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Mar 29th 2023

"Soldati israeliani sparano e uccidono un insegnante palestinese di 57anni che cerca di soccorrere un ferito." 🧵1/13

#29marzo #ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #Palestine #Israel #fascismo #razzismo #HumanRights #SanctionIsrael #PACE…
"Giovedì 19 gennaio 2023, intorno alle 02:30, truppe israeliane sono entrate nel campo profughi di #Jenin. I giovani locali hanno lanciato pietre contro di loro non appena sono arrivati, e l'esercito israeliano sostiene che sono stati lanciati anche degli esplosivi. ⬇2
Alcuni soldati si sono fatti strada nel campo, mentre altri sono saliti sul tetto di un edificio. Alcuni sono entrati in un appartamento al quinto piano, hanno ordinato agli occupanti di andare in un altro appartamento e poi hanno ingaggiato ⬇3
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Mar 23rd 2023
1/ An odd one, the 🇮🇱 Israeli Tank Company (active) mounted on the Merkava Mk4. It's notable for having only 2 tanks per platoon (although reserve units with Merkava Mk 3s have 3-tank platoons, but only 3 platoons) #idf
2/ The numbering scheme:
Battalion CO - ג10
Battalion XO - ג11
Company CO - ג (Charlie)
Company XO - ד (Delta)
Platoon Leaders - 1, 2, 3, 4
Platoon Deputies - ב1, ב2, ב3, ב4 (Bravo)
3/ In platoons with 3 tanks, there is also an "A" tank (א) who is the newest tank commander.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
🔴Thread : liste des dispositifs d'accueil de demandeurs d'asile en France pour 2022 📋

1⃣ @lacimade estime le nombre de places de #CADA à 50 000. Surtout situées en #IDF, #AURA et #GrandEst, les principaux opérateurs sont @CDC_Habitat, @Franceterdasile et la @CroixRouge 🧭 Image
2⃣ @lacimade comptabilise 64 500 places dans des #HUDA (Hébergement d’Urgence des Demandeurs d’Asile) réparties sur tout le territoire national. Administrées au niveau régional par @OFII_France, 36% d’entre elles correspondent à des chambres d’hôtel 🏨 Image
3⃣ Les #CAES (Centre d’Accueil et d’Examens de Situations) enregistrent 4 500 places.
Ils sont destinés à l’hébergement des demandeurs d’asile pour une durée assez courte, avant qu’ils ne soient transférés vers de plus grandes structures ⌛️ 🚌 🏢 Image
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Feb 22nd 2023
#PIJ positions have been evacuated in #Gaza 🤷‍♂️
Handheld -
PIJ forces were ordered to leave military positions [in #Gaza]
All military positions were evacuated, PIJ, Hamas and Hamas-owned police.

Read 21 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
Antep, Fidanlik mah, 10 people trapped under the building
#Turkey 🇹🇷

Malatya, near Divan Hastane [Hospital], a hotel collapsed according to the cameraman
#Turkey #Earthquake
Man crying for help, looks for his mom in Hatay
#Turkey 🇹🇷
Read 229 tweets
Feb 5th 2023
🚨Red Alert in #Israel🚨
17:41 Local / 1541Z
Sderot, Sha'ar HaNegev
Gazan radio says that heavy machine guns were in use before the red alert, which might be the reason for triggering the alert.
Some Israeli sources claim that 1 rocket was launched.
Yet to be confirmed.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
🚨Red Alert in #Israel🚨
17:26 Local / 1526Z
Sderot, Ibim, Nir Am
Gazan handheld:
"Iron Dome activity"

#Israel 🇮🇱
Reportedly 2 rockets.
Read 14 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
Quneitra 👀
Something blew up in Quneitra, southern #Syria 🇸🇾
Initial reports suggest that it was a chopper attack by #IDF 🇮🇱, NOT CONFIRMED, YET. Image
According to local sources, it wasn't one blast, several explosions were heard in Sahita area, northern Quneitra
#Syria 🇸🇾
Read 5 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
Joint statement by Shin Bet & #IDF 🇮🇱 spox:
This morning during a joint action of Shin Bet, Yamam, Border police and IDF in Jenin camp, 4 wanted PIJ terrorists were neutralized, 3 of which opened fire at Israeli forces. Two IEDs were detonated by engineering forces.
Quite a comprehensive thread about today's Jenin operation ⬇️
PIJ over radio:
"We'll respond very soon"
Read 87 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
La pagaille à #Paris dans les transports en commun c’est un phénomène qui vient de loin : I) Le prix du #PassNavigo 1-5 zones à tarif unique qui a drainé de plus en plus de banlieusards sans les financements qui vont avec (Mandature Huchon - PS - Avant l’arrivée de @vpecresse) 1)
II) L’achat d’une flotte de bus au diesel (Quelques semaines avant l’arrivée de @vpecresse en 2015 à la région #IDF - Mme #Hidalgo étant conseillère régionale & #EELV co-dirigeant la région avec @CecileDuflot) Les bus à « soufflets » bloquent la circulation car trop longs 2)
III) La gratuite des transports pour les clandestins (#immigration subie) maintes fois dénoncée par @vpecresse grève le budget d’@IDFmobilites et crée de la violence (2 compétences qui relèvent du seul @gouvernementFR et non de la région #IDF obligée de financer la #securite) 3)
Read 8 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
Yahya #Sinwar addresses #Israel: "We overthrew your government, and are capable of overthrowing any future government"

