th 2022
Supporters of the #IHRA definition of antisemitism insist that it is not about silencing criticism of Israel. But in the Adopt IHRA Coalition's list of 50 "examples" of "antisemitic tweets" that violate IHRA, a significant number of them are just… criticisms of Israel 👇
Here are some examples of tweets which are said to violate IHRA, which talk about apartheid, administrative detention, boycotts, and state terrorism. cc: @jvplive @Addameer 2/
@jvplive @Addameer Here are some examples of tweets which are said to violate IHRA, which talk about pro-Israel lobbying for IHRA, expulsions of Palestinians, Zionism and colonialism, and the meaning of decolonization. cc: @BDSmovement @Remroum 3/
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Jun 26th 2022
A short thread on key arguments in my new book Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? Redefinition and the Myth of the ‘Collective Jew’ which you can buy direct from Pluto Press here /1…
Discussion about #antisemitism is plagued by confusion and bitter argument. In his endorsement of my book @PeterBeinart calls contemporary debate on it ‘both incoherent and appalling . . . a hot mess.’/2
Yet we were told that the 2016 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (#IHRA) ‘working definition’ of #antisemitism had brought ‘international gold standard’ clarity to its contemporary meaning; that without IHRA it wasn’t possible to fight antisemitism./3
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Jan 7th 2022
From 2019.
Helen Lewis neatly encapsulates the whole scam here, #muralgate, #ironygate, #IHRA, right in her second paragraph.

@helenlewis, @TheAtlantic: is there anything here you'd like to reconsider?

Happy to discuss.

Mural: Image
Irony: Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
Major win at @UofT! Yesterday #UofT accepted all the recommendations of an internal antisemitism report, one of which included rejecting the dangerous IHRA definition, and instead embracing academic freedom on Israel-Palestine. Read more here:… #NoIHRA
This win would not have been possible without the work of IJV members, Palestinian students & faculty, @FacultyJewish and @CAUT_ACPPU who recently voted UNANIMOUSLY to reject the dangerously-flawed #IHRA definition. Read the university's final report here:…
The timing of all of this is significant as @JustinTrudeau recently renewed @IrwinCotler's role as Canada's Antisemitism Envoy, with a mandate to expand the use of IHRA in academia. This #UofT decision should stop Cotler in his tracks. #NoIHRA
Read 4 tweets
Apr 11th 2021
Remember the outrage in 2018 when Labour’s NEC dared to think that some commentary and guidance around the #IHRA and how to conduct a disciplinary process on antisemitism might be helpful? At the time @CST_UK @BoardofDeputies etc went into meltdown. But now, silence reigns. 1/10
You may also recall the letter to the Guardian from 68 rabbis, miraculously all agreeing on the virtues of IHRA. Surely the first rabbinical consensus on a Jewish text in several hundred years!
We shouldn’t be surprised that Labour has continued to use the 2018 code and guidance. After all, IHRA was never written or designed to be a standalone tool for discipline hearings. It was developed as a resource to aid academic study, and not considered definitive. 3/10
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Mar 28th 2021
🛑 Retour sur l’affaire de la #mosquéeStrasbourg.

➡️ Décryptage d’une polémique révélatrice d’une complaisance de @JeanneBarsegh, la Maire #EELV de #Strasbourg, avec le communautarisme.

➡️ Un thread signé @2emeDB73 ⤵️.
2/n Malgré les vives critiques de l’opposition et d’une partie de la majorité municipale, la ville de #Strasbourg a accordé 2,5 millions € pour l’édification de la mosquée Eyyûb-Sultan présentée comme la plus grande d’Europe.…
3/n Cette subvention est parfaitement légale. La loi de 1905 ne s’applique pas en Alsace, placée sous le régime du Concordat datant de 1802, qui autorise les autorités à financer les cultes.…
Read 25 tweets
Jan 31st 2021
Following the widely unreported news that Boris Johnson is facing growing condemnation for an “appalling” Tory alliance with neo-Nazi & anti-Muslim parties across Europe, it reminded me how little traction Tory #antisemtism has got in the news since 2015.…
I think most people are aware of Boris Johnson's book '72 Virgins', with its references to Jews controlling the media, Arabs with “hook noses” & “slanty eyes” & the mentions of “pikeys” & "coffee-coloured “half-castes”, so I won't dwell on it.…
In October 2016, many pointed out the similarities between May's "If you believe you are a citizen of the world, you're a citizen of nowhere", & the language used by Hitler in Mein Kampf, & in Stalin's anti-"rootless cosmopolitan" campaign against Jews.…
Read 41 tweets
Dec 6th 2020
Check out the article below. It outlines few current issues Jews face, when #IHRA definition of antisemitism, the most profound one, is applied. Critics bring straw arguments like “it doesn’t allow to criticize Israel without being called antisemitic” which is simply not true. 1/
Jews are told they cannot define hate against them, because, you know, modern activists claim modern Jews do not have any empirical experience in surviving antisemitism, xenophobia, or racism since those are matters of the past and today Jews live privileged lives. Ridiculous? 2/
Yes, it is. The other reason why we cannot define the hate against us, because Israel is considered a huge obstacle to Jewish oppression. It simply doesn’t allow Jews to be oppressed as they used to be before in MENA, Europe, USSR, Africa & Asia. So Jews were reappointed to be 3/
Read 18 tweets
Oct 27th 2020
📢BREAKING: Jewish Community Applauds Ontario’s Adoption of IHRA Definition of Antisemitism.…

