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Jan 19th 2021
"Rigging primary elections impairs voting rights as much as excluding voters based on race, gender, or other demographic characteristics. The Court must act to address the simmering crisis of confidence in American democracy before it reaches the boiling point – and not any later
A writ of certiorari should issue to review the judgment and opinion of the Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit"

(#DNCFraudLawsuit SCOTUS brief filed 3/26/2020)…

Why should we continue to bother with people who didn't bother listening to us?

The Supreme Court responded to our #DNCFraudLawsuit petition with one word: "denied."

I guess the simmering crisis of confidence in American democracy wasn't important enough to bother with more than that.
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Jan 16th 2021
For the past 4+ years, my wife and I have been screaming at the top of our lungs about election fraud perpetrated by the DNC.
We pursued #DNCFraudLawsuit to the bitter end, depleted our own savings account while warning every step of the way about the dire consequences for our country if election integrity wasn't addressed immediately.
Few listened to us, and even fewer helped us. Many derided, mocked, and even threatened us.
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Jan 10th 2021
Not Harvard, you are "talking" to an AI BOT that stands in for #DNCFraudLawsuit atty Jared Beck, who sued @DNC for fraud, went to the Supreme Court + ended up w/ TWO DEAD WITNESSES + @TheDemocrats' admission of its RIGGED electoral process (which you are TOO DUMB to understand).
What exactly have you done?
Still waiting for your credentials, while you run your ill-informed troll mouth, as is your right.
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Dec 4th 2020
Sidney Powell (counsel to former DIA director) and Lin Wood (lots of potential Deep State op connections in his background including Richard Jewell FBI case) are part of the op, folks.
By crowding out bonafide attorneys (like Beck & Lee in #DNCFraudLawsuit) they crowd out possibility of legal effort leading to truth (as in when DNC admitted in open court that it believes it can rig elections).
Same thing happened with JFK assassination; only legal effort was pointless trial of CIA operative Clay Shaw by bumbling government attorney Jim Garrison. Same shit, different era. Don't fall for it and give your $$$ to them for crying out loud!
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Dec 3rd 2020
Oh, he's not wrong. Not wrong at all. Not because there was no fraud, but because the legal system is incapable of overturning the election even if fraud is proven.…
We never took A DIME for #DNCFraudLawsuit from anyone except our OWN POCKETS and we proved in Court that the DNC's believes it has every right to rig elections.
Think about that before donating your $$$ to GRIFTERS Sydney Powell and L. Lin Wood and anyone else with their hat out for a doomed from the get-go Trump "legal challenge."
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Oct 10th 2020
Hiya Cucks! How y'all doing? Yeah, you, the Cucks who kept telling me (the guy who had the actual cajones to sue the DNC for fraud + got two dead witnesses in #DNCFraudLawsuit) to "sit back on my ass, pop open a cold one, enjoy the Plan + wait for the Storm"
Hope you're enjoying plenty of trans fat laden pop corn with your favorite sugared, fluoridated ALL AMERICAN beverage.…
Hope you're enjoying the Show while wearing your favorite MAGA Face Diaper, dreaming of Orange Corona Jebus, "trusting Barr and trusting Durham" all the way to the Super Special MAGA Short Bus in Heaven.
Read 5 tweets
May 18th 2020
This is the same "Johnny Sway" who spent his savings travelling to Iowa in 2016, sleeping on stranger's floors and trudging miles in the snow, canvassing for ST. BERNARD.

The same Johnny Sway who returned home broke to his c-store job, sending $27 a week to the Good Shepard,
GLUED TO HIS LAPTOP NIGHT AFTER NIGHT on YouTube, believing every scripted twist + turn until he + his fellow Berners were NO LONGER NEEDED as EXTRAS in the grand illusion of the 2016 Dem primary cycle, discarded on the floor of the Democratic convention.
The SAME Johnny Sway who cried real tears at Bernie's fake as he took the mic + nominated HRC by acclimation. The same J. Sway who watched Bernie donate leftover campaign contributions TO THE DNC that rigged the primary against him, and touted its WAR CRIMINAL nominee.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
#DNCFraudLawsuit Plaintiffs Petition Supreme Court

"As the Becks note, the documented election interference forming the basis of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit has seen no investigation or prosecution, with their suit standing as the single exception."…
"The party’s own defense counsel indicate that the DNC sees the democratic process in its nomination procedure as meaningless, with the real decisions determined by party insiders."
"Establishment media has hardly held them to account. DNC cheerleaders in the corporate press have not only ignored the fraud perpetrated by the @DNC in 2016, but some have argued that “Too Much Democracy is Bad for Democracy.”

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Mar 26th 2020
#DNCFraudLawsuit update:

Our petition for writ of certiorari has been filed with the Supreme Court. Link at the end of this thread.
It was a monumental effort. Big thanks are due to: (1) our wonderful clients and named plaintiffs who have lent their names and time to this endeavor; (2) the entire legal team (Cullin O'Brien, Tony Hernandez, Kimberly Diaz, VIctor Arca, Elizabeth Lee Beck);
(3) Tim Canova and Niko House, for meeting with the legal team and sharing their thoughts; (4) my AI Bot, for keeping the dream alive on Twitter; and (5) all our friends and supporters, including those in Gabland and followers of the Bot in Twitterville.

