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Apr 20th 2023
New iOS in #Markets

Indian #Options Speculators.

There has been a huge surge in #Retail and #Proprietary trading in #Options and more specifically in #Index Options.

The Data & Charts below are just #Crazy and getting crazier.
1) #Retail Participation went through the roof in 2021

Some Moderation now in 2022-2023

#Retail in Cash Market From 3 cr in Jan 20 to 11.7 cr in 2021.
#Retail at 3.2 cr participants March 23.

3x jump in all participation from Jan 20 !! Image
2) Everyone is an #Option Trader

#FIIs are just 9.5% of #IndexOptions Premium Turnover !!! From 21% in Fy20.

45% is #Domestic Prop ( #Broker trading on its own behalf )

35% is #Retail.
Retail + pro = 80%
#Retail is almost 4x of #FIIs.

Btw #FIIs own 20% of India. Image
Read 12 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
#NSE #Refund #Complaint #Brokers
In this thread I am explaining how I got the refund (66k) from my broker, because of my order got rejected with Error code and msg of “16642 Options buy used limit exceeded the user limit” (1/n) Image
On 1st of Feb (Budget day), I sold 39800 CE at 387.75 with 200Q at 14:51:30, then I tried to close the sold position 14:52:00 with Price of 325.75, with Profit of 12400rs, but my order rejected, it is continuously rejecting for more than 5 mins with 15 times. (2/n)
Later at 15:01:26 my order executed with price of 721.05, because of that I occurred total loss of 79k (12 Profit missed and 66k loss).
Read 11 tweets
Dec 27th 2022
Grey area in securities regulation @SECGov has birthed a new phenomenon: bearer security tokens

Investors aren't aware of the risks associated w/ these assets so I wrote an article to share👇

Buyers Beware: Introducing Bearer Security Tokens👀

Link:… Image
Security tokens are digital assets that comply w/ government securities regulations & automatically enforce rules, guidelines & parameters given a security

The @STOmarket secondary market capitalization has exploded more than 10x from last year to today & now sits @ $15B 🌴
#Realestate has been cementing its place in the security token industry as a beneficiary of the technology since 2018 and 2019.🏚

We have seen a multitude of real estate security token offerings. According to the STM Real Estate Intelligence Report, by @pgaff_digital
Read 86 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
#OptionsTrading income can be volatile and uncertain, as it depends on #market conditions and the success of individual trades. This means that traders may experience significant fluctuations in their income from one period to the next, and it can be difficult to predict.
Trading income is also subject to taxes, which can reduce the overall returns earned. Depending on the trader's tax bracket and the specific tax laws in their jurisdiction, a significant portion of their trading income may be taken by the government in the form of taxes.
The amount of trading income earned may be limited by the amount of capital available to trade with. If a trader does not have a sufficient amount of capital to trade, their potential returns may be limited.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
@dlauer @dlauer there us history here. You would really need to go back over a year and a half to fully grasp the complexity of this. @Finra allowed a series A perferrd share to trade that was never supposed to be traded outlined in here in the proxy…
@dlauer @FINRA 2) A market maker ( or 2 (…) started to create a platform to make it tradeable before the merger happened between $TRCH and $MMAT as shown on this OCC memo... Merger was not to complete till the 28th but got done a day early, context
@dlauer @FINRA 3) On the date of the merger the options became available as of the 28th. This was not found by retail till well after the tradability BTW. And no one thought anything about it since the option were working as they should.
Read 33 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
Find #our best companies & providers for your "car insurance in Marlborough MA" online at: or visit: (Quotes Marlborough MA…) for "Marlborough Car Insurance".
"car insurance in Marlborough MA" - Google Search…
Did you know "Lunova Insurance Agency is your Marlborough Insurance Agency"? Find insurance and information online at:

You can also "Learn more #about the Local area Insurance Agencies, Agents & #CompaniesnearMarlboroughMA01752"…
"FIND THE BEST Marlborough Insurance Agency"
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Read 6 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
"Get our coverage for Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, NC, Indiana, & Florida Insurance (HOME BUSINESS AUTO #Insurance), at "Lunova Insurance":
Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195…
Learn more about finding our #LunovaInsurance business, auto, & home owners insurance rates:

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195……
#Lunova #insurance #agency #business #auto #home #coverage #quotes
More "ABOUT" our local MA #LunovaInsurance business, auto, & home owners insurance agency:

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195
#HomeInsurance #AutoInsurance #CommercialInsurance #LunovaInsurance #insurance #quotesandprice
Read 18 tweets
Feb 16th 2022
How is Intellect Design Arena Accelerating Digital Transformations?

A thread(🧵) (1/23)
The backstory: Intellect is a Digital Financial Technology and Products Company catering to the Banking and Financial services institutions (BFSI) domain. They partner with these institutions to transform their business. (2/23)
They have a profound understanding of these Domains, and they have been working with these Global leaders for over three decades. (3/23)
Read 23 tweets
May 21st 2021
#angelbroking so many UC. 🤣
This thread is to understand the biz & what excites me about it. A bit about the #broking industry too. This is going to be a long thread, so please don't hold your breath. As always retweet if you like, so max people can benefit. 🙏
#Brokers provide the UI/UX to the end participant to execute their trades. Traditionally, brokers have made money through couple of major sources:
1. Brokerage: In the olden days, brokers used to have “packs” (say X trades in Y days for Z rupees) and also provide custom plans to their clients with a focus on driving volume. This got disrupted with the advent of discount brokers like Zerodha.
Read 49 tweets
Jul 28th 2020
Financial spread betting is a saturated market and the competition among brokers is fierce, giving a great opportunity for spread bettors to shop around.
In this thread we look into providers and how to find a good deal.
#spreadbetting #brokers… Image
1. Range of Markets. Some brokers will offer over 10k different financial markets to choose from so make sure your chosen provider offers the markets you want to trade. Some accounts will offer a wide range of shares to trade whereas others might offer more fx pairs.
#forex #fx
2. Trading Platform. Most of the time spread betting comparison websites will list platforms offered by each broker, so at a glance you can select a provider who offers you the trading platform you're most comfortable with.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 11th 2019
There have been a flurry of public issue of NCDs lately. These issues are primarily from NBFCs who are finding it tough to raise funds though banks and MFs. Here, I explain why the public issue NCDs are not in the interest of retail investors. Thread (1/9)
A) There is a common misconception that public issue NCDs are akin to Fixed Deposits (FDs). FDs of PSU banks are covered under the umbrella limit of 1 lakh deposit insurance. NCDs are not. A case in point is the expected loss to retail investors in DHFL public issue NCDs. 2/9
B) The rate offered by these NBFCs in public issue is much lower than what they offer in privately placed deals. Further, a substantial fee is cornered by brokers for selling these NCDs to retail investors. 3/9
Read 13 tweets

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