#onpoli #ontario @TheIHRA #cdnpoli @CdnPressOntario Image
Today, the Government of Ontario became the first province in Canada to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (@TheIHRA ) working definition of antisemitism, as endorsed by consensus at the 2016 IHRA plenary.
The IHRA definition is the product of decades of research, study and deliberation by many of the world’s foremost experts and was accordingly adopted by consensus by the governments of more than 30 countries.
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Jan 20th 2020
One day after #GE2019, @guardian let Kenneth Stern (who drafted the #IHRA definition of Antisemitism) say if "[Jared] Kushner or I had been born into a Palestinian family displaced in 1948, we might have a different view of Zionism, & that need not be because we vilify Jews."
Kenneth Stern wrote in @guardian with readers in the #US in mind. He explained that @ZOA_National sees the #IHRA definition as stopping @NationalSJP from calling for ‘#intifada’. But he says @NationalSJP has the right to make “calls” he doesn't like. "That’s called free speech."
Here @BoardofDeputies has told candidates in the #LabourLeader elections to apply the #IHRA definition "with all its examples & clauses", "without qualification". But, as @JVoiceLabour explains, they don't require the #IHRA definition of others. Why not?…
Read 13 tweets
Jul 8th 2019

Good morning Alex, @alexsobel

For you to describe my original headline and article from July 2018 as “Grade A racism” shows the mess and muddle we have got ourselves into when it comes to understanding antisemitism in this country.
Here’s the link to the article for you…
Context, as even the #IHRA document points out, is important. So here’s the context.
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Sep 19th 2018
The Green Party is set to vote on adopting the #IHRA definition of antisemitism at autumn conference next month… (1/x)
It follows Campaign Against @antisemitism criticising then-leadership candidate Shahrar Ali, for what the organisation deemed an ‘offensive rant’ during a resurfaced Gaza demonstration speech made in 2009. Full story here:… (2/x)
Unofficial members' forums saw a barrage of antisemitic comments in the wake of our story on...alleged antisemitism in the Green Party - see here (3/x)
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Sep 2nd 2018
I commented briefly, and carefully, on this tweet a couple of days ago. But it's been gnawing away at the back of my mind, and I'm going to try again. Thread. >>>
There is, obviously and necessarily, a great deal of sensitivity about comparisons between Zionism and fascism. There is a necessary reluctance to make that comparison. >>>

It's precisely this issue - of how much, and how, you can criticise Zionism and the Zionist state - that is causing so much trouble for @UKLabour at present. >>>

Read 11 tweets
Aug 10th 2018
Meet #Israel's #Hasbara, which means #Propaganda, MSM Censorship Application👇🤨
This app came out about last year, and it is still on the iTunes store.
The app posts daily missions & TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO AND WHAT TO SAY
#Trolls #Palestine #Gaza #BDS #JeremyCorbyn #JC4PM
6yrs ago #Jerusalem, #IDF Rep:
"we are now located in the SAME building where the Foreign Journalists are,we have close working relationships w/ hundreds of journalists. In addition we launched media project working in many platforms,twitter in Arabic, Russian, French & English."
How #Israel-i Propaganda (#Hasbara) Works: #TheLuntzDocument
If you want to understand how the #propaganda works you need to read the Luntz document -- "The Key," Luntz says, "is the Claim that the Fight is Over Ideology, Not Land. About Terror, & Not Territory."
#Palestine #BDS
Read 35 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
@hackneyglyn @AdamWagner1 @chakrabortty (IANAL, so tentatively.) Another QC questioning the #IRHA text was Hugh Tomlinson QC, at @matrixchambers. He said the core definition 'does not work' and the examples have had a “chilling effect” on free speech /2…
@hackneyglyn @AdamWagner1 @chakrabortty @matrixchambers Free Speech on Israel (a Jewish group) published a dossier 'Selected Cases of Interference with Free Expression, 2017' which it argued were linked to the IHRA document being circulated to universities…
@hackneyglyn @AdamWagner1 @chakrabortty @matrixchambers 3) So evidently there are lawyers, specialists and Jewish campaigners who see a prima facie case for the examples having suppressed free speech. Has the #IHRA reviewed this evidence and considered revising them? /4
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Jul 24th 2018
#NaomiWimborneIdrissi, founding member of #JewishVoiceForLabour:
"Let's be clear very clear what that is code is,there is NO SUCH THING as an agreed international code for #Antisemitism,there is a document that has been pushed for many years now by pro-#Israel organizations"
"There is NO International Code of #Antisemitism, this is a ploy to get rid of #JeremyCorbyn" says #NaomiWimborneIdrissi, founding member #JewishVoiceForLabour,"there is a document that has been pushed for many years now by pro-#Israel organizations"
Shame on you, @margarethodge what a liar👇😡There is NO International Code of #Antisemitism, this is a ploy to get rid of @JeremyCorbyn & to silence critics of #Israel & #Zionism‼️@UKLabour
WATCH response from #NaomiWimborneIdrissi, founding member of "Jewish Voice For Labour":
Read 10 tweets

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