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May 30th 2021
Texas & voting machine vendor ES&S are hiding something. I requested a copy of the video of the voting-system examination that triggered a secret multi-state investigation of ES&S by @EACgov last year. Texas AG Ken Paxton (Mr. “Stop the Steal”) just ruled I can’t have it. 1/ ImageImage
In other words, Paxton, who tried to overrule other state’s election results due to baseless claims about Dominion Voting is now engaged in a coverup about ES&S. 2/
Obviously, the video could have been trimmed to remove passwords, which should be updated regularly anyway. This is a coverup. 3/
Read 12 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
I’ve seen a lot of violence & hate towards #police. It’s frustrating to me that I see tweets painting all police officers w same brush. I believe that their are systematic issues that impact POC, women, inds in lower socioeconomic status that are inherent & oppressive 1/
as well as dangerous. I would argue that systematic oppression also exists in #healthcare #academia. Do we, as a society condone the increased violence against nurses & physicians? Is this violence a result of a #brokensystem? Should we eradicate healthcare? I believe that 2/
systems need to be majorly restructured but again to lump all those who are police, or go into healthcare or academia as ‘bad’ ‘racist’ is unfair. Are there inds that go into these fields that are bad? Yes. But I also believe many go into these professions in attempts 3/
Read 5 tweets
Apr 11th 2020
This is the type of info consume - rational talk from doctors, scientists & healthcare professionals. We don't have to be cultists. Rather, we can continue to think and revise our preferences and recommendations.

"A #COVID19 Reality Check," with @ZDoggMD
America's rationed healthcare system is the culprit behind our #COVID19 crash - and both DEMS and the GOP chose it for us. I love @ZDoggMD, because he tells the truth - without notes, from his heart.

"Stay away from healthcare if you want to live a long and healthy life." ~ZDogg
This isn't about Doctors NOT KNOWING good medicine - it's about a system that prevents MD's from practicing good medicine. #PublicHealth is a concept that was hidden and lost under #PredatoryCapitalism, exposing the fundamental flaws America's corrupted healthcare infrastructure.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 9th 2020
Thousands upon thousands of people have been lining up in their cars at food banks across the United States this week, literally waiting hours to receive food aid. ImageImageImage
Close to 10 million Americans reported losing their jobs in the second half of March due to the #coronavirus pandemic. The true number of newly unemployed is almost certainly higher and expected to increase drastically in the coming months.
With a lack of an appropriate social safety net and food banks running at capacity without a mechanism to efficiently redistribute excess food, millions of people could go hungry. In one of the richest country in the world. #brokensystem
Read 3 tweets
Jan 30th 2020
I have a grievance regarding my mom's care during her bout w/#sepsis. #dementia

At the end of October 2019, my husband & I awoke to find mom's breathing labored, & her mumbling to let her sleep. We let her rest. A fever spiked within the hour, & suddenly she became deathly ill.
She was twitching, sweating profusely, in full rigors, & unable to sit up/speak well. She looked TERRIFIED. I thought she had a stroke. Turns out, it was a high fever from an infected gallbladder. She landed in the #ICU. ALL her vitals were jumping around. It was horrible.
She landed in the ER & eventually the ICU. Turns out she had #sepsis from the infected gall bladder. The ICU's 1st step? Changing her meds around INSTANTLY. Specifically they rescinded ALL #opioids abruptly. After over a decade on them, she was thrown into acute withdrawal in ICU
Read 16 tweets

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