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Jun 7th 2023
Breaking! The whole news summary is in this thread!
Stay tuned and read!

New updates= New alpha

-Summarise news about DEFI and CZ!
- New projects and their evolving in bear market Image
/1 Pre-Alpha Testnet
Public #zkEVM and PoW #ZKP Mining in @OpsideZK (but Dapp and Bridge arnt working((
/2 Unfortunately, the Mint Square team is closing their project, access to smart contracts and the website will be open until June 30.

For those who don't remember, this is an NFT marketplace on StarkNet and zkSync.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
Хронологія теракту від російських терористів. Або як обісратись і розмазати гівно собі по обличчу.
О другій годині ночі, росіяни підривають Каховську ГЕС, але не бачать наскільки сильно. Не дуже видно, а світити і прилетіти може.
1. Росіяни ще думають, що вони акуратно підірвали невелику частину ГЄС і підтоплюють наших військових на островах. Гауляйтер Нової Каховки Леонтьев о 6:06 ранку каже що підрив ГЄС це бред. Ну типу ми не знаємо чого там піднялась вода. Image
Read 13 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
russians have blown up Kakhovska hydroelectric power station.…


Evacuation has started
Critical level of water will be in 5-6 hours.

This is an ecological catastrophe for the whole world.
18 million cubic meters of water
@UN it could be the biggest ecoside as Zaporizhya nuclear power plant’s uses the water reserves to cool down the nuclear reactors Image
#twitter is blocking my tweets on the topic

#NAFOfellas does someone experience the same? Image
Read 9 tweets
May 28th 2023
Исходником к работе послужило газетное фото бойца ETA - Euskadi Ta Askatasuna.
Баски, в первую очередь, это уникальный язык. И я сопоставляю борьбу басков с борьбой украинцев, как борьбу равноценную. Image
2/5 И в рф, тем кто не хочет быть рабом, предстоит индивидуация архетипа Партизана.
Не Террориста, потому что терроризм в России власть и оппозиция/протесты.
Партизан это Восстание. Против терроризма и стокгольмского синдрома. Image
3/5 Массовый политический протест в ландшафте рф - это вялотекущий, как шизофрения, теракт. Его шизостратегия - спровоцировать власть, обладающую в государстве правом на насилие и убийство, применять это насилие в отношении граждан рф.
Read 6 tweets
May 28th 2023
От White Rex тоже в Tg, вам отдельно @MID_RF .
💬После моего появления на первой странице испанской El Mundo, сильно порвался посол РФ в Испании, господин Клименко )
🖕 И пожелания ниже
>С учётом того количества интервью, которые я раздал за последние 48 часов, ждём подобных писулек от послов РФ в Турции, Италии, ФРГ, Франции, США, Польши, Дании, Великобритании…💬
@MID_RF @ElMundoEspana @elmundoes
Read 4 tweets
May 15th 2023
Hello everybody - let's get the show on the road for another week!

It's the original, the one & only daily🧵with all you need to know about what's happening in #Ukraine's defence against #Russia, which has reached day 446.

Catch up on Sunday's news here:
More very damaging losses for #Russia yesterday.

#Ukraine's figures show almost 7% of all destroyed artillery systems happened in the last 24 hours.

Vehicles, fuel tanks and special equipment also above the mean as well as killed soldiers.
#RussiansGoHome Image
The British update today questions #Russia's air defence.

It's always been a problem for Moscow after sending most of its domestic protection to #Ukraine, only to have to bring some back as #Kyiv shows more ability to hit long range targets.

#StandWithUkraine Image
Read 32 tweets
May 9th 2023
The statement "Russia is a victim of the West" is a common propaganda tactic used by the #Russian officials to justify its aggressive actions and deflect criticism from its own actions. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies
While it is true that Russia has faced significant challenges and hardships over the years, including economic sanctions and political isolation, it is important to recognise that Russia's own actions have contributed to these difficulties.
#Russia has been involved in numerous conflicts and military interventions, including annexing Crimea, support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine, military operations in Syria, the war in Georgia and a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. #RussiaisATerroistState
Read 7 tweets
May 9th 2023
Just waiting for the comedy show to begin. #VictoryinEuropeDay #Moscow #RussiaIsATerroristState Image
$5 that they stole those porta-potties from Ukraine. #VictoryinEuropeDay #Moscow #RussiaIsATerroristState ImageImage
They've moved more toilet stealing vans onto the road. #VictoryinEuropeDay #Moscow #RussiaIsATerroristState Image
Read 39 tweets
May 8th 2023
While #RussiaIsANaziState spent all night bombing us on eve of their 9 May myth, I use that time to deploy truth of this myth because this is all Russia has. Nothing else. Lies. #VictoryDay 🧵
1. Russia exists as nation of stolen cultures, people, achievements. This country is held together by myth of greatness that Russia alone defeated Nazi Germany. As you see even now, they lie about who they are and who everyone else is.
2. Without Russia there would have been no Nazis to defeat and no WWII to end. Russia funded German socialists also known as Nazis and provided resources in exchange for Nazi weapons:
“such as oil, grain, iron and phosphates.”…
Read 22 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023
In case you want to know about #Sudan and you don’t know what Russia has been doing. Here is brief history.

