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Jul 23rd 2019
the #YellowVestsCanada group in #HamOnt says they don't condone the far-right extremists' attack on Hamilton Pride last month. here's one of the attackers (John aka Ylli Radovicka) commenting a slur on a YV's post, followed by another YV threatening violence against LGBTQ people.
more about John Mark Moretti (real name is Ylli Radovicka):
Read 5 tweets
Jun 28th 2019

1. Seems that there’s a fascist music festival happening. Or, at the very least, a music festival being organized by fascists.

I feel like @bifnaked needs to be aware of the following information before participating with such an event.

#cdnpoli #cdnmedia
2. We’ll start off by saying that fundraising for veterans is admirable, yet there’s no indication of where any funds raised are actually going.
3. The organizer is Eric Brazeau. If that name is familiar, that’s because he was featured a few years ago by @vicecanada for his involvement with the Soldiers of Odin, and then Northern Guard - two ultranationalist patriot groups whose entire foundation is Finnish neo-nazism.
Read 20 tweets
Jun 16th 2019
1. Thanks to helpful footage from #YellowVestsCanada / PEGIDA / ex Canadian Combat Coalition VP Boswick, here are some isolated clips of unprovoked strikes and assaults against anti-fascists and activists from #HamOnt in Gage Park.

#cdnpoli #onpoli #cdnmedia #pride
2. Here’s hate preacher John Mark Moretti punching an anti-fascist, unprovoked.
3. Here’s a past tweet of a clip featuring Boswick and Moretti after they harassed Dunnville #pride.

Read 14 tweets
May 12th 2019
Yesterday Islamophobes Peter Salemi, Mary Forrest, Leigh Stuart, and other members of #YellowVestsCanada attempted a protest on a bridge in the GTA.

Cops told them to move off the bridge and a full on hissy fit commenced. /1

#cdnpoli #onpoli #cdnmedia
Salemi : “notice they’re Muslim cops?”

I thought Islam wasn’t a race. How can he tell they’re Muslim?

Oh. They’re brown. /2

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli #cdnmedia #onpoli
Here are some of the comments on Salemi’s live feed. There are other videos, with other comments, but fuck if I’ll spend any more time on these cretins. /3

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli #onpoli #cdnmedia
Read 11 tweets
Apr 13th 2019
There are roughly a dozen more #yellowvestscanada pages operating under the name “RIC Alliance,” and variations for provinces & territories.

At first glance they seem a little better, until you see whose content is being shared. Content from hate groups and De Jure. #cdnpoli /1
What is De Jure about? Well, the usual. Conspiracies, bigotry, and radicalization, with a who’s who in the Canadian hate scene.

There’s also roughly a dozen De Jure pages. /2

#yellowvestscanada #cdnpoli
Here is the About section on the main page, De Jure Canada /3
Read 10 tweets
Apr 6th 2019
You’ve probably noticed shares from Prairie Freedom Movement, or their offshoots/websites. They’ve installed pro-separatist billboards in AB, SK, and MB.

Their messaging includes anti-globalist, anti-UN, & anti-Islam sentiments. #cdnpoli #abpoli #mbpoli #skpoli

Their support for #yellowvestscanada is obvious. /2
PFM shared numerous live feeds from the #unitedweroll convoy /3
Read 26 tweets
Apr 5th 2019
Remember earlier today when @leaderpost reported on Friesen and he said this, about his @Facebook group United Yellow Vests Canada? /1

#yellowvestscanada #cdnpoli
I thought I’d help @leaderpost out by sharing some of the posts near the top of the page, on United Yellow Vests Canada as of this evening.

Here we go. /2

#yellowvestscanada #cdnpoli
To start, a post intended to look recent, but actually about a case , and story, from 2016 and earlier. It was covered both nationally by @CBCNews and locally by @mtlgazette.

It’s critical to note Chalhoub arrived in 2007 - under Harper’s leadership

Read 8 tweets
Mar 31st 2019

I noticed this today, and realized we’ve been neglecting Pat King and Jay Riedel, and their “town halls” across SK and AB (so far.) /1

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
They were #UnitedWeRoll organizers, and they appear to have capitalized on their popularity, complete with merchandise for sale, under their new project “Rollin’ With Pat and Jay.” Here’s a sample of the kind of stuff they post. /2

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Note that the first screenshot in the previous tweet is the rebranded Nfld YV page.

