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🧵 Living and exercising with #DID #ukrunchat
3 weeks ago we pushed the pace whilst out running. Hadn’t done any speed work or hills etc for months as was too worried about my injury prone body. Had several months of steady miles & strength training under my belt & felt ready.
My head was beyond full from everything we are managing - marriage breakdown, prospect of moving home, menopause and of course living with #DissociativeIdentityDisorder - The symptoms for which are just so vast and debilitating that we are too exhausted to try and explain.
That Saturday morning we NEEDED to run hard. Had our mind set on max perceived effort, an out and back of 20 mins each way & ran alongside an experienced and fast runner. So this is where the ability to dissociate becomes dangerous and some might say was an act of #SelfHarm
Read 23 tweets
We're excited to be hosting today's @ukrunchat hour!

If you're into running, head over to their channel now to join in 💚
@UKRunChat Who was lucky enough to get a place in the London Marathon ballot? If not, which Spring event will be you’re “A” race? 💚
@UKRunChat #ukrunchat
@UKRunChat What's your 2nd favourite hobby and does it compliment your running? Or is it something completely different? 🤔
@UKRunChat #ukrunchat
Read 7 tweets
📌Running 🏃🏻‍♂️ is one of the most demanding forms of endurance exercise in terms of energy spent/minute. Let’s see how Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) training helps runners in building an endurance.
Before that, to understand how endurance is core part of marathon training, read/save my precious thread here:
➡️What if you’re asked to chose between a chopper 🚁 Vs turbo jet engine aircraft 🛫 to make fastest circles around the earth? Obviously a wise human would choose the turbojet aircraft, right? MAF is all about building the bigger aerobic engine to enable us run faster 💨
Read 19 tweets
I was asked a brilliant Q today in an online chat with some newly qualified coaches.

What’s the key to success in endurance sports??

A thread……


#ukrunchat #uktrichat #success #endurance #physio
It didn’t take me long to answer to be honest, I think it’s the same secret for all sports (and life in general!)

the key is simply to be consistent over a prolonged period - sustained / maintained consistency.

The successful athletes, and by that I mean relative success to the individual, not necessarily podium finishes per se, is that they are world class at doing the basics, rather than being basic at the world class things.

Read 11 tweets
Just thought I’d share this study again in response to a patients Q earlier today regarding running in one shoe only vs rotating multiple pairs.

I’m a big fan of rotating between multiple “different” types of shoes to “ spread the load”.

1/4 #ukrunchat #run #Shoes #physio
We can’t remove forces and physics but we can be smart with them.

It’s a strategy I use myself.

Of course there are runners who use one pair and don’t get injured as well, there’s far more to this puzzle than simply changing shoes as I talk about often,

but maybe, for some, it’s something to think about trying alongside appropriate training and recovery.

It’s a far from perfect paper, as many are, and other confounders may apply but it’s a tactic some may wish to apply.

Read 4 tweets
Many endurance athletes will be looking forward to returning to group and club sessions.

It’s an exciting time, it’s been too long for most of us since we trained together, with friends and team mates.

1/6 @IronmanAthletes #UKRunChat #UKTriChat
But please take a moment to just assess where you are as an athlete right now?

We’ve probably all grown tired of that phrase “the new normal”, but it’s actually appropriate here when we think about returning to group sessions.

Have you done more, less, or stayed the same over the last 12 months?

Are you the same athlete as the one who attended the last sessions?

Are the people you plan to train with the same?

Read 6 tweets
Equalising race distances for men and women in XC - a statistical analysis 📊📈

▪️I’m not an expert, just an athlete with nothing better to do
▪️This data was pulled from publicly available sources
▪️This is only a case study, not a comprehensive investigation
CASE STUDY: Scottish National XC Champs 2011-2020 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Reasons for choosing this race:
▪️Encapsulates both mass participation and elite competition in one race
▪️Recently equalised race distances for senior men and women, providing sufficient data pre- and post- distance change

1️⃣ Participation
2️⃣ Duration of race (w/ regards to officials & time for slowest runners)
3️⃣ Race excitement (w/ regards to spectators & race for title/medals)
4️⃣ Race quality (w/ regards to participation levels from elite to good club level athletes)
Read 22 tweets
Following my previous Tweet & the interesting debates.
Do you use @Strava?
Comments welcome on reasons for and against. Personally, I don't use it because it taps into my addictive/obsessive training behaviors.
Read 4 tweets

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