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Jul 23rd 2019
Today is possibly .@theresa_may's last day as PM, if .@BorisJohnson can command a majority (which is in some doubt...)

So it's a great opportunity to look back at some of the *highlights* of Mrs May's premiership in memesšŸ‘‡
13 JUL 2016: May was appointed as PM and named her Cabinet shortly thereafter, surprising many by giving 3 of the top #Brexit-related jobs to arch-brexiters Boris Johnson, David Davis & Liam Fox. Sheer folly, or genius in making them own what they'd sold? Sadly, the formeršŸ˜¢
5 OCT 2016: With such a narrow result, the country could be forgiven for expecting May to propose a consensual solution, as Norway PM Erna Solberg had done in a similar situation. Most Remainers would've accepted #Norway.

May's #CitizensOfNowhere speech crushed all hope.
Read 71 tweets
May 24th 2019
On a human level, one of course has sympathy.

But we will not learn or change if we arenā€™t honest.

ā€œBurning injusticesā€ were the bookmarks of her premiership, with nothing of substance in between.

Grenfell? A union of people, compromise?

Itā€™s hard not to be deeply cynical.
Her wish to be portrayed as someone who compromised, and as someone who governed for all, is the final act of delusion in a Prime Minister who did neither.

She will be remembered for making a bad situation undoubtedly worse.
She will be remembered for carrying the legacies of her anti-immigration obsession into No.10, and into Lancaster House, the author of the #HostileEnvironment for which she never apologised, for #CitizensofNowhere, for subjecting half the country to a place out of sight & mind.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 27th 2019
Dear @theresa_may & @jeremycorbyn I'd say "I hope you are well" but I think we've all had enough lies so I won't bother.

Over the last 33 months or so you have both done your utmost, in your separate ways, to implement the narrow result of a referendum so criminally corrupted /1
that had it been anything but advisory it would have been annulled. A referendum in which those with most at stake - @the3million and many of @BritishInEurope - were deliberately excluded from participation. with the excuse that it was only advisory so they didn't have to be /2
consulted. It also deliberately excluded 16-18 year olds despite precedence in the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum in which they were included as the result would affect them deeply. Incidentally both your parties lied to the Scottish people in that referendum, telling /3
Read 17 tweets

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