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Jun 17th 2021
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May 9th 2019
Thread: Another overview amazing #Muslim *female* achievement.

Did you know the first university in the world was built by a Muslim woman approx 1200 years ago?

This is the story of Fatima Al-Fihiri (800–880 CE). #BadassWoman #twitterstorians

2. Daughter of a wealthy businessman, the family moved from Tunisia to Fez, Morocco during the rule of King Idriss II. When both her husband and father died, Fatima and her sister inherited a fortune.

They chose to spend their inheritance on building educational institutions.
3. In 859, Fatima built the Al-Qayrawan #Mosque, decorated in the Andalusian style with Kufic calligraphy (early style) engraved throughout. At 3,000 sq ft, it can fit 22,000 people.

She stacked it with Islamic works (Qur’ans, #Hadith collections, etc).
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