This is funny: an entirely unrelated Compact from 2015, but hey, let’s feed that UN conspiracy garbage a bit more.

Their page and group are just an echo of YVC /3

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Read 47 tweets
Mar 25th 2019
Given today’s news about Khadr, we expected quite a reaction on #YellowVestsCanada.

They didn’t disappoint. Here are some of the worst reactions and threats.


More reactions/threats on Khadr. /2

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Some more reactions and threats. /3

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Read 14 tweets
Mar 20th 2019
#YellowVestsCanada members are upset that they can't share the video of the #NewZealandTerroristAttack, so much so that it's a government conspiracy to protect the videos credibility.
@facebook allows this.
More comments. The black rectangles are blocking still captures of the video. You bet your ass I reported that.
These comments stuck out for me as particularly gross and heinous, so I looked into them a little further:

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpol
Read 8 tweets
Mar 17th 2019
On #YellowVestsCanada they’re engaged in a fantasy discussion on civil war. They want to wage war against Islam.

Folks, this is radicalization. This is how terrorists are made. This is how the NZ shooter felt.

Some of these comments are after #Christchurch


I have highlighted the worst comments with red arrows.

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
calls for civil war against Islam. #YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Read 9 tweets
Mar 15th 2019
1/2 The reactions to #Christchurch have started on #YellowVestsCanada.

Thomas Lindberg is applauding. Luke Lafleur is indifferent.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 12th 2019
#YellowVestsCanada members were already discussing Omar Khadr's purchase of a strip mall on March 4th. We found out about this last week and decided not to publish the information due to threats of the mall being burned down.
#YellowVestsCanada members have replied with more #Islamophobia, threats against Khadr, and against the property where one of the lease holders is a day care.
Apparently @TheRebelTV and @SheilaGunnReid didn't consider people's safety might be put at risk by publishing this information. Pretty sad when some smart ass with Twitter account has more integrity than a media company with world wide reach.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 17th 2019
1. It seems #YellowVestsCanada and convoy supporters feel threatened enough to go and harass the fine people of FF1 for meeting them on the highway last night in Manitoba. Guess that freeze peach only works one way #cdnpoli
2. What’s interesting is the admission that Free Bird Media is on the convoy, in a seemingly official capacity. We know that UWR admin and organizer Carl Edward Fleury works with FBM sometimes, and we haven’t touched on that much yet.
3. Free Bird Media is an extremist, anti-Muslim “news” outfit (lol) run by, well, radicals. The kind Glen Carritt says aren’t welcome on his convoy. You can read more about FBM and their leader, Alex Van Hamme, here:…
Read 6 tweets
Feb 13th 2019
1. Rick Boswick, admin of the YVC Ottawa page, is a well known bigot & VP of the Canadian Combat Coalition. He is a staunch supporter of the convoy & YVC. He also posted a horrific video of him and some friends harassing people on the street @ Ottawa Winterfest Pride. #cdnpoli
2. In the video, he and some Neanderthal friend descended upon people just trying to enjoy their day to yell about sodomy and Jesus. Participants included Derek Storie, whose @facebook profile shows he supports YVC, the Convoy, CCC, and is friends with organizers and supporters.
3. Both are heavily associated with convoy participants and organizers, like Carl Fleury and Guy Annable, and have a decent sized number of bigots as friends, including Sandra Solomon, Bill Whatcott, Brad Salzberg (Cultural Action Party) and Steven Myatt.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 5th 2019
Last month the #YellowVestsCanada convoy to Ottawa changed it's name in order to be 'more inclusive', and 'focus on a pro-pipeline message'. We believe this is a front, in order to divert from the negative attention that YVC receives due to their ties to extremists and racists.
Glen Carritt organized the convoy and started the GoFundMe(please report) yet he is still a member of the main YVC Facebook group (the one with the bigoted and violent rhetoric). He also 'likes' YVC Red Deer.
7 of the 9 admins of the convoy Facebook group still have YVC ties.
2 admins of the convoy group still members of the main Yellow Vest Canada group.
Read 24 tweets

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