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Nov 20th 2022
خاله جاويدنام #نيكا_شاكرمى در صفحه اينستاگرامشان، تودهنى محكمى بر دهان شادى (سهيلا) امين ترابى، از هواداران سازمان تروريستى چريك فدايى خلق زدند.
روى ديگر سكه ج.ا كه دنبال مصادره كشته شدگان است، همين كاسبين حقوق بشرند كه پيشتر هم، در تريبونال آبان ٩٨، تعداد قربانيان را تقليل دادند
براى آنها كه نديده اند…
استورى ديروز خاله زنده ياد #نيكا_شاكرمى
Read 18 tweets
Sep 20th 2020
Read the letter by 123 #MEK members and former Prisoners of War… to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, of repeated defamations by @bbcpersian quoting MOIS agents as well as inviting UN Special Rapporteur to visit Ashraf-3
We write to inform you of the continuous harassment and psychological torture by the religious fascism ruling #Iran also its intel services and media against us and our families.
We urge you to assign .@JavaidRehman to meet with us in Albania as PoWs.
We were PoW during 1980s, in the Iran-Iraq war. After the war we decided freely to join the National Liberation Army of Iran/The People's Mojahedin Org #MEK.
The Int'l Committee for the Red Cross @ICRC used to meet us regularly. Last call was on Sept 16, 1992
Read 10 tweets
Dec 14th 2019

A question for @AlinejadMasih:

What you were doing in London on Dec 14, 2013, at a session with @Ali7adeh/@Jedaaal, a known #Iran regime apologist/lobbyist in the UK, following Iran’s presidential 2013 election.
And why you did you defend Iran’s dictator @Khamenei_ir.
Ali Alizadeh, who is regularly invited by @bbcpersian as a "political analyst," said loud and clear that he is a member of Iran's terrorist-designated IRGC.
More remarks from Alizadeh:

“If Latin America had an Ali Khamenei & a Qassem Suleimani & a Hassan Nassrollah & a constructive Hajj ideology, would America be able to become so vicious in that region?”
Read 5 tweets
Nov 15th 2019
Latest example of @bbcpersian's censorship to server Mullahs in #Iran:

On Nov 12, #BBC twitted about a #FakeNews on Iranian opposition group, the MEK, and their presence in Albania
I replied to the tweet with MEK's response:

@LPressly @Ofcom @BBCWorld
Latest example of @bbcpersian's censorship to server Mullahs in #Iran:

As evident in the image, today, Nov 15, my reply has been retweeted 28 times. #BBC's tweet has got the retweet of 5 people!

@LPressly @Ofcom @BBCWorld
Latest example of @bbcpersian's censorship to server Mullahs in #Iran:

This is why #BBC has resorted to censoring my reply by "muting" my twitter account. This causes people who do not follow me on twitter, not see my reply at all!

@LPressly @Ofcom @BBCWorld
Read 5 tweets
Nov 15th 2019
Must read. See how low #BBC could go to appease #Iran's dictatorship. No wonder #Iranians call @bbcpersian #AyatollahBBC.
Letter to @bbcworldservice Director by #MEK Press Spokesman…
#FakeNews #StopYellowJournalism
#BBC #FakeNews reported by Linda Pressly"made it palpably clear that she was insincere in her remarks &promises &was pursuing a similar agenda,similar to the BBC’s reporting on Iranian opposition in the years past,in2003,2006&2011".#StopYellowJournalism @alistaircoleman @GkOlive Image
@alistaircoleman @GkOlive @steveclarketv @MrMichaelSpicer @chunkymark @ITVEveningNews @ITVNewsPolitics @ITVAllegra @johnirvineitv @GMB @Peston @Simon_Cullen Here is the link to the rebuttal to #BBC's #FakeNews by Linda Pressly. Have read the piece, and it is shameful, unethical, full of lies.…
Read 3 tweets
Nov 13th 2019
"... Iranians specifically point to the BBC, nick-named Ayatollah BBC since long ago..."
Iranians have long taken to social media to say they are boycotting the BBC Persian network (@bbcpersian) for its fake news.
@bbcpersian Tehran’s disinformation against the Iranian opposition is so discredited even the BBC was compelled to acknowledge: Some former members of the organization that have defected are definitely cooperating with Iran.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 16th 2019

Let’s teach @theintercept a lesson.
This outlet & #Iran regime apologists/lobbyists are accusing Voice of America Persian of becoming a pro-Trump outlet.
It is interesting that they never complained when pro-Tehran voices, such as Negar Mortazavi, were at VOA Persian.
The first individual cited in this piece is Negar Mortazavi, who is known for her close relations with @JZarif, Iran’s top diplomat, and @NIACouncil, Tehran’s DC-based lobby group.

Mortazavi is completely biased.
Former VOA executive editor Mohammad Manzarpour is another individual cited in The Intercept piece.
Here’s proof from a Washington Times article that Manzarpour himself is completely biased.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 7th 2019

@BBC once again rushes to the support of #Iran’s mullahs by resorting to publishing cheap #FakeNews about U.S. sanctions that are crippling this regime.

“How sanctions affect Iran... in five objects”
On the issue of medicine, BBC says U.S. sanctions are resulting in shortages in Iran.

Here’s what BBC won’t talk about.

The mullahs’ state-run outlets boast about the regime’s readiness to send medicine/medical equipment to Venezuela.
June 19: “Iran exports medicine to 30 countries”

Source: Iran’s own state media “Tehran Times”

So, Iran does have money & medicine. Corrupt officials, however, are seeking their own profits.…
Read 26 tweets
Jul 16th 2019

There is a buzz about the BBC restricting its correspondents based on Tehran’s orders.
Iranians have constantly taken to social media to say they are boycotting the BBC Persian network (@bbcpersian) for its #FakeNews.
Iranian exiles rallying outside the BBC building protesting this network's hostile policies against the Iranian people.
BBC Persian goes the distance for Iran's regime:
"Why shouldn't Iran's judicial system be allowed to assassinate its opponents?"
Read 12 tweets

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