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It was Justice Hugo Black who said, “In the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors.” #WorldPressFreedomDay #WPFD2019
George Mason said: “The freedom of the press is one of the greatest bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic governments.” #WorldPressFreedomDay
Senator John McCain said: “That’s how dictators get started. When you look at history, the first thing that dictators do is shut down the press.” #WorldPressFreedomDay
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On #WorldPressFreedomDay we recognize that a free, independent press is essential to democracy. When government leaders act to stifle the speech of journalists or retaliate against the media for its coverage, we must recognize it as an attack on all of our freedoms. #WPFD2019
When President Trump initiated a government review to raise postal rates to punish @amazon, owner of the @washingtonpost, because he didn’t like their coverage of him, that was an attack on #PressFreedom #WPFD2019
When President Trump directed DOJ enforcement actions against media companies, including @CNN’s parent company Time Warner, because their coverage displeased him, that was an attack on #PressFreedom #WPFD2019
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In zwei Monaten beginnen die Aktionstage #PolitischeBildung. Erinnert wird bei den #atpb19 auch der GrĂĽndung des Europarats vor 70 Jahren.
Der Europarat ist die älteste und größte zwischenstaatliche Organisation Europas.
Abb./Logo ad #CoE70 | #Europarat70:… Image
Die Aktionstage Politische Bildung wurden mit Blick auf das „European Year of Citizenship through Education 2005“ sowie als öst. Beitrag zum Europaratsprojekt „Education for #DemocraticCitizenship“ ins Leben gerufen und 2003 erstmals durchgeführt.… #atpb19
70 mal #Europarat
Lesen Sie hier aus Anlass #CoE70 | #Europarat70 ab morgen tägl. bis zum #Europatag in 70 Tagen
> Geschichten aus der Geschichte des Europarats, Wissenswertes ĂĽber Arbeitsfelder & Programme, Infos zu Menschen und Einrichtungen u.v.m.
@AlexanderWojda @Europarat_DE
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