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Mar 2nd 2023
Today, I asked @OSHA_DOL to deploy #worker safety teams to evaluate past/ongoing chemical exposures to cleanup workers in #EastPalestine #Ohio.

Worker and local air monitoring should be considered.

Review our Twitter thread for images and videos: Image
Unfortunately, there are some typos. I apologize.

I'm running on 4 hours sleep, but felt it was important to get this to OSHA ASAP.
FYI @smartunionworks, Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, @BMWEDIBT, @BLET, Brotherhood Railway Carmen, Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, @IBEW, @TCUnionHQ, National Conference of Firemen and Oilers, @transportworker
Read 5 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
We have now moved into committee! SB23-111 is for #worker protections & makes sure that public employees can engage in the political process like everyone else

Public employees are nurses, teachers, public service workers & EMT drivers #copolitics

YES ON SB23-111 👨‍⚕️
The right to strike for public employees is only possible after presenting to a board - there is not a avenue for public employees to #unionize or #organize if they think they need too

We are now hearing from a Nurse who tells us 'this impacts you all cause you seek health care'
We have testimony from @DenverHealthMed worker - who says "you do not need a heart beat in a seat, you need a capable health care worker when you are seeking health care"

"we need to level the playing field between our bosses & unions" #copolitics

YES on SB23-111 🔥
Read 28 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
#Capitalism/#Work: "Timed to go to the toilet. Told off for leaning. Monitored for each package completed. As a #worker at #Amazon, I often feel that we aren’t being treated as people."…
"We are treated worse than the #robots doing automated tasks in the warehouses. If the robots have an issue, the company pays for them to be serviced, whereas if we drop below certain targets multiple times, we can be fired – we have to sort it out or get out"
"Everyone who I work with at the warehouse in Coventry is frustrated.... The shifts are hard work, spent all on our feet, walking miles back and forth through large warehouses. All of that for just £10.50 an hour. That’s why about 400 workers at our warehouse are striking today."
Read 5 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Here at #FairWorkweek hearing with sponsors starting us off strong - @SerenaForCO explains that single parents & working parents are left with a CPS call when they don't have predictable work schedules to pick their kids up

Unstable schedules impact 400k Coloradans #copolitics
@SerenaForCO reminds us corporate lobbyists are out numbering us.

@EmilyForCO "We are here today to address unpredictable hours... which means unpredictable pay... 1/3rd of workers in Colorado who are in the most impacted sectors - couldn't cover an emergency" #copolitics
"we continue to create communities where workers can thrive... studies show that fair scheduling builds trust for employees and employers" #copolitics

"workers who have a say in their schedule are more productive" says @EmilyForCO
Read 42 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
امشب میخوام داستان #worker رو براتون بگم. اینکه اصلا چی هست و چیکار میکنه، البته این اسمیه که #کلادفلر براش گذاشته.
این مفهوم با عنوان Serverless Coding یا کدنویسی بدون سرور، در خیلی سرویس‌دهنده‌های دیگه از جمله گوگل، آمازون و مایکروسافت هم عرضه میشه.
روند اجرای یک درخواست تا رسیدن به پاسخ در وب رو وقتی خیلی خلاصه کنیم به این شکله که ما یک درخواست رو میفرستیم به سرور، سرور درخواست رو بررسی میکنه، پاسخ رو آماده میکنه و اون رو به ما برمی‌گردونه.
تو خیلی از کارها پروسه‌ی تهیه پاسخ اونقدر ساده‌اس که نیاز به سرور پیچیده نداره.
اینجاس که مفهوم Serverless مطرح میشه. یک ابزار برنامه‌پذیر که در حدود تعیین شده کد ما رو میپذیره، اجرا میکنه و پاسخ رو برمی‌گردونه.
خب؟ الان این چه ارتباطی با موضوع عبور از فیلترینگ داره؟
در یک کلام، همون استفاده‌ای رو داره که cdn داشت با یک تفاوت مهم.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
History is written by the winners, which is why #Luddite is a slur meaning "technophobe" and not a badge of honor meaning, "Person who goes beyond asking what technology does, to asking who it does it *for* and who it does it *to*."… 1/
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Luddites weren't anti-machine activists, they were pro-#worker advocates, who believed that the spoils of automation shouldn't automatically be allocated to the bosses who skimmed the profits from their #labor and spent them on machines that put them out of a job. 3/
Read 34 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
This mornings rant is about #paidfamilyleave in Colorado & how #voters overwhelmingly passed FAMLI

