I noticed this today, and realized we’ve been neglecting Pat King and Jay Riedel, and their “town halls” across SK and AB (so far.) /1
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli

This is funny: an entirely unrelated Compact from 2015, but hey, let’s feed that UN conspiracy garbage a bit more.
Their page and group are just an echo of YVC /3
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli

Riedel is the organizer of the Estevan #YellowVestsCanada
Here are some of his social media posts. /4

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Glad you asked. I sat through a 2.5 hour video of one from Drayton Valley to find out.
I’ll include time stamps at points of interest. /8
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Interesting. /9

Here’s a live feed of his from when that went down: bit.ly/2I3ipcQ
As well as screenshots.
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli

Why wouldn’t he want to mention this in the town hall?
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
This is a consistent theme throughout. It’s eerily similar to what’s happening in the US.
0:21:33 - “mainstream media pits east against west.”
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Of course, there was no mention of that in the town hall.
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Blames media for not covering that.
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Here it is: bit.ly/2YDZMCh
Discussion centres on immigration, Canadian values, asylum seekers.
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Claims they were shut down “left and right” in Ottawa. This is untrue. We were there.
Claims they’re going after @CBCNews for defamation and misrepresentation
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Uh, sure. /27
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli

#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Attendee: “The UN.”
King: chucked, “The UN.”
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
(This is a complex issue and can’t simply be boiled down to that)
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
1) bullshit. They were there after you left
2) you said earlier they were paid because they didn’t come back /32
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
“These people are uneducated.”
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
“RCMP and OPP absolutely loved us.”
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Didn’t he just say that they’re all YV when he read Friesen’s speech?
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
1:55:00 - attendee says “this is our D-Day; encourages people to support the conservatives.”
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Compares it to the Hunger Games
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
Attendee: “sinister!”
States refugees are leaving compounds and hitchhiking to cities, never to be seen again.
#YellowVestsCanada #cdnpoli
King is arrogant and full of himself to the nth degree.
Call this shit out at every possible turn.