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Jan 1st 2023
🎉 #HappyNewYear! 2023 #ACA Open Enrollment is still ongoing in 49 states + DC! Here's 13 important things to remember before you #GetCovered: #xp…

The final #ACA Open Enrollment deadline is Jan. 15th in most states, for coverage starting Feb. 1st (in a few states it's as late as Jan. 31st.) #xp
Here's a table laying out the deadlines for each state. Note that some of these may be extended at the last minute...but don't count on that! #GetCovered sooner rather than later if at all possible! #xp Image
Read 37 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
🚨🚨🚨 The deadline is TONIGHT to enroll in #ACA healthcare coverage starting January 1st for most people in most states! Here's 13 important things to remember before you #GetCovered: #xp…

While the final #ACA Open Enrollment deadline isn't until January 15th in most states, if you want your coverage to start on January 1st, you have to enroll by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.

In Idaho, today is the *final* deadline for 2023 coverage! #xp
Here's a table laying out the deadlines for each state. Note that some of these may be extended at the last minute...but don't count on that! #GetCovered sooner rather than later if possible. #xp
Read 37 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
📣📣📣 Annnnd we're off! The 2023 #ACA Open Enrollment Period has officially launched!

Here's 1️⃣3️⃣ important things to remember before. you #GetCovered:…

While the final #ACA Open Enrollment deadline isn't until January 15th in most states, if you want your coverage to start on January 1st, you have to enroll earlier. Plus, Idaho's *final* deadline is in December.
Here's a table laying out the deadlines for every state. Note that some of these may be extended closer to the listed date...but don't count on that! #GetCovered sooner rather than later if possible.
Read 39 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
CALIFORNIA: Final unsubsidized avg. 2023 #ACA rate changes: +5.6% (0.4 pts lower thanks to #InflationReductionAct):…
Ironically, the #IRA extending the #AmRescuePlan's enhanced #ACA subsidies will actually SAVE the federal government a bit of money in *reduced* ACA subsidies...because it's leading to slightly lower unsubsidized 2023 premiums.

AFAICT, it should save ~$61 million in CA alone.
Yesterday Connecticut also issued their final 2023 rates, specifically stating an avg. 0.7 pt reduction from the initial request specifically thanks to the #IRA passing. That's another ~$7M saved.…
Read 4 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
📣🚨 How much more will #ACA enrollees pay in 2023 if #AmRescuePlan subsidies *aren't* extended?

Here's a breakout by CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT across 33 states + DC:…
ALABAMA: Up to ~220,000 enrollees face premium hikes of 65% on average.

That's $62/month or $750/year apiece.
ALASKA: Up to ~23,000 enrollees face premium hikes of 62% on average.

That's $97/month or $1169/year apiece.
Read 55 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
Annnnnd there he goes: Manchin Van Pelt yanks (most of) the football away...again.…
As an aside, for everyone who said Dems were suckers for giving up their leverage on Manchin by voting for the Infrastructure Bill before the BBB bill passed: Manchin's erratic behavior should prove that he would've just as easily let the BIF die as well if he had to.
Splitting the larger bill in half as leverage to get him to vote for one before agreeing to the other made sense on paper, and I supported it at the time, but it assumed that Manchin wouldn't have just said "then neither one passes." I'm now convinced that he would have.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
REMINDER: Manchin's supposed BBB complaint was that some of the provisions were "temporary" when they were clearly intended to be permanent (which I actually agreed with...if you're gonna do it, do it permanently).

Now all of a sudden it's OK to bump ARP out for only 2 years.
That's actually SHORTER than the 3 year extension which would've been included in BBB.

He either doesn't know what the fuck he wants or he's just been deliberately jerking everyone's chain for a year now for no particular reason other than keeping himself in the spotlight.
The only option Dems have is to take this "offer" (if there actually is one, which I doubt at this point) and WORK OUR FUCKING ASSES OFF TO HOLD THE HOUSE & ADD AT LEAST TWO MORE DEM SENATORS:………
Read 5 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
🚨 Across 14 states & DC, preliminary 2023 #ACA rate filings are seeking average premium increases of 9.7%.

That's ON TOP OF the premiums unsubsidized enrollees will have to pay if the #AmRescuePlan subsidies aren't extended.

cc: @Sen_JoeManchin FYI.…
Last week I broke out avg. premium hikes for #ACA enrollees if #AmRescuePlan subsidies aren't extended by Congressional District in 33 states...but those are all based on full-price *2022* rates. They don't even include the annual rate increases for 2023.…
In ARKANSAS, for instance, net premiums are expected to jump an average of $73/month per enrollee w/out extended ARP subsidies...but those earning more than 400% FPL would be facing an *additional* $32/month on top of that. Image
Read 6 tweets
May 5th 2022
📣 UPDATE: Actually, make that over 37.2 million Americans covered *directly* by the #ACA.…
Last week @CMSGov issued new reports putting total *direct* #ACA healthcare coverage at "over 35 million." I noted that it was actually over 36 million if you used the most recent data.

