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In #Moabit entdecken viele Passant*innen derzeit die neue "Friedensstatue", die an Frauen & Mädchen erinnert, die im 2 Weltkrieg #vergewaltigt & sexuell versklavt worden sind. Auf Druck @BotschaftJapan fordert das Bezirksamt #Berlin jetzt, d Statue bis 14.10. abzubauen. Thread ⬇️
Die Bronze des südkoreanischen Künstler*paars Seo-Kyong & Un-Seong Kim gedenkt Zehntausender, die während des Asien-Pazifik-Kriegs (1931-1945) von japanischen Militärs & Kollaborateur*innen unter falschen Versprechungen rekrutiert & entführt wurden. #Kriegsvergewaltigung
#Trostfrauen nannte man sie - ein Euphemismus: Die Armeeführer bedienten sich ihrer, um Soldaten Trost & Befriedigung zu verschaffen & so ihre Kampfkraft zu erhöhen. Für die Frauen aber bedeutete d Zugriff Versklavung & #Vergewaltigung, körperliche & seelische Verletzungen
Read 19 tweets
Starting now - @A_L_Kather welcoming and introducing @ECCHRBerlin's work on Syria and collaboration with Syrian survivors. Seven complaints have been filed in European countries to investigate international crimes, including #CRSV. #Justice4Syria (1/x)
"Still waiting for the gender-specific harm of crimes in Syria to be recognized". Representing seven survivors, @ECCHRBerlin, @urnammu and others filed criminal complaint on rape, sexual coercion in Air Force Intelligence detention facilities in Hama and Damascus. (2/x)
Demand the #arrestwarrant against #JamilHassan to be amended and include sexual violence as crimes against humanity. (3/x)
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Thanks to a group of TRIAL donors, all donations between now and Sunday will be doubled! Join the #FightAgainstImpunity and #donate today! #MatchFunding
Looking for reasons to support TRIAL in its fight against impunity?
Here are a few taken from recents weeks:
1. We briefed the UN #SecurityCouncil on the question of #justice and reconciliation in #Bosnia and Herzegovina (5 Nov.)…
2. Erwin #Sperisen, former chief of police of #Guatemala, will have to serve his 15-year prison sentence for complicity in 7 cases of #extrajudicialexecutions of prisoners. So has decided #Switzerland’s Supreme Court (26 Nov.)…
Read 11 tweets
It’s #GivingTuesday!
Here are 9 great reasons to support TRIAL.
Oops, 10 reasons actually, as 2 generous donors will match all donations up to a total of 30,000 USD!!!
Reason #1: Erwin #Sperisen, former chief of police of #Guatemala, will have to serve his 15-year prison sentence for complicity in 7 cases of #extrajudicialexecutions of prisoners. So has decided #Switzerland’s Supreme Court (26 Nov.)…
2. #DRC: three former militiamen, including the infamous warlord Kokodikoko, have been sentenced for #CrimesAgainstHumanity to between 15 years and life in prison. Hundreds of victims have been awarded reparations (19 Nov.)…
Read 12 tweets
A palpable revival of #UniversalJurisdiction is underway in Europe.
Here are 7 examples of recent important activities (trials, arrests, investigations) that have taken place only in the last few weeks.
There are certainly more that I am unaware of.
And certainly more to come.
1. #Sweden
>> Arrest of an Iranian national allegedly involved in the #1988Massacre of thousands of detainees. First ever #UniversalJurisdiction case on #Iran to go ahead.…
2. #Belgium
>> The trial of a #Rwandan man accused of having participated in the 1994 #genocide of the Tutsi minority is currently underway.…
Read 29 tweets

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