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Jun 22nd 2021
“Let me be blunt: there is no defensible argument for why the Murugappan family shouldn’t return to Biloela. Not one. This farce must end. Far from sparking a resurgence in people smuggling, an act of compassion could enhance Australia’s reputation globally.” @MrKRudd #HomeToBilo Image
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Jun 16th 2021
Guess what @ScottMorrisonMP and @AlexHawkeMP!? Tharnicaa has the same birthday as Ann Frank: one of the most discussed victims of Holocaust! In 1940, after Germany invaded the Netherlands, Anne and her family couldn’t leave the country, 1/14 @AlexWodak @hbowly #HomeToBilo Image
so they hide in a warehouse to escape the persecution of Jews by the Nazis. For over two years, Anne wrote in her diary with an awareness that was extremely mature for her age. She detailed her experiences and insights while she and her family were living in constant fear. 2/14 Image
Anne Frank’s diary showcases her incredible storytelling abilities in such horrific circumstances. In 1944, the Franks were found and sent to concentration camps. Anne died before she turned 16, and her father, Otto Frank, was the only family member to survive the Holocaust. 3/14 Image
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Mar 21st 2021
Asylum is a crime: “Under Australian law seeking asylum is now a crime. Cause ain't no politician in this country got a spine. Time after time, each party towing the line. Detaining ‘em offshore. Out of site out of mind. 1/9 #TimeForAHome #EnoughIsEnough #March4Justice
Forget human kind. We do this despite. It breaks the universal declaration of human rights. Shhh. man. What would Jesus do? Cuz I'm pretty sure he wouldn't lock em up in Nauru. So heartless. Even locking children in prison. In the most appalling & inhumane living conditions. 2/9
In 1951 we ratified the refugee convention, that prohibits asylum seekers being penalised in detention. Imagine if your people got bombed at will. Imagine if your friends and family got tortured and killed. 3/9
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Mar 20th 2021
“I am often asked what it was like being locked up in an Australian-run detention centre in the Republic of Nauru for six years. My name is Elahe Zivardar, also known as Ellie Shakiba. 1/29 #TimeForAHome #March4Justice #EnoughIsEnough
I honestly don’t know how to introduce myself. I’ve been through a serious identity crisis and not sure who I am anymore. I’m an Iranian woman; an engineering and architecture university graduate; an artist and journalist. Then I was reduced to nothing but a number: IVL-057. 2/29
It has been really challenging for me to remember the person I was before I was displaced and exiled. It is difficult to overcome the idea that being a refugee is not what defines me. 3/29
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Mar 12th 2021
The Federal Government has sole responsibility for immigration matters: policy, border control, visa grants and conditions, funding and support, and refugees and people seeking asylum held in immigration detention. 1/16 #March4Justiceau #TimeForAHome #Auspol
You are encourage you to write to the Honourable Peter Dutton MP, Federal Minister for Home Affairs to raise your concerns. Ministers, such as Honourable Leanne Linard MP, Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs, among others 2/16
share your concerns about the impact of many of the Federal Government’s policies on refugees and people seeking asylum and is aware of serious reports of the deteriorating mental health of refugees and people seeking asylum held in secure immigration detention including, 3/16
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Mar 3rd 2021
What’s your human rights passion? Is it preventing persons from sexual abuse like the millions of tweets the past few weeks? Is it caring for the Elderly and the recent Royal Commission? Or is it the political attacks and Government cuts to ABC and SBS? 1/10 #Auspol #AusUPR20
There are so many issues in Australia right now. They are posted on Twitter daily. We might not know all of the facts. However, we do know, from the Human Rights Watch World Report 2021, the overwhelming evidence of Australia’s violations and concrete recommendations. 2/10
The 2021 Report is an excellent resource that can be used to back any of these calls for change. A reminder it was only published in January. If you search #AusUPR20 you’ll see Score Cards for each category on Australia’s violations and recommendations. 3/10
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Mar 2nd 2021
More than 60 refugees were released over the past two days from hotels and detention centres in Brisbane, Sydney and Darwin, according to the Refugee Action Coalition and legal representatives. 1/8 #TimeForAHome #HomeToBilo #AusUPR20 #Auspol
They were granted temporary visas after spending up to eight years in Australian detention on Pacific islands before being transferred to the country for medical treatment. 2/8
The group's release comes after more than 60 refugees were freed in similar circumstances in December/January.  Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton told local radio that it was "cheaper" for the refugees to be released into the community than to be held in detention. 3/8
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Mar 2nd 2021
“When Abdirahman Ahmed Mohammed first sought asylum in Australia, he still carried a bullet in his leg.” Mr Mohammed passed away this month a day after his 39th birthday.