In fact, it turns out that it's actually well over *37 million* as of today.
Besides the Medicaid expansion numbers cited in the CMS report being 6 months out of date, they didn't even include two states at all (Idaho and Virginia)!

Adding those, along w/updating over a dozen other states, brings total Medicaid expansion up to at least 22.5M people.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 21st 2022
🚨 STATE BY STATE: How much MORE will YOU pay if #AmRescuePlan subsidies AREN'T extended??…
ALABAMA: Tell @SenShelby & @SenTuberville that their refusal to extend #AmRescuePlan subsidies will cause up to ~200K Alabamans to see premium hikes as high as $23,000/year.… Image
ALASKA: Tell @lisamurkowski & @SenDanSullivan that their refusal to extend #AmRescuePlan subsidies will cause up to ~20K Alaskans to see premium hikes as high as $30,000/year. That's not a typo.… Image
Read 22 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
📣🚨 STATE BY STATE: How much more will YOU pay if #AmRescuePlan subsidies aren't extended?…
Someone should let @SenatorSinema know that if Congress doesn't extend the #AmRescuePlan subsidies, ~200,000 Arizona residents will face healthcare premium increases of up to $11,000/year or more next year.
ALABAMA: A single parent earning $50K/yr will see their annual healthcare premiums jump by 78% next year if the #AmRescuePlan subsidies aren't extended.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 25th 2022
CMS releases final 2022 Open Enrollment Report:
☑️ QHP enrollment: 14.5M, ⬆️ 21% y/y
☑️ BHP enrollment: 1.05M, ⬆️ 8% y/y
☑️ TX enrollment ⬆️ 43% y/y!
☑️ GA enrollment ⬆️ 36% y/y!
☑️ FL enrollment ⬆️ 28%!
#ThxACA #ACAHereToStay…
CMS releases final 2022 Open Enrollment Report:

--56% of 2021 HCgov enrollees who actively renewed switched to a different plan for 2022

--Over 3.1M people enrolled in Medicaid/CHIP via the ACA exchanges

#ThxACA #ACAHereToStay…
CMS releases final 2022 Open Enrollment Report.

Weekly enrollment:
--Week 4 dip = Thanksgiving weekend.
--Week 7 spike = mid-December deadline + auto-renewals
--Mini-spike in Week 11 (final deadline)
#ThxACA #ACAHereToStay…
Read 8 tweets
Mar 24th 2022
This is my shocked face.

🚨 REMINDER: If the #AmRescuePlan's expanded subsidies are allowed to expire, nearly 13 MILLION Americans will see their healthcare premiums skyrocket by an average of over $700/year APIECE.…
🚨 If the #AmRescuePlan's expanded subsidies are allowed to expire, a 26-yr old single adult would have to pay up to $1,500 more in healthcare premiums per year.… Image
🚨 If the #AmRescuePlan's expanded subsidies are allowed to expire, a middle class family of four would have to pay up to $7,300 more in healthcare premiums per year.… Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
📣 Happy Birthday #ACA: @CMSGov releases final 2022 Open Enrollment Report (part 1):…
--Nationally, total #ACA exchange enrollment was up *21%* in 2022 vs. 2021 thanks in large part to the #AmRescuePlan's expanded/enhanced financial assistance, as well as increased ACA navigator funding, increased outreach funding & the COVID Special Enrollment Period.
Read 31 tweets
Mar 20th 2022
🚨🚨🚨 How much more will YOU pay if #AmRescuePlan subsidies AREN'T extended?…
⚠️ The #AmRescuePlan dramatically enhanced & expanded #ACA financial help for millions of people. Unfortunately, this is is currently set to expire at the end of 2022.

The #BuildBackBetter bill extends this thru 2025, but of course the GOP + Manchin blocked it in the Senate. 2/
⚠️ If the #AmRescuePlan's enhanced #ACA subsidies *aren't* extended beyond 12/31/22, 26-yr old enrollees will have to pay up to ~$1,500 more in health insurance premiums in 2023.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
"Caving" implies they have any leverage over Manchin/Sinema. THEY. DON'T. And they didn't even with BIF, really...Manchin did want it, but he didn't want it THAT much--he sat on it for six months, he would've easily sat on it for another year rather than let himself be pressured.
"Offer Manchin a buttload of money for West Virginia!" He doesn't give a shit about West Virginians.

