"Throughout world history, humanity reached progressive levels of unity starting from the family unit, village or tribe, nation state and is now approaching its long-destined, highest level of unity on this planet which is the unity of mankind." Ali Helmy greeneracresvaluenetwork.wordpress.com/2022/06/05/dai…
"Attuning to nature’s rhythm has been associated with reduced neural activity in brain areas linked to risk for mental illness and inspired the attention restoration theory...nature replenishes our ability to concentrate and pay attention." @CuriousCortexgreeneracresvaluenetwork.wordpress.com/2022/06/06/dai…
"We, with the rest of nature, have it within us to evolve through crisis, but we need to change how we see the world and...act in it. We need to think creatively and inclusively-our values and behaviours, not laws, will decide our future." @JeannetWeurmangreeneracresvaluenetwork.wordpress.com/2022/06/04/dai…
"If belonging to a social group yields an essential survival advantage, cooperative breeding may evolve. This is shown in our study using computer simulations." -- Irene Garcia Ruiz greeneracresvaluenetwork.wordpress.com/2022/06/03/dai…
"It’s mediaschmerz—a sadness about the news cycle and news media, which is distinct from the experience of our everyday life. I’m not sure if I think this is good or bad. It simply is. Individual hope and national despair are not contradictions." @DKThompgreeneracresvaluenetwork.wordpress.com/2022/06/02/dai…
"Despite deteriorating health and widening inequalities across the country...there is scope for local areas to make a real difference. Changes in approach, allocation of resources and strengthened partnerships are essential." Michael Marmot @MichaelMarmotgreeneracresvaluenetwork.wordpress.com/2022/06/01/dai…