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Aug 14th 2022
How the legend #Rakeshjhunjhunwala started his journey. The #Story in his own words⤵️. The journey from 20 lacs to 2.5 crores. #RIP #Omshanti #Thread 🧵#Investing #Stockmarket #Stocks. 1/10
My father was also interested in #stocks. When I was a young child, he and his friends would drink in the evening & discuss about the #Stockmarket. I would listen to them and one day I asked him why do these prices fluctuate. (2/10)
He told me to check if there is a news item on Gwalior Rayon in the newspaper, and if there was Gwalior Rayon’s price would fluctuate the next day.

I found it very interesting & I got fascinated by #stocks, I self-taught myself. 3/10
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