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Jan 16th 2021
🧵1/6 ALL of us have a connection to a school/ #earlyyears setting. We ALL want to see better control of #COVID19 in the UK & avoid another #lockdown.
So ALL of us should be demanding that #schools/nurseries are made S.A.F.E.R.
2/....protecting staff, pupils, families & communities.
How long do we have to wait for the Gvmt to offer/allow adequate mitigation for an airborne virus that’s caused 1000s of AVOIDABLE DEATHS, countless cases of #LongCovid & economic devastation?
How many ppl need to die?
3/If @BorisJohnson won’t protect us,we must protect each other.
Write to your MP/local council asking for #SafeEdForAll
Advice ALL kids >6yrs going to school #WearAMask.
ALLOW staff to wear #MasksInClassrooms. Teaching won’t be perfect but the current situation’s isn’t either.
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