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Apr 3rd 2023

Quoll Finance - Nền tảng Yield Farming hàng đầu trên HST #WombatExchange

Thread bao gồm:
1⃣ Tổng quan về @QuollFinance
2⃣ Sự khác biệt của Quoll Finance
3⃣ Partner & Investor
4⃣ Tokenomics
5⃣ Roadmap
6⃣ Dự phóng cá nhân

Retweet để ủng hộ @HakResearch nhen!

1⃣ Tổng quan về Quoll Finance

Quoll Finance là một dự án Yield Farming được xây dựng dựa trên Wombat Exchange - nền tảng StableSwap hàng đầu trên hệ sinh thái #BNBChain. Quoll Finance được định hướng cùng phát triển và nâng tầm cùng Wombat Exchange.

Thời gian gần đây khi Wombat Exchange phát triển multichain sang hệ sinh thái #Arbitrum thì Quoll Finance cũng ngay lập tức có mặt tại hệ sinh thái đầy sôi động này.

Cơ chế hoạt động của Quoll Finance tương đối đơn giản, khi mà
chủ sở hữu $WOM có thể
Read 28 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
🧪Osmosis Zone Update Blog 18 Aug, 2022 📰

👉Check out these new discoveries about News, Token Listings, Airdrops, and Liquidity Pool Incentives on @osmosiszone

👉In detail, read the report of @getcoldy 👇…


@osmosiszone @getcoldy @OsmoMinistryMkt 🤩 New @osmosiszone Support Website.

The Osmosis Help Lab launched a support site with
🇶🇦 FAQs
📽️ Instructional videos,
🖥️ A live chat widget to securely contact a support staff member.

Visit 👉
@osmosiszone @getcoldy @OsmoMinistryMkt Latest Token Listings 🚀

$ORAI @oraichain
$CRE @CrescentHub
$DOT @Polkadot
$wGLMR @MoonbeamNetwork
$GLTO @Gelotto2
$ODIN @odinprotocol
$TGRADE @TgradeFinance
$KUJI @TeamKujira

Read 7 tweets
Aug 7th 2022
1) Curious Cosmonaut Research has identified that information can be scattered around the Cosmos ecosystem; meet the monthly newsletter. If you are serious about #Cosmos this is a must. #stargaze #juno #secretnetwork #osmos #ibcgang #dydx #ethereum #evmos
2) First we recommend viewing this through our blog instead.… Developer Activity

First off, what is Github commits for us non-engineers? According to Free Code Camp… it means
3) “The git commit command will save all staged changes, along with a brief description from the user, in a “commit” to the local repository. Commits are at the heart of Git usage.
Read 80 tweets
Apr 24th 2022
The bridge proposals are up on #Osmosis governance. But why do we need to select a "canonical bridge provider" in the first place? A quick educative thread on the basics 🧵
#Cosmos (like Polkadot) is an ecosystem of interoperable blockchains. It is optimised for connecting chains that deploy on them natively, e.g Juno & Osmosis on Cosmos, or Moonbeam & Acala on Polkadot.
Chains built with the Tendermint consensus & Cosmos SDK are IBC compatible out of the box, so the whole Cosmos ecosystem can plug in quickly and happily communicate.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 16th 2022
Selamlar, Algorand kurucu ekibi tarafından geliştirilen, dApp'leri birden fazla chaine bağlayan Axelar Network üzerinde, cross-chain NFT marketplace olan AxelarSea platformunu test edeceğiz.

3 Cüzdan, 5 Chain ile, dolu dolu bir test olacak :)

#Testnet #Axelar #Airdrop
1- Öncelikle bize gereken cüzdanları ve faucetleri söyleyeceğim, işlemler biraz karışık, ama ben kolaylaştıracağım merak etmeyin.

Gereken cüzdanlarımız: keplr wallet, tilkimask, terra station.

Gereken ağlar: Ropsten, Avax, Fantom, Terra bombay (keplr), Terra testnet.
2- Faucetler:

Keplr için faucet vermedim onu anlatıcam, terra için faucetten luna gelirse UST ile swap yapın yarısını buradan
Read 12 tweets

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