Here are some highlights of the speech from the leader of #Hamas in the #Gaza Strip during today's rally mark the 35 years since the founding of the... (1/8)

1. We support any armed organization fighting against the occupation (Israel - #Abu_Ali) of the #West_Bank, such as "Areen al-Aswood", #Jenin Brigade, and Balata Brigade.

2. We predict the rise of the political right in Israel in 2023, which will lead... (2/8)
to the crossing of all the red lines. According to our intelligence assessment, 2023 will be a year with major national milestones, and we must prepare for that.

3. Turning to Israel: We have overthrown your government (referring to the round of fighting which... (3/8)
Read 9 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation

“Un ebreo è un'anima; un arabo è un figlio di puttana.”
La rivolta ebraica di sabato ad #Hebron è solo un'anteprima, purtroppo. ⬇1/14

#21novembre #Israel #Palestine #Razzismo #Fascismo #WestBank #Gaza #Jerusalem…
"Le centinaia di israeliani che sabato hanno causato disordini ad #Hebron lo hanno fatto con la chiara consapevolezza di essere i proprietari della terra e che ora è "il momento di Itamar #BenGvir". ⬇2
Circa 32mila ebrei si sono recati in città per celebrare la preghiera della Torah di Chayei Sarah.

La polizia aveva annunciato di essersi preparata in anticipo per l'evento.
Ma in un luogo ⬇3
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Sep 29th 2022
🇮🇱 🇺🇦 September 29 - the Armed Forces of Ukraine commemorate all the victims of the nazi executioners on the 81th anniversary of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Babyn Yar.
We stand together with #IDF - Israel Defense Forces brothers and sisters! On March 1, 2022, war criminals of the russian federation launched a missile attack on the territory of the Babyn Yar memorial.
29 вересня – Збройні Сили України згадують усіх жертв нацистських катів-фашистів у 81 роковини Дня пам’яті жертв Бабиного Яру та солідаризуються з братами та сестрами з Армії Оборони Ізраїлю.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
A new cache of leaked Labour documents shows how Israel lobby operatives worked against former leader Jeremy Corbyn from within the UK’s main opposition party…
Israel lobbyist Luke Akehurst intervened to help save suspended right-wing Labour activist Luke Stanger from expulsion – despite a series of complaints of harassment & intimidation.
The leaked files also detail how Palestine solidarity activists & left-wingers were investigated
leaked files also detail how Palestine solidarity activists/left-wingers were investigated/suspended /expelled frm the party, while right-wing pro-Israel members were protected by senior party figures.
The documents were revealed on Thursday in the 1st episode of #TheLabourFiles
Read 27 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
"#Israel vuole un'altra #Intifada, non c'è dubbio. Non c'è altra spiegazione dietro l'atteggiamento sfrenato degli ultimi mesi, anche se non è chiaro quale possibile beneficio potrà derivare da ulteriori e inutili spargimenti di sangue. ⬇2
Inutile, ma #Israele lo vuole: quello che sta facendo ultimamente nei territori occupati porterà inevitabilmente a un'altra #Intifada.
Israele lo sa bene.
Quindi, si deve concludere che questo è quello che vuole. ⬇3
Read 19 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation
Detenzione amministrativa in #Israel, esempio lampante di #Apartheid a servizio dell'occupazione.
Numeri record, incompatibili con una “democrazia”. ⬇1/14

#AdministrativeDetention #Palestine #23agosto #SanctionIsrael…
"Quando si parla di detenzione amministrativa, una delle politiche governative più aggressive immaginabili, essendo una forma di detenzione senza processo, è impossibile affidarsi all'Alta Corte di Giustizia.