In 2017 Russians, using their Nazi SS #WagnerGroup bribed then leader Omar al-Bashir to let them control gold mines as Russian territory. Same as they did with mines
In #Donbas. In 2019 Bashir was ousted, which was bad for Russia stealing gold while ensuring poverty for people of Sudan, Russia stayed behind making chaos until 2021 coup they managed thinking it bring to power leader who let them steal gold (and people). But also, this is how
Russian fascism works. Wagner is funded by gold that they kick back to ruling oligarchs and Russian government also gets to make its Red Sea naval base. But 2021 government while happy to let Russians steal gold, we’re not happy to have occupation at Port of Sudan
Read 11 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
🧵1⃣🏛️ Hilo de Mariupol
16/3/22. El ejército Ruso 🇷🇺 bombardea el Teatro de Mariupol en la ciudad asediada 🇺🇦, provocando una masacre de civiles.
El lugar estaba perfectamente señalizado con la palabra "Niños" claramente visible.
📽️ Antes/después… Image
2⃣🏛️Terrorífico vídeo de la devastación dejada a su paso por los bombardeos rusos en Mariúpol.
A partir del 00:40 se pueden ver los escombros del Teatro Dramático de la ciudad en el que murieron más de 300 personas.
3⃣🏛️ Se apresuraron a borrar el rastro del crimen.
Así estaba en febrero del 23.
Read 95 tweets
Apr 13th 2023
Here we go again. Day 414 of #Russia's mission to wipe #Ukraine from the map and continuing its imperialistic goals.
This is the daily thread with all the news you need.

If you like my work and have a few spare coins you can support me with a coffee here:
Reaction to the beheading videos dominated yesterday's news. If you missed anything or want a recap, here's the link for the start of yesterday's thread.
Click and scroll at your leisure!


Another 540 Russians were killed in #Ukraine yesterday, according to estimates by #Kyiv.

#Russia also still losing above average numbers of artillery systems on the frontline.

#RussiansGoHome Image
Read 38 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
Russia: We justify child abduction and trafficking war crimes now by pointing to monuments destroyed by American in 2003.

Me: Well, if you want to travel through 20 years of war crimes, let’s do it🧵
Which #Chechen genocide shall we do? Let’s try this:…
Read 9 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
On Apr 2, 2022, the Ministry of Defense announced that the 🇺🇦 military liberated the whole #Kyiv region from the 🇷🇺. Then the last 🇷🇺 units left #Bucha, #Hostomel and #Borodyanka. A few days earlier, the 🇺🇦Armed Forces liberated Irpin. #RussianWarCrimes 📸AFP 2022
Today is the anniversary of the liberation of the #Kyiv region. The date when the whole world saw the truth about the Russian occupation. #RussiaisATerroistState #RussiaWarCrimes
A year ago this day, #Russia suffered an unexpected defeat since February 24, 2022, as #Russia planned to conquer Ukraine in "three days". #RussiaInvadedUkraine
Read 3 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
I will write a thread about stories from the Iraq war told by American soldiers:
1⃣ Sergeant Dillard Johnson: I killed more than 2,746 Iraqis, and the first killing I did was when I ran over 13 civilians with an armored vehicle, and killing them was more fun than hunting deer……
2⃣ Private Jon Turner : The first civilian I killed was innocent person walking back to his house, and I killed him in front of his father and his friend.
3⃣ Sergeant Frank was throwing grenades into civilian homes and killed 24 civilians, most of them women and children
Read 18 tweets
Mar 14th 2023

Recklessness? Challenge? Supidity?

Two Sukhoi-25, ZZussian fighter jets, forced down a US Air Force drone over the Black Sea on Tuesday, March, 14, after the propeller of the US 'MQ-9 Reaper' drone was damage.

'Reaper' drone was in international space, flying over the Black Sea!

