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Heroic Strength and Devotion: #Azovstal Defenders - Captive Patriots
Today, we want to share the story of incredible bravery and selflessness - the story of the captive defenders of Azovstal.
📸 by Mariupol defender and Azov Regiment's photographer Dmytro (Orest) Kozatsky Image
These indomitable patriots have shown that true devotion to the Motherland is not dependent on the circumstances you find yourself in. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
Azovstal was one of the largest metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine, located in Mariupol. Now it is destroyed after regular 🇷🇺 missile attacks while people were hiding in the bomb shelters there.
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Russia often claims that Russia is the only country that fought against Nazism and won World War II. However, the reality is that the war affected 61 countries, from 50 to 75 million people were killed. 1/4
Among them are 8-10 million Ukrainians who were affected by the war as civilians and soldiers. This war is a huge tragedy for the whole world and people honor it under the slogan "Never again". 2/4

Photo: Kyiv after the WW2 Image
In its turn, Russia repeats history and begins a new cruel war in Europe invading Ukraine, occupying its territories, and threatening the world with nuclear weapons. "Remembering the feat of granddads" is just a guise for 🇷🇺 imperialist actions, occupation, and war crimes. 3/4
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To win a war an army should be motivated. The Ukrainian Army has the strongest motivation possible - saving Ukraine and its people. The way the leadership of a country treats an army is also important. Ukrainian and Russian leaderships show striking differences here. 1/6
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy regularly visits defenders of Ukrainian right near the frontline. His last visit was to Avdiivka on April, 18, just 4 km from the battlefield. 2/6
That's how the leader of the state acts. Despite the risks, he boosts the morale of those who are fighting for the existence of Ukraine. 3/6
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The Counter-offensive by the Armed Forces of #Ukraine is a strategic operation thoroughly planned by the Ukrainian command. Its aim is the liberation of Ukrainian territories taken by #Russian invaders. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
Every step of the operation, its operational goals, directions, and dates of beginning and ending are up to the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and depend on the current situation on the ground. #RussiaUkraineWar
There are lots of insinuations about when why, and how it's going or not going to happen. It's very important to remember that #Russian propaganda is active in creating many of such insinuations. #Ukrainecounteroffensive
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The statement "Russia is a victim of the West" is a common propaganda tactic used by the #Russian officials to justify its aggressive actions and deflect criticism from its own actions. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
While it is true that Russia has faced significant challenges and hardships over the years, including economic sanctions and political isolation, it is important to recognise that Russia's own actions have contributed to these difficulties.
#Russia has been involved in numerous conflicts and military interventions, including annexing Crimea, support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine, military operations in Syria, the war in Georgia and a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. #RussiaisATerroistState
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#RussiaUkraneWar doesn't stop business: More new businesses are opened in Ukraine than closed. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
As of the beginning of April 2023, the number of registered individual entrepreneurs is almost 2 million, and there are more than 1.2 million companies. It is worth noting that new open cases fully compensated closed individual entrepreneurs this year.
And the number of newly registered companies is 5.6 times greater than that of businesses that have stopped working. #UkraineWillWin
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Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant, located in southeastern Ukraine, is one of Europe's largest nuclear power plants and is critical to Ukraine's energy security. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
However, almost since the #Russian full-scale invasion, the plant has been under illegal occupation by Russian-backed forces. This occupation poses a significant threat to the safety of the plant's workers and the region's security and stability. #RussiaIsATerroristState
The potential for an accident or sabotage at the plant could lead to catastrophic consequences not only for Ukraine and the world. 🇷🇺 propaganda media in advance, write about the attempts of 🇺🇦 troops to seize the ZNPP, forgetting that the plant is located on Ukrainian territory. Image
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Prohibilitons to sleep, sit and bathe, beatings and constant moral pressure, tortures, absence of normal food and medical help, threats of rape, sexual violence - these are the realities that Ukrainian women have to face in #Russian captivity. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
There cases of humiliation when women were forcefully shaved or were threatened to cut off or burn their hands because of pro-#Ukrainian tattoos.
Declaring respect for "traditional values" and "care for women", Russian troops rape Ukrainian women in occupied territories and torture those who go to defend their country or just have a pro-Ukrainian position. #RussiaIsATerroristState
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After #Russia's annexation of Crimea and its subsequent aggression in #Ukraine, numerous industrial plants, factories, and infrastructure were destroyed. #AgainstRussianLies #UW_InfoWatch
The Azovstal in Mariupol was one of them. The factory was shelled by the #Russian, causing damage to the equipment, buildings, and production lines. Last year, the Russian authorities claimed that they were willing to participate in rebuilding, including the industrial plants.
