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Feb 7th 2023
History is written by the winners, which is why #Luddite is a slur meaning "technophobe" and not a badge of honor meaning, "Person who goes beyond asking what technology does, to asking who it does it *for* and who it does it *to*."… 1/
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Luddites weren't anti-machine activists, they were pro-#worker advocates, who believed that the spoils of automation shouldn't automatically be allocated to the bosses who skimmed the profits from their #labor and spent them on machines that put them out of a job. 3/
Read 34 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
"Throughout world history, humanity reached progressive levels of unity starting from the family unit, village or tribe, nation state and is now approaching its long-destined, highest level of unity on this planet which is the unity of mankind." Ali Helmy…
Farm Robots Will Help Feed the World During Climate Change - Bloomberg…
#FarmRobots, #AgriculturalEquipment, #ClimateChange, #GlobalFoodSystem, #OpEd
The Magpie in the Mind: The Emerging Science of Thinking with the Whole World Beyond the Brain – The Marginalian…
#neuroscience, #imagination, #sensemaking, #ExtendedMind, #EndlessPossibilities
Read 13 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
[🧠 collective intelligence 🧠] I've been intrigued by the cellular automata (CA) concept for a long time, and by the potential, mutually beneficial interaction between CAs and deep learning, so I decided to dig a bit deeper. Here are some interesting resources I found:

1/🧵… <- one and only Distill. A nice introduction to how neural CA works and how it may be a potentially useful model of morphogenesis and regeneration processes in developmental biology.


(think how we humans are formed from a single egg cell - when and how does this multiplication of cells stop and stays stable?)

Read 8 tweets
Oct 20th 2020
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new report in partnership with @nesta_uk: “Using Collective Intelligence to Solve Public Problems.” Read the full report, which explores 30+ cases of #CollectiveIntelligence worldwide, here:…
We want to thank all of our fantastic advisory board members for their contributions to the report…. Thanks to @myunglee @lexpaulson @participatory @indy_johar @twmalone @cecilianicolini @karitopozo @FrancoisGrey @RebeccaRumbul @stefanabroadben @marabales
Read 4 tweets
May 21st 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 5/21/2020-2…

What is the Appropriate Social Discount Rate for a Charter City?…
#charter #social #discount
Democratic senators propose $2,000 monthly payments to most Americans - POLITICO…
#UBI #monthlypayments
Immune system discovery could end chronic organ rejection…
#OrganRejection #ImmuneSystem
Read 7 tweets
May 9th 2020
The problem living in multilingual country like India is that, every region have it's blanket dimension, linguistically excluded from the rest of the country. A person living in one region of the country may never understand the geo local news, articles, poems & songs from
another region of the country due to linguistic difference. Any solution to a problem is at the mercy of that region's collective intellects segregated virtually by a language. Maybe in the near future, translations & comprehension will further 'soak' itself in
the information technology literally. The future of Accessible Design in IoT will be measured by visual comprehension beyond borders & measured by linguistic comprehension within borders, specially in the multilingual sub-continent like India.

#language #linguistics #translation
Read 5 tweets
Sep 17th 2018
At today's launch of Nesta's Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, @e_grobbi sets the scene by sharing a preliminary analysis of different tools that enhance #CollectiveIntelligence Image
Aims for today #CollectiveIntelligence Image
"CONSUL is the most complete citizen participation tool for an open, transparent and democratic government... Used by cities and organizations all over the world" - #CollectiveIntelligence recommendation from @DecideMadrid
Read 13 tweets

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