A race has already begun between the US and ZZussia to recover the drone. The US is trying to destroy the drone's "secrets," while ZZussia is likely scrambling to get them back.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
Über falsche Hoffnungen bezogen auf Entwicklungen der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine und warum die Implikationen solcher riskant für den Erfolgt der Ukraine sind:

1/ 🧵⬇️
Einleitend meine Gedankenwelt und den Hintergrund dieses Threads. Ich bin mittlerweile davon überzeugt, dass es bei den Verbündeten (pauschalisiert) der Ukraine die Erwartung gab Russland würde an einem Punkt von einer militärischen Lösung ablassen und verhandeln wollen.2/
Es geht nicht um die gesamt-militärische Niederlage der Russen in der Ukraine, man will dass Russland selbst den Fehler einsieht und zum Verhandlungstisch kommt. Hier Olaf Scholz in einem Interview für den RND.3/…
Read 21 tweets
Mar 11th 2023

Colonel Sergey Cherevaty, the spokesman of the Eastern Army Group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
(UAF), announced that the entire strike force of the Wagner mercenary group was destroyed.

According to the military official, for this reason, the head of (PM)WC Wagner, Yevgeny Prigozhin has been making contradictory statements lately,either that he will conquer the city of Bahmut,or that he will withdraw & accuses the heads of the ZZussian army of sabotaging him.

"Ukrainian Armed Forces effectively destroyed the "Wagner" group. They suffered significant losses and, one might say, most of the mercenaries died on the battlefields of Bahmut,” — colonel Cherevaty.

Read 15 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
Terrorist russia today spent about $500 million on another massive missile attack on peaceful Ukrainian cities. Why are they doing this? Kill civilians. Destroy civilian infrastructure. And once again prove to the world that they are fascists and terrorists.…
Terrorists of the Russian Federation have launched 81 launches of various-based missiles:
- 28 X-101 / X-555;
- 20 Caliber;
- 6 X-22;
- 6 X-47 "dagger";
- 8 2 - X-31P; 6 - X-59;
-13 S-300 missiles.

8 launches of impact UAVs "Shahid-136/131".
I remind you of a business that continues to operate in Russia. You, and your money, the taxes that you pay in this terrorist country, they are sponsoring these missile strikes and the war. And you can't get rid of it. The blood of innocent people is also on your hands
Read 8 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
The war in Ukraine exposed the vulnerabilities of ZZussia's ground army and air force, which were unable to achieve air supremacy on the Ukrainian battlefield.

At the same time, certain capabilities were already in decline such as sea power, with the surface shipbuilding industry collapsing - and these are unlikely to receive attention now that the Kremlin is preoccupied with meeting the needs of war.

Worse for ZZussia is that access to two of the four major spheres of influence (the Baltic region and the Black Sea respectively) is in question.

Read 18 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
‼️ 🧵 [1/4] Bakhmut situation: Looks like for the last several days ZSU is polling back forces from the city, and at the same time they are gathering mechanized units north of Khromove.

#UkraineWar #Ukrainian #Ukraine️ #RussiaisATerroistState #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Bakhmut
🧵 [2/4] Near Khromove, they will have a lot better positions since they will be located on hills, where the Russians have to go through muddy terrains below.
🧵 [3/4] It is also possible that ZSU already blew up a bridge going out of Bakhmut on the west according to @RuslanLeviev. Looks like main forces are already out of the city.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
[1/4🧵] We have great news for you - we have just added the Telegram platform to our communication kit!

#Ukraine️ #intermarium #Ukrainian #Ukraine #RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaisATerroistState
[2/4🧵] We are confident that our presence on Twitter allows us to communicate key information effectively and quickly. However, we recognise that not everyone uses this medium and we want to be accessible to as wide a range of our readers as possible.
[3/4🧵] 3Telegram is a platform that has gained popularity thanks to its speed, reliability and personalisation capabilities. It allows us to bring you the most important news, articles and analyses even more quickly and easily.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
#BREAKING ‼️ Official statement from FSB about the border district of Klimovsk in the Bryansk region. #UkraineWar #Ukrainian #Ukraine️ #RussiaisATerroistState #RussiaIsCollapsing #RussiaInvadedUkraine
FSB and accompanying forces of the Russian Ministry of Defense are taking actions aimed at eliminating armed Ukrainian nationalists who have violated the state border.
Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma, Delyagin:

The only normal reaction to taking hostages in the Bryansk region is the immediate elimination of @ZelenskyyUa and Zaluzhny (who had announced almost a year ago missile attacks on Ukraine's decision-making centers).
Read 7 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
Russia is not a member of the events anymore where critical issues for the whole world are discussed. For instance, on Feb 17, the 59th Munich Security Conference opened. #UW_InfoWatch #AgainstRussianLies 1/5
More than 40 heads of state and government, almost 90 ministers, as well as many other politicians and experts from all over the world, including Asia and South America, gathered at the Bayerischer Hof. 2/5
At the opening of the Munich Security Conference, France’s President Emmanuel Macron stated that «Now is not the time for dialogue with Russia». German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on other countries to hurry up with the supply of tanks. 3/5
Read 5 tweets

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