However, this rhetoric has not translated into action. The reconstruction of the Azovstal factory and other damaged industrial plants is crucial for the region's economic recovery, but it seems that Russia is not willing to contribute to this effort. #RussiaUkraineWar️
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The news on Russian television again accused that "the Ukrainian side attacked Donbas". For so many years, we have become accustomed to lies and manipulations in the media space of the aggressor country. But that's a higher level of cynicism... #AgainstRussianLies #UW_InfoWatch Image
However, a recent news broadcast on one of the propaganda channels Russia 1 once again exposed the true nature of this country. The video footage showed another "attack by Ukraine on peaceful civilians".
However, to create this story, propagandists used video footage of the aftermath of a missile strike by Russia on #Uman.
Screenshot from Suspilne Image
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If there is no significant success, "imagine it and threaten the world with nuclear weapons" - this could have been a central idea of today`s Russia politics. 1/4 #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
As long as Russia begins to lose its blackmail influence, it begins to appeal to nuclear weapons. This happened after the increasing of amount of military help for Ukraine and decision to supply it with tanks. 2/4
This happened when Ukraine began to de-occupy its territories in Kharkiv and Kherson regions. This is happening now when Ukraine and the West don`t agree with ""peaceful plans"" according to Russia`s interest. 3/4 #RussiaIsCollapsing
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#Russian wishful thinking presents its stance on the global arena as invulnerable. Russian leaders tend to underestimate the negative effects of sanctions or ignore the fact that Russia is becoming a pariah. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies 1/4
They are trying to show an alternative geostrategic power structure, where the West doesn't play any role, but #Russia is in the center of new pole attracting Asian and African states. Is it really so? 2/4
📌Is it possible to create an alternative order in the global world where connections between all the players are too tight?
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#Russia is hysterical about the UK's statement about providing #Ukraine with munitions with depleted uranium. Russian leadership keeps shouting about including nuclear component into the war from the NATO side. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies 1/4
They also say about "considerable damage to people and environment because of the radiation". But that's only propaganda. What the munitions with depleted uranium are in fact? They don't have anything to do with nuclear or chemical weapons. 2/4
Such munitions aren't prohibited by the UN and can be found in service with number of countries including #Russia itself (using them on the battlefield). 3/4
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After the beginning of the full-scale #RussiaUkraineWar, 🇷🇺 authorities took orphans or children left without parental care from the occupied regions of 🇺🇦 to 🇷🇺, without the consent of the Ukrainian authorities or relatives of such children. 1/6 #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
In addition, it was reported that in the occupied Crimea and several regions of Russia, children who went there with the consent of their parents are kept in children's camps, but now the parents cannot take them back. 2/6
In May 2022, Putin signed a decree simplifying the granting of Russian citizenship to Ukrainian children, which opens the way for their adoption in Russia. 3/6 #RussianWarCrimes #RussiaIsATerroristState
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An “authoritarian axis” is trying to regain strategic momentum in the wake of the Russian invasion into Ukraine. 1/4 #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
During Russian-Chinese negotiations, Putin stated that the Russian Federation advocates using Chinese yuan when trading with countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. 2/4
Perhaps this is due to the fact that the list of sanctioned goods for trade with the EU is so large, as well as the political price of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, that Russia has to agree to the currency colonization of another state. 3/4
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Partners continue to provide support to #Ukraine, including weapons. #Ukraine highly values the project of the European Defense Agency signed on March 20 regarding the joint production of 155-calibre ammunition. 1/5 #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
"As of now, 19 EU MSs and Norway have already joined this project. That is 20 countries that will be involved in one way or another in the joint production of the 155-calibre ammunition, which is extremely necessary for Ukraine," Ukraine’s FM Dmytro Kuleba. 2/5
The minister emphasised that this is a "really revolutionary step", as all these countries will work to make the aid to Ukraine with shells become strategic. 3/5 #ArmUkraineNow
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The killer came to the crime scene. The visit of Russia`s President Putin to Mariupol is nothing more than a bloody performance. However, there was nothing except staged meetings with people in the staged scenery of ""rebuilt houses"". 1/5
#InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
Thousands of killed civilians destroyed buildings and infrastructure, looted cultural sites, deportations, erasing of evidence of war crimes and filtration remained beyond the footage of the Russian propagandistic broadcasts. 2/5
Mariupol drama theatre also remained behind the Putin`s visit - instead it was destroyed and only the inscription children on the road reminds about terrific Russia`s war crime that killed hundreds of civilians who were hiding there from missiles and bombs. 4/5
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The self-proclaimed President of #Belarus 🇧🇾 , Alyaksandr #Lukashenka, made yet another derogatory comment about Ukraine's President Volodymyr #Zelenskyy. 1/5.

#InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
This time, he spoke about how Ukraine allegedly facilitated the sabotage of a #Russian A-50 airborne early warning & control aircraft operating from #Belarusian territory to monitor #Ukrainian airspace. 2/5
#Lukashenka believes that #Ukraine 🇺🇦 and the CIA were behind this incident, and that "there is only one conclusion [to take from the incident]: President #Zelenskyy is just a louse”. 3/5
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Lukashenka called Zelenskyy "a louse".
He also insulted other Belarusian neighbours, referring to Poland and Lithuania as "scumbags who are working against Belarus."
#UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
The self-proclaimed President of Belarus used such rhetoric, accusing Kyiv of alleged self-defence by facilitating the sabotage of a Russian A-50 AEW&C aircraft that was widely used in the ongoing war to control Ukraine's airspace.
Mocking Kyiv's earlier attempts to sign a nonaggression pact under the auspices of the UN, Lukashenka anyway stresses that Belarus won't enter the war. Noteworthy, he frequently uses the term “war” instead of Russia's term “special military operation.” It's a crime in Russia.
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People who support terror and aggression stand behind every terrorist state. #AgainstRussianLies #UW_InfoWatch 1/4
While 🇷🇺soldiers shell 🇺🇦 cities, attack civil infrastructure, commit war crimes against civilians and torture people with the pro-Ukrainian position in occupied territories, #Russian citizens keep supporting its actions as well as call for more violent attacks on Ukraine. 2/4
"Why should Kharkiv be bombed more than Lviv? Because Catholics and Bandera supporters live in Lviv, they always used to be the same." 3/4 #RussianWarCrimes Image
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What sanctions against 🇷🇺 were imposed in February, 2023?
The Ministry of Finance of 🇧🇪 has frozen 58 bln euros of 🇷🇺 assets. The ministry blocked 🇷🇺 financial transactions worth 191 bln euros, which concern 1,789 🇷🇺 companies and citizens. 1/5
🇬🇧 Foreign Secretary James Cleverley announced a new package of sanctions and trade measures against 🇷🇺, including a ban on the export of all goods used by 🇷🇺 on the battlefield in Ukraine. 2/5
Among them are aviation parts, radio equipment and electronic components that can be used by the 🇷🇺 military industry, including in the production of UAVs. The UK will also ban the import of 140 goods, including iron and steel products processed in third countries. 3/5
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By the end of March, EU military mission will train more than 11,000 servicemen of 🇺🇦. Another 30,000 soldiers of the AFU are planned to be trained by the end of the year. "Our mission will train more than 11,000 people by the end of March," Borrell said. 1/3
According to him, the mission of the EU will prepare crews for tanks that will be delivered to Ukraine from NATO member countries. Simultaneously, Russia insistently emphasises that NATO and the EU are training “fighters” for Kyiv. 2/3
It does not allow the possibility that these soldiers are protecting their country, citizens, relatives and friends and are not going to attack their neighbours, "offering them protection with weapons and blood on their hands. " Who is the real fighter? 3/3
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Countries have provided support during the year for Ukraine. The Kiel Institute for the World Economy has updated the aid tracker for Ukraine. According to the researchers, the USA leads the support, and Europe follows them. 1/4
The support tracker considers the military, financial and humanitarian aid promised and provided to 🇺🇦 since January 24, 2022. The report covers aid from 40 countries, in particular, 🇪🇺, 🇬🇧, 🇺🇸, 🇨🇦, 🇦🇺, 🇰🇷, 🇹🇷 et al. EU institutions appear in the report as separate donors. 2/4
Private donations and aid from the IMF are not included in the calculations. The largest financial donors are 🇪🇺 organisations and 🇺🇸. The entire amount provided by 🇺🇸 is a grant that does not need to be returned. Next on the list of allies are 🇬🇧 and 🇨🇦. 3/4
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What is a terrorist state? It's a state which shells appartment buildings and private houses, and as a result people of all ages - from little babies to elderlies - die unable to protect themselves. 1/4
It's a state which kills people who are trying to escape from the horrors of war this very state brought shooting directly at them or sending bombs to railways stations. It's a state which deprives people of normal conditions of life. 2/4
It's a state which loots, tortures, rapes, murders. It's a state which caused the tragedies of Bucha, Kharkiv, Izium, Kherson, Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia, Marinka, Bakhmut and many other cities and towns. 3/4
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