Exclusive: by Erin Handley, 2021. 1/22 #TimeForAHome #HomeToBilo #AusUPR20 #Auspol
“But the Somali refugee's health problems would only become more severe in his years in offshore detention on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea, and later on Nauru. Mr Mohammed died of a heart condition in Perth this month, on February 15, a day after his 39th birthday.” 2/22
“Mr Mohammed first received tests on his heart in late 2014, when he was in PNG. But he was not transferred to Australia for treatment until almost five years later, when he suffered a heart attack on Nauru in April 2019.” 3/22
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Feb 26th 2021
Is it appropriate to give Tharnicaa a voice? Firstly, I would like everyone to know that I consulted #HomeToBilo when I began the daily questions. Their parents know I ask them. #HomeToBilo regularly speaks to them and shares your support. 1/7 #TimeForAHome #HomeToBilo #Auspol
Secondly, I have tried to be very careful what questions I ask. By keeping them simple. Importantly, I have never answered on their behalf. I only ask. The idea was inspired by ‘Writing Through Fences’ where Australians and people in Immigration detentions became pen pals. 2/7
The intentions of this campaign are to: give Tharnicaa and Kopika a voice; raise awareness of Australia’s cruel and unlawful refugee policy; create a way they have thousands of messages of support; and humanise those we have too often been conditioned to see as a threat. 3/7
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Feb 23rd 2021
Fazel Chegeni wanted 'nothing but peace'. Instead he died alone in Australia's island prison. Ian Rintoul, said Chegeni’s death was “another needless detention death, this time of a refugee who should never have been in detention.” 1/16 #GameOver #TimeForAHome #Auspol
“The delay in processing and releasing him is inexcusable. He is a victim of the punitive regime detention regime that cares nothing for the human rights of asylum seekers and refugees,” he said. 2/16
More than 700 pages of the Faili Kurd’s immigration department file show how Fazel Chegeni was trapped in a bureaucracy that did not care for him. Over four years, scores of people within Australia’s immigration department pleaded on Chegeni’s behalf for him to be helped. 3/16
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Feb 22nd 2021
The Forgotten Children: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2014: This inquiry investigated how immigration detention affects the health, well-being and development of children. 1/8 #GameOver #TimeForAHome #EndChildDetention #RaiseTheAge #HomeToBilo #Auspol
The inquiry also assessed whether Australia’s laws, policies and practices for children in immigration detention were consistent with its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 2/8 #GameOver #TimeForAHome #EndChildDetention #RaiseTheAge #HomeToBilo #Auspol
Overarching finding: prolonged, mandatory detention of asylum seeker children causes significant mental and physical illness and developmental delays, in breach of Australia’s international obligations. 3/8 #GameOver #TimeForAHome #EndChildDetention #RaiseTheAge #HomeToBilo
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Feb 20th 2021
It’s time to #EndChildDetention for Tharnicaa and Kopika, to #RaiseTheAge of the incarceration of children from 10 to 14 years, and it’s #TimeForAHome for those who came to Australia escaping danger and instead were detained indefinitely for never ending years. 1/10 #HomeToBilo
Australia went before the United Nations Human Rights Council for its Universal Periodic Review in Jan, 2021. Over 40 countries criticised Australia’s refugee policy, that Australia’s abandoned it’s human rights responsibilities. 2/10 #GameOver #EndChildDetention #HomeToBilo
27 countries urged Australia to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 10 to at least 14 years. Australia's age policy disproportionately affects Indigenous children who may already have inter-generational trauma. 3/10 #GameOver #EndChildDetention #RaiseTheAge
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Feb 9th 2021
The #TimeForAHome coalition will present this petition to parliament next week requesting the immediate release of people seeking asylum and refugees from detention and into a safe home by World Refugee Day. Please sign:
1/9 #Auspol #GameOver #HomeToBilo
“We call on the Government to immediately release people seeking asylum and refugees from immigration detention facilities, and commit to their resettlement in a safe, permanent home by World Refugee Day, 20 June 2021.”2/9
No matter where we’re from/how we got here, everyone needs a safe place to call home. For the past 7 years, successive governments have enacted harmful policies against people seeking asylum, including the indefinite detention of everyone who arrived by boat after July 2013.  3/9
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Nov 14th 2020
The detention of men who sought safety on our shores is shocking. We must take action. The Government takes silence as acceptance.

A thread on how to TAKE ACTION to stand in solidarity who those detained, and demand the Government immediately release people from detention 👇
Drive past Mantra (Melb) & Kangaroo Point (Bris), honk your horn. Don't underestimate the impact of this

Call your local MP and urge them to add their voice to pressure the Government.

Join one of the daily in person actions at #mantra - 3pm weekdays, 5pm Sat/Sun
Contact Accor hotels (who own Mantra) and tell them you will not use their hotels until they stop accepting $ to detain people in hotels. There is no business in abuse.

Sign the petition for urgent release - people have been detained FOR OVER 7 years.
Read 5 tweets

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