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Aug 17th 2022
It's #TheSsum release day. I managed to take a peek at the game before it gets stuck with the connection is unstable problem. @Cheritz_DL so how?

P/s: The chats remind me of #mysticmessenger 🥺 ImageImageImageImage
4 hours later and I'm still stuck. Well then...goodbye for now.

Just checking up on the game. I still can't play it. The only consolation is that my name appears on the screen 😭😭😭

#TheSsum @Cheritz_DL Image
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Feb 21st 2021
In 1626 the Cape Verdean woman Clara Dirks married Anthony Manuel van Malacken (Malacca). #blackhistorymonth #day21 #mixedmarriages
In January 1910, Marcus Johnson, with his wife and three children, James Liwes, John Johson and Abi Williams were photographed in #Amsterdam, they came from Sierra Leone. #blackhistorymonth #day22 #identification
In 1700 Frans Martijn, a sailor from Angola, boarded in 1700 as cook on the East Indiaman 'De Generale Vreede'. #blackhistorymonth #day23
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Dec 1st 2020
Dernière ligne droite de #2020whatayear 🙃
Pour la clôturer, Wedodata revient tout le mois de décembre sur ses projets avec un🎄📅🎄#calendrierdelAvent 🎄📅🎄
Juste l'envie de prendre le temps et de retenir la créativité dans cette folle année😅
L’occasion surtout de remercier nos 17 freelances 🙏 nos 5 stagiaires 🐥 nos 35 clients 🤝 et leurs 65 projets 🎁
#staytuned pour voir (ou revoir) la diversité de ces réalisations web, vidéo ou print. #dataviz
#Day2 #rapport Rendre + ▶ accessible et dynamique ◀, le bilan annuel de la radioprotection des 400 000 travailleurs concernés en France📚, c'était le défi posé par l'IRSN. Données #opendata + graphes à télécharger = UX-design et dev pour @radioprotection Image
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May 6th 2020
Every dream, when it comes true, lays the foundation for newer goals, newer aspirations, and newer dreams. Spending the next year studying at @IIMAhmedabad could perhaps be the biggest adventure I've signed up for yet. @PGPX_IIMA Admit!! #backtoschool #MBA…
When the winds of change blow, some people build walls, others build windmills. - Chinese Proverb

#Day1 #PGPX #MBA #IIMA #DailyQuote #ThoughtForTheDay #MotivationMonday #quoteoftheday
Read 370 tweets
Apr 25th 2020
Did this doha series last year. Planning to do another one from tomorrow, but it will be for a shorter duration
#Day1 #Rahim

बिगरी बात बने नहीं, लाख करो किन कोय.
रहिमन फाटे दूध को, मथे न माखन होय.

If milk gets spoiled, you can’t make butter out of it similarly in life if relationship gets damaged, it’s difficult to mend it
#Day2 #Rahim
रहिमन देखि बड़ेन को, लघु न दीजिए डारि.
जहां काम आवे सुई, कहा करे तरवारि.
Rahim says we should never throw away small things for the lure of bigger one. There are places where only a needle is useful instead of a sword
Read 30 tweets

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