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Jan 10th 2023
1/5 As many of you here watch family, friends, associates and colleagues living their best lives out there, as #COVID19 surges, please know that many ARE NOT okay.

"Psychoanalyst Judith Alpert theorizes that our culture is terrified of death, illness, and vulnerability."
2/5 "Thus, “[t]hose who have contact with the #chronically #ill . . . do not want to be #reminded of #vulnerability and #ultimate #demise. In turn, the demand placed on the chronically ill is to #control, #hide, and #overcome the #chronic #illness.” (Alpert, 2012)."
3/5 Many of those who appear to be living their best lives are faking wellness to fit in.…
Read 5 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
1/ $eGLD is appealing to many:

1. It created the most equitable value sharing #Blockchain Design, Tech & Economic Model.

2. Promotes #Collaboration to secure a network vs #Compete #BTC

3. EU Certified Net Negative Blockchain 🌱

4. Solves the TRUST, CENSORSHIP & DATA problems

5. It allows for DAO’s organizational structures that promote Meritocracy & change in how one Values organizations.

6. It allows the USERS to be THE OWNERS so there is aligned interest to do what is best for the users not Exploit them in traditional Consumer experience

7. It allows the small and technology challenged individual to access & participate via This value sharing & LOW FEE COST on the Network.

8. Elrond is essentially a Public Utility DAO Philanthropic organic meant to Bank the Unbanked & Unbanked the Banked
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