Secondo un'indagine di @Haaretz, ⬇2
il tribunale non ha accolto nemmeno una petizione di annullamento di un ordine di detenzione amministrativa dall'inizio dell'anno.
L'Associazione per i diritti civili in #Israele non riesce a ricordarsi nessun caso in cui l'abbia fatto, non solo quest'anno, ma mai. ⬇3
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Aug 16th 2022
#IsraeliTerrorism #IsraeliCrimes

Non era un razzo della Jihad.
#Israel ammette la propria responsabilità nella morte dei 5 bambini di #Gaza, durante la recente operazione #BreakinDawn. ⬇1/13

#Palestine #ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #16agosto…
"Secondo i risultati di un'indagine dell'#IDF, i 5 minori palestinesi morti nella recente operazione israeliana a #Gaza sono stati uccisi in un attacco aereo effettuato dall'aviazione israeliana. ⬇2
I fatti sono avvenuti nel campo profughi di #Jabaliya a #Gaza il 7 agosto, l'ultimo giorno della campagna militare nell'enclave palestinese, soprannominata Operazione #BreakingDawn, ha riferito martedì il quotidiano @Haaretz , citando l'indagine dell'IDF. ⬇3
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Aug 6th 2022
The #IDF continues to attack targets in the #Gaza Strip

A Palestinian man, Osama al-Suri, succumbed to his wounds after being attacked this morning while riding a motorcycle in the streets of #Khan_Yunis, southern Gaza Strip.

Several Palestinians were injured in a... (1/4)
targeted attack on a motorcycle driving in the streets of the southern city of #Rafah.

There are conflicting reports regarding two other people that were killed while driving a vehicle on Saladin Street in Khan Yunis. Some claim this is a result of an IDF attack, but... (2/4)
Gazan journalist Hassan Aslih reports that this is a result of an unrelated car accident.

And lastly, the IDF attacked the home of the Shamlah family in the western part of Gaza City. No people were injured or killed in the attack as the IDF warned of its intentions... (3/4)
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Aug 5th 2022
#IDF says it is striking targets in #Gaza, emergency situation has be declared in #Israel|i homefront
Initial image from northern #Gaza
Initial reports the strike was a targeted assassination attempt against PIJ militants.
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Jul 15th 2022
🚨Red Alert in #Israel🚨
00:50 Local / 2150Z
Ashkelon - South, Ashkelon - North Image
A blast was heard by locals, possibly a tamir launch
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Jun 30th 2022
Joseph's Tomb, #Nablus: Three wounded, including Jewish worshipers and the commander of the #IDF's Samaria Territorial Brigade

The attached clip, shot by Jewish worshipers at Joseph's Tomb last night, is one of the most trending videos on Palestinian channels in recent... (1/4)

Palestinians are celebrating the scenes of panic and terror on social media as militants shoot at the compound. Many highlighted the IDF's official report, according to which Col. Roi Zweig, commander of the IDF's Samaria Brigade, as well as two worshipers were... (2/4)
injured. For them, this is a significant achievement.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (AMB, #Fatah-affiliated) claimed responsibility for the shooting at the compound and for injuring an IDF officer.

#Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum: "We congratulate the residents of... (3/4)
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Jun 27th 2022
The Spokesman for #Hamas' military wing in an unusual statement:

"We announce that there has been a deterioration in the health of one of the #Israeli prisoners currently held by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. We will update in the coming hours." The spokesman... (1/4)
claims that he will publish something that will prove the matter.

Hamas currently holds Israeli civilians Avera Mengistu and Hisham a-Seid captive. Both suffer from mental disorders and have jumped over the border fence and wandered into the #Gaza Strip. The... (2/4)
organization also holds the bodies of #IDF soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin and maintains that Mengistu and A-Seid are IDF soldiers too (to justify keeping them captive).

There's a reason for this announcement. Throughout the years, Hamas repeatedly refused to... (3/4)
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Jun 21st 2022
🔴🧵The repercussions of the impending dissolution of the Knesset continue to reverberate throughout the region.

Here's what you need to know so far about this story 👇
#Israel | #IsraElex22…
The bill to dissolve the Knesset will go into its initial reading tomorrow, The Jerusalem Post's new Political correspondent @BreuerEliav reports.

#Knesset | #IsraElex22…
What will happen once elections commence?

The most recent polling predicts that no side will achieve a majority.

#IsraElex22 | #Elections2022…
Read 13 tweets
May 28th 2022
#BREAKING: Tomorrow,#IDF will launch exercise Agapinor-2022 during which #Israeli Special Forces and also transport, helicopter, fighter and drone squadrons of #IsraeliAirForce will simulate military operations against #IRGC Quds Force and its proxies in an unfamiliar environment
It is expected that #USAF also take-part in the exercise through deploying two KC-10A Extender tankers to refuel Israeli fighter jets alongside Israeli KC-707s.
Exercise Agapinor-2022 is the final phase of exercise Charriots of Fire. All of those airmen and airwomen who practiced combat operations in Israel will do what they did now in an unfoamiliar environment.
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