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May 8th 2023
Some of the “data” MarDx provided in their IgM Western blot application to the FDA. (MarDx WBs were 1st to be cleared after infamous #Dearborn conference.) A few interesting tidbits in here.

#LymeDisease #FOIA Image
My favorite: For their sensitivity study, MarDx included specimens of physician-diagnosed cases “relative to #LymeDisease case definition.” These undoubtedly would have been pre-screened arthritis samples from the Triangle of Death, Steere/Wormser/Dattwyler.
#LymeDisease Image
I can’t even imagine anyone today getting away with using “physician-diagnosed” samples to validate a #LymeDisease diagnostic device’s sensitivity. The crooks would surely protest. I’ve looked @ a lot of 510Ks & have never seen this before.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 13th 2022
🔥 As an @IWN parent activist and cofounder of @TheMuslimReform, I speak with @HarryJ4Justice on a #shadowboard as we watch a LIVESTREAM of the Dearborn school board meeting where the intersectionality of wokeism IMPLODES. Watch here on YouTube ⬇️
Proud of these mostly immigrant, mostly Muslim parents in Dearborn, who refuse to be shamed in their defense of children. They are clear that they love ALL children, including of course LGBtQ kids. They just don’t want porn in schools. “Shame on you!” a speaker just said.
A #Dearborn community member speaks in Arabic. Where is the culturally responsive school district providing a translator? No where. He tells the two Arabic-speaking school board members to translate for the others.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 30th 2021
مقالتي حول الماريجوانا واخطارها الصحية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية ورأي الدين في الموضوع.

My latest article about Marijuana; its negative impact on health, community, and economy, as well as religion’s stance on the subject.

-Translation in Thread-

1- research shows very limited if any specific advantage for marijuana (THC, CBD, etc) in treating any medical conditions. And to date, the FDA has not approved a marketing application for cannabis for the treatment of any disease or condition.
2- there is some research that shows some applications in adjunct treatment of a rare kinds of epilepsy ( Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome) and also as an appetite stimulant in cancer, AIDS or Alzheimer’s patients.
Read 29 tweets

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