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May 27th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Steven Brust's "Tsalmoth"; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ The Tor Books cover for Ste...
I'm at @HTLGIFestival in #HayOnWye:

28/5 1130h: The AI Enigma…

29/5 12h: Danger and Desire at the Frontier…

Next, #Oxford!

29/5: @blackwelloxford's 1930h w/@TimHarford:…

2/ Image
Steven Brust's "Tsalmoth": Swords, sorcery and swooning romance, in a series that is tantalyzingly close to completion.

3/ Image
Read 21 tweets
Oct 17th 2021
We stand in #Solidarity with our Workers in the #Unions & this is the only way to have a say in our Working Environment by #WorkingTogether & doing a #Strike!
People like us, who've been arguing against the broken Gears & For-profit exploitation of #Capitalism, comes in to help.
We're in a #SocietalCollapse as the Full Stop & Endgame of #Capitalism's Growth has begun! We need Calls & Movements for a "Great Transition" from this broken #Dystopia where we have a #ClimateCrisis, #HousingCrisis, #Pandemic, #EvictionCrisis, #HealthcareCrisis,...
#BiodiversityCrisis, etc.
As the system focuses on #Economic Growth, #Corporate Interest & Businesses First while exploiting the #Labor who are treated like hell & not paid a #LivingWage nor anything while everything to basically live is practically an Expense under #Capitalism.
Read 27 tweets
Apr 12th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/12/2021…
The Weekly Quill – The Hope Diamond in the Rough…

#history #diamonds #mining
You Might Have Earned It, But Don’t Forget That Your Wealth Came from Society…

#wealth #SocialInstitutions #value #InformationProcessing #profit #power #responsibility
Read 10 tweets

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