Fingers crossed!
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Feb 9th 2020
From Jared Beck's "What Happened to Bernie Sanders", published by Hot Books:

It wasn't until June 15, 2016 (which happened to be the day after the last primary, in the District of Columbia) that I saw a legal pathway begin to take shape.
By then, there had been widespread irregularities at the polls, including in Arizona, California, New York, and Puerto Rico, among other places.
The concept of this being a "rigged" election had already started to germinate in discussions among Sanders' supporters. But on this day in particular, a publically accessible WordPress blog was established under the name "Guccifer 2.0",
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Feb 1st 2020
From Jared Beck's "What Happened to Bernie Sanders", published by Hot Books

"Eight months later, I was back in Judge Zloch's courtroom. The service of process issue having been resolved,
I was again seated at the plaintiffs' counsel table, watching the DNC's counsel make new arguments for dismissing the case. The court had scheduled the hearing in response to the defendants' second motion to dismiss complaint,
which proffered a whole new slew of grounds for why Judge Zloch should throw out the case without even getting to the discovery phase, i.e., the process by which litigants accumulate potential evidence through such discovery tools as document requests + depositions.
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Jan 29th 2020
The #DNCFraudLawsuit is a case that we filed in June of 2016, on behalf of a number of named plaintiffs + proposed classes of Bernie Sanders donors and donors to the DNC + members of the Democratic Party, seeking relief on the basis that the DNC failed to follow its own charter,
in the conduct of the Democratic presidential nominating process + we're seeking relief in the form of damages, essentially the return of donations that people paid to the Bernie Sanders campaign
under the belief and understanding that this was a democratic, free and fair election process that they were participating in through their donations to the Bernie Sanders campaign.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 26th 2020
The #DNCFraudLawsuit is headed to the United States Supreme Court.
We have until March 26, 2020 to file a petition for a Writ of Certiorai (thank you, Justice Thomas for the extension).
This is a formal request asking the Court to accept the case for appellate consideration.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 15th 2020
Excerpt from transcript of 4/25/2017, Carol Wilding, et al., vs. DNC Services Corp, d/b/a/ Democratic National Committee, et al, Defendants.

MR. BECK: Good afternoon. And thank you, Counsel. Your Honor, we've been accused just now of wielding a political weapon.
We're been accused of posing a threat to the First Amendment. But, in fact the First Amendment is not absolute, and the Supreme Court recognizes that again and again.
And, in fact, the First Amendment yields on many occasions to more ancient common-law rights that precede even the founding of this republic. Freedom of speech and freedom of association are very, very important, but we also have a right not to be defrauded.
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Dec 7th 2019

Excerpt from Transcript of Motion Hearing before the Honorable William J. Zloch, U.S. District Judge
THE COURT: What does the plaintiff say on the operational aspect of the DNC?

MR. BECK: Well, your Honor, I'm shocked to hear that we can't define what it means to be evenhanded + impartial. If that were the case, we couldn't have courts. I mean, that's what courts do every day,
is decide disputes in an evenhanded and impartial manner. So, to me, it's not a difficult question at all (as to) what it means to be even-handed and impartial. It doesn't mean having to wade into a political dispute about how the party conducts its own affairs,
Read 52 tweets
Nov 25th 2019
Some people may remember, although a lot of people seem to have a great amount of amnesia about this, that 2016 was a rigged primary.
And it was rigged for Hillary Clinton. And we know this, because Wikileaks has told us this in black and white, through the release of documents, that showed that the DNC had pre-selected Hillary Clinton,
well before the primaries had even began, and everything was basically a rigged horse race, leading up to the coronation of Hillary Clinton - at least that was the plan.
Read 32 tweets
Nov 5th 2019
It’s the @DNC, Stupid: Democratic Party, Not #Russia, Has Delegitimized the Democratic Process…
@DNC Clinton’s comments to the effect that @TulsiGabbard is being groomed by Russia & that @DrJillStein is a #RussianAsset were echoed by #DNC-friendly pundits, externalizing what Gabbard called the “rot” in the Democratic party onto domestic critics and a nation across the planet.
@DNC @TulsiGabbard @DrJillStein Establishment #Democrats and those who amplify them continue to project blame for the public’s doubt in the U.S. election process onto outside influence, despite the clear history of the party’s subversion of #electionintegrity.
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Jan 30th 2019
Looks like twitter has now suspended @jaredbeck for ripping #KamalaHarris a new one every day. Can't criticize the chosen one, I see.

Twitter Suspends Jared Beck, Attorney For The Plaintiffs In #DNCFraudLawsuit…
We've been covering Twitter's escalating censorship for months at @DisobedientNews:…
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Jun 24th 2018
Attorneys: The DNC’s Lawsuit Against Russia Undermines Their Own Defense In The #DNCFraudLawsuit…
You can read the supplemental authority letter, here:…

All other relevant documentation in the case is provided by the Becks at @Jam_PAC2016:
Attorneys for the plaintiffs in the #DNCFraudlawsuit argue that the claims of DNC re: financial damage, in a separate suit against Russia, the Trump campaign and @WikiLeaks, contradicts the DNC’s defense counsel in the Fraud lawsuit.

Self-pwn, @DWStweets @TheDemocrats @DNC?
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Aug 26th 2017
1/x This thread attempts to explain as neutrally as possible what happened in the #DNCFraudLawsuit
2/x As I go through I will post link to various court documents in the case. My point here is not to make political or moral claims.
3/x. Plaintiffs are a class of voters who sued the dnc, alleging that it failed to live up to its bylaws to be neutral in the primaries
Read 34 tweets

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