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Jun 27th 2020
@Eleven_Films) tweeted at 11:04 PM on Tue, Feb 04, 2020:
BREAKING: Remember America? We do.
@ProjectLincoln) tweeted at 8:21 PM on Sat, Jun 27, 2020:
Putin paid a bounty to kill American soldiers. @realDonaldTrump knew about it but did nothing. How can Trump lead America when he can't even defend it?
A Guide to Treason 2.0… via @rpbp

🔴#TreasonIsTheReason for
Read 16 tweets
May 11th 2018
You must remember that the secret to all of this is not to be afraid of fear. When you can really allow yourself to be afraid, and you don't resist the experience of fear, you are truly beginning to master fear.
The stage is set
Actors are a running to the dark corners like roaches in the light
The ones that are the loudest are the main characters as no one can be that deceived
It's raining #TheRainMakers
Here comes the PAIN! #PatriotsFight
God's in Control
#WWG1WGA #KAG #GreatAwakening
Thread by @_VachelLindsay_
1. I have no doubt that Obama will be indicted and found guilty of at least THREE major felonies, just from his central involvement in the framing of Donald J Trump
@threadreaderapp #ObamaGate #MAGA #WWG1WGA #QAnon #LockThemUp…
Read 139 tweets
Jan 31st 2018
🔥TRUTH🔥 @CIA Pompeo met with his Russian handler, SANCTIONED SVR Naryshkin, whose job is to place spies within US & UK Govt‼️ Trump @GOP & Pompeo follow orders and release “boogey man Kremlin List” 💀 instead of Election Sanctions💥#TreasonIsTheReason…
💥The people of the United States, through their elected officials, voted 515-5 for sanctions on Russia. 🤔Trump chose Putin over America💥 The 5 who voted against sanctions👇
🕵🏻‍♂️ Naryshkin, head of SVR, is equivalent to MI6. It’s responsible for all foreign intel outside RU - including moles in long term, deep cover espionage rings in places like the CIA & NSA 💼 📝…
Read 12 tweets
Nov 23rd 2017
🔥A video call was made to Putin on Nov 11th 2013‼️ Look at animated faces around laptop. Putin was on that screen🔥🔥🔥
🔥Phil Ruffin w Trump and Emin, was introduced to his Miss Ukranian wife by Trump. They were married in ‘08. She was 27yrs - Ruffin was 73🔥
💥Guess what @realDonaldTrump⁉️ There are tapes and video of your crimes, collusion, obstruction and kompromat💥
Read 21 tweets

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