"Threaten to take away his committee positions!" He'd switch parties or resign outright, putting Mitch McConnell in charge again.
"Threaten to sic the DOJ/IRS on him or his daughter!" That's the same authoritarianism we were horrified by under Trump. If they happen to determine there's legit cause to investigate him or a family member, fine...but pressuring them to do so for a vote is bullshit.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
📣🚨 REMINDER: You only have until January 15th* to #GetCovered during the 2022 Open Enrollment Period!

#ACA coverage is more affordable for more people than ever this year!

*(MA residents have until 1/23; CA, DC, NJ, NY & RI residents have until 1/31.)…
📣 CURRENT ENROLLEES: If you've learned the plan you're enrolled in now isn't the best value, preferred docs/hospitals aren't in network, etc, YOU CAN STILL SWITCH PLANS BETWEEN NOW & THE END OF OPEN ENROLLMENT!

You can switch to a different plan which will start February 1st.
📣 ENROLL VIA AN *OFFICIAL* #ACA EXCHANGE (or an *authorized* enrollment partner)!

Avoid scams by enrolling via HealthCare.Gov in most states (if you live in one of the 18 states w/its own exchange, will redirect you when you enter your state).
Read 12 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
(sigh) Over 7,500 people have "liked" her first tweet and over 1,200 have shared her misinformation. Worse yet, she's apparently an MD.

It's time once again for...The Three-Legged Stool®!
I can't believe I have to explain this over 10 years later, but under the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (the #ACA), INSURANCE CARRIERS CAN'T CHARGE HIGHER PREMIUMS TO PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR MEDICAL OR HEALTH CONDITIONS.
Here's how the #ACA's "3-legged stool" was designed (it's gone through a few changes over the years, most notably the federal individual mandate penalty being cut off & replaced with the World's Most Expensive Shim®):
Read 23 tweets
Nov 15th 2021
"They don't have much else to work with policy-wise."

"Other than winning World War II, Dwight Eisenhower doesn't have much of a military record to work with."
Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that #BIF + #BBB (assuming it gets passed) will be enough for Dems to win in 2022 (even if they get the word out etc.); but dismissing them as minor accomplishments is just horrible framing from a journalist who I usually respect.
Oh, yeah...not to mention the #AmRescuePlan, which is kind of a #BigFcknDeal.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
The family seems very nice, but:

1. They have NINE KIDS. That's ELEVEN mouths to feed. I applaud the couple for being willing to foster/adopt so many, but I wonder how the story narrative would've differed if they'd been a Black couple w/9 kids?
2. The wife claims that "In June $1 was worth $1, now it's 70 cents"...making it sound like the inflation rate has been *43% since June*, which I find...questionable.
3. She claims a gallon of milk was $1.99 in March, and today it's $2.79.

In reality, the average price for a gallon of milk nationally appears to have been $3.55 in March vs. $3.65 in October.…
Read 21 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
#BuildBackBetter: The Sausage-Making Continues!

Here's a bunch of changes I found in the *revised* version of the #BBB bill...since Friday!…
Yes, it includes the Big Ticket items like...

--small-ball version of Medicare Part D drug negotiation!
--penalty if drugmakers increase prices more than inflation!
--$2,000 Part D out-of-pocket cost cap!
--$35/mo cap on insulin costs!

...but there's more!
A lot of these changes are just clerical/typo corrections or slight legalese tweaks to pass legal muster (think the #KingvBurwell debacle!).

Other changes are literally just bumping funding up a bit for one program or down a bit for another.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 3rd 2021
Setting aside the dire status of democracy at the moment, it's kind of interesting in a wonky sort of way to compare the *smaller* text changes which *don't* make much of a difference:…
For instance, this change to the extension of the #AmRescuePlan's ACA subsidy eligibility Unemployment Benefit:
Meanwhile, here's (most of) the language re. CAPPING INSULIN OUT OF POCKET COSTS at $35/month:
Read 7 tweets
Nov 3rd 2021

My official 2022 #ACA Open Enrollment Guide: Here's the most important stuff to remember when you go to #GetCovered!…

The final deadline has been extended by a full month in most states, but in order to have your COVERAGE START IN JANUARY you should still *ENROLL* BY DECEMBER 15th!
Here's the official enrollment deadlines for every state + DC. (Note: A few of these may change):
Read 25 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
📣🎉 AND HERE...WE...GO!!

My Official 2022 #ACA Open Enrollment Guide
(developing...I'm running a bit late with it this year):…
Here's 12 Things to Remember when you go to #GetCovered:


The final deadline has been extended by a full month in most states, but in order to have your coverage start IN JANUARY you should still enroll by DECEMBER 15th!

There's lots of questionable website selling questionable policies these days. Stick to *official* ACA exchanges or *authorized* enrollment partners only!
Read 13 tweets

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