[& employers can now register for CO’s new program finally; employees max 12 weeks of paid leave a yr + 4 additional wks for #pregnancy or #childbirth complications]

Let’s get 1st thing straight - this 🧵 is no insight into the near 15 yrs #advocates fought for #paidfamilyleave at the CO state Capitol before #voters passed it on the #ballot

I, like many folks - came into the advocacy for #FAMLI yrs after lots of fight. Grateful to have it
Many of us worked on the #ballotmeasure in 2020 & #voters approved the program by 57% of the vote ✨ the amount of barriers set in place to #advocate for #paidfamilyleave & #pass it & then #implement it - have been eye opening 👁 to say the least. #copilitics
Read 17 tweets
Dec 18th 2020
🚨🎄#Christmas #Help🎄🚨

We only have 2 #families left 2 be sponsored for this #HolidaySeason

If you want to help a #family be #sponsored, please call the HHCC team at 403-608-7224 for more info!

Family information for each family is below!

#PleaseDonate #AlbertaCares #YYC
Family 1:

#FrontlineWorkers #Mom is on the #Frontline at a local #Hospital.

#Dad is a maintenance worker that worked for #WestJet, he was laid off. (He’s been #LaidOff since May of #2020.

This #Family has 4 #Children & #Pets.

They are looking to be #Sponsored for #Christmas
Family 2:

#Dad is a #FRONTLINE #Worker.

#Mom was a #Waitress until she was laid off in #April of #2020. The #restaurant #ClosedDown

There are 5 children ages 7 months to 8 years.

They too are #Looking to be #Sponsored for #Christmas this #HolidaySeason.

#CalgaryCares #YYC
Read 7 tweets
Nov 9th 2020
Steve Hilton gets it
... The #Democracts Norms: "from deplorable to despicable, 4yrs on non-stop hate, they want #Americans they dismiss & demean to rollover & pay homage to the new regime, No"

Real power 'when you change the way people think'
#Thatcher, #Reagan, #Trump -ism
... Triumph of #Trumpism
#American's want #Trump 2nd term on the success of the 1st on its substance & on its results, one of most successful in history: issues addressed (#China #Manufacturing #MiddleEast #OpenBorders #EndlessWar)
... Trumpism is
pro-#Business on #Tax & #Regulation
pro-#Worker on #Trade & #Immigration

Andrew Sullivan: "Trump's core message was seared into one of our major political parties for the foreseeable #future & realigned #American #Politics"
Read 8 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
Ok, I've read all 132 pages of the new #immigration policy document. I was hoping for real insight into how things are going to be different from 2021, don't feel like I have that... #CheckChangeGo [thread 1/6]
It's quite odd that most of the identifiable changes are actually relaxations of current rules, like potentially positive changes to in-country switching, and to the 'cooling off' period for some applicants, introduction of the #graduate #worker route, etc [2/6]
However, it's even odder to have no mention of the 'sole representative' route, or the Investor #visa. If these route are just being closed from January 2021, that really needs to be said now. It's not like there wasn't space in that massive document to be clear about this [3/6]
Read 6 tweets
Dec 6th 2019
The National Commission for Enterprises in the #UnorganisedSector was set up in 2004 as an advisory body & a watchdog for the #informal sector. This NCEUS report reviews #labour #laws & #SocialSecurity systems that apply to #workers in unorganised sectors. ImageImageImageImage
It observes that while existing laws have some provisions for conditions of #work for certain workers, there is no comprehensive legal framework for the “basic and minimum conditions of work” for unorganised sector workers.
Therefore, it proposes comprehensive & protective laws for agricultural & non-agricultural workers in the unorganised sector that will regulate conditions of #work, #SocialSecurity, #welfare and #livehood promotion.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 28th 2018
Worker crush of the month.

Samirah Bello works with the Business Development team of Thrive Agric.

She is a hard worker who enjoys managing projects that deals with 0's and 1's. ImageImageImage
She is very passionate about the development of Nigeria and Africa as a whole, this is why she believes that for a nation to grow everyone must be ready to be a part of the work. ...
She is a YALI RLC West Africa fellow and a recipient of Lagos state honors award on educational development, food security and social improvement.

Aside working in Thrive Agric Samirah is passionate about the development of youth, children and women. ...
Read 4 tweets

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