We stand in #Solidarity with our Workers in the #Unions & this is the only way to have a say in our Working Environment by #WorkingTogether & doing a #Strike!
People like us, who've been arguing against the broken Gears & For-profit exploitation of #Capitalism, comes in to help.
#BiodiversityCrisis, etc.
As the system focuses on #Economic Growth, #Corporate Interest & Businesses First while exploiting the #Labor who are treated like hell & not paid a #LivingWage nor anything while everything to basically live is practically an Expense under #Capitalism.
When workers, like the 4.3 Million workers who quit their jobs, had done this. Then that would possibly give them a say by putting pressure on their bosses to finally acknowledge them & give them a say in cooperation to have decent pay, than view them as just drones!
So it's HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO EVERYONE, that we encourage everyone to join in on the cause to help bring #UnionSupport & #MutualAid! This is not just some small change, this is being in a Historic Moment in a Collapsing #Capitalist/#Dystopia right now.
(Some can be picky or too "Liberal", but they're highlighted because they're all a start to help bring a Revolutionary Change for Democratic Organizing & Inspiration in America & explain the Systematic Change that we want to bring to Americans in a Factual Ways...
As well, you can join in those Groups to make them more Further-left in the Branches where it's Liberal by working together & getting involved! Or attend a Meeting & see for yourself to make your decision on joining or not.)
Political Movements/Political Parties; @DNC *(For those who feel that it's more winnable, if your a #Socialist & are strategic to win in a Establishment Takeover *Optional*. I'll let people make their choices on who or how to join or run)*,...
Whether you decide on being one of the Two-Party or Third-Party option of Political Options. Even people can also help with #Unionization, #Protest Movements, On Ground Organizing & Advocacy for Specific Initiatives.
For example: People who are new to this #Election stuff, there are people who are advocating for #RankedChoiceVoting which is lead by @RankTheVoteUSA & @fairvote! Ever since Primaries & Elections, we'd desperately need to call for #ElectoralReform so more people get an equal say.
As well as helping to push for Direct #BallotInitiatives/#DirectDemocracy as well, in a Local & State level too! We can try to get our issues addressed & implemented in America like this.)
(If your a Writer, then you can publish Anti-#Capitalist Articles or Posts that give factual information of many Political Philosophies that are mostly over exaggerated, commonly #Communism, #Socialism & #Marxism, than what it actually is & means.
As well as discussing about the real consequences of living under #Capitalism & giving reasons to leaving it & transitioning to a New System. One that relies on a Post Growth Economic System that gives People the Means of Public Ownership & Production in the workforce...
& is only beneficial to not #Corporate Interest/Growth but Material Well-being that enhances both Humanity & the #Ecosystem/#Environment that it's conditions will be treated with the equity for our very nature of #Sustainability for the world, #Biodiversity & Planet as a whole...
Write for any audience that you can get. It isn't easy, but you can host your work online!)
Other Ways;
Videos/Podcasts: If you can edit Videos or make daily Podcasts, then make a Channel online to discuss about the current situation & solutions you want to give out.
Read Political Philosophers Books/Written Work or Online Communities: To know what other people have done & warn about for the future. Whether that's in Books or Online within a #Community!
Participate in the Movements Near You: Join in #Protests, help #FeedTheHomeless or those in the Demonstrating in Sit In's, Protests, #Strikes, Things of the that Matter.
For Artists: You can create/paint/draw #Posters & #Flyers for a Local Groups/Organizations/Protest Movements or Simply to promote #Socialist or #AntiCapitalist Ideas.
Writers & Speakers: Write &/or Speak for the Audience you can get. Again, It isn't always easy to write or speak for an audience to get, but it's worth to still speak out & give out ideas & solutions. Even Online as well!
Medical Aid: If you have #Medical/#FirstAid skills, then you can help out when protesters are injured in a #Protest/Peaceful Demonstration.
Speak at Local Government Meetings, Elect & Donate Local Progressive Leaders that you believe will represent you or simply Run yourself in for Office!
The Possibilities are endless, if you can find one thing that makes sense to you. Then do it! Just please be Active & push for changes than checking out of the System & doing nothing as things gets worse. Because that's what the Elites want all of us to do! #PeoplePoweredPolitics
He's a Fucking War Criminal, a Torturer, a Liar & a Murderer!!!
That Fucker lied us in the #IraqWar at the U.N. holding a Vial saying Saddam Hussein has "Weapons of Mass Destruction" & @TheBushCenter said, "The US cannot wait for final proof in the form of a mushroom cloud..."
#ColinPowell held up a Vial of what he claims as "Yellow Cake Uranium" cynically, as the Bush Administration without any Evidence to support their statement, went in & overthrew #Iraq which lead the death of 100,000 or more deaths of Iraqi People! Women, Men, Elderly, Children...
Colin Powell's wrongful Lie lead us into an Illegal & Offensive War by his Actions!! This Cocksucker isn't an Inspirational Hero @JamaalBowmanNY! Do you call Mass Murders & Torturing of Civilians who did nothing wrong an "Inspiration"? What your doing is rehabilitating people...
This was what I worried would happen with @Booker4KY. Not be on the offensive with @RandPaul, who's an abysmal, but only on the defensive when need to. Just like the @KyDems always do, which is a losing strategy. But Booker's running on policies that are materially popular!!!
Here's a fun fact about running in an election... If you run as an Aggressive & Offensive Candidate with Policies that help the People & their Material Well-being, then you win.
Here's how I know; In the 2015 Midterms, @AlanGrayson of the @FlaDems, he won with no problem. He was unapologetic when being a "#Progressive", stands up with his Principles & goes for the Jugular in Political Ads at his Opponents on how their Policies are Wrong, Evil & Bad &...
I mean from a Self-declared "#Libertarian", who seriously isn't he's #SocialConservative at best, it's not hard to dig up dirt on @RandPaul of his Voting Records. Like the 2016 Tax Bill that gave more money to the #Rich, Supports Banning #Abortion (which isn't Libertarian),...
Opposes #LGBTQIA Rights like Same Sex Marriage & wanted it to be banned, Rand is inconsistent on #MilitarySpending of sometimes leaning to not for it or for it in offensive wars (which many Libertarians call that out & believe in Defense of a Direct Threat of an Attack)...