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Jul 26th 2020
#BipolarOrder #HiTechDecoupling #PartialEcDecoupling Is the only policy option to thawart #CCP's #Socialist #Market #Ecnomy's #ESIS policy & #READ strategy, for dominating the #commanding #heights of the global economy!
2/ccp We have to make a distinction between DJT's approach to China policy(correct) and his approach to Rest of World(flawed). The core of the China policy is spot on & only needs to be adapted to the demands of diplomacy & 21st C narrative.
3/ccp Paradoxically the critique is both correct & wrong. If Trump wasn't a "bull in China shop" viz #CCP #China, World would still be debating how to compete with #PRC through investment in infrastructure, education & R&D, not CCP #spying, #HK & #Xinjiangā€¦
Read 7 tweets
Jul 14th 2019
I recently had the privilege of attending @nih_nhlbiā€™s #KtoR01 workshop for K grant awardees. It was fantastic, and in the spirit of democratizing science, I am sharing tidbits I learned about how to get that #ESI R01 funded. #AcademicTwitter (1/31)
Input from other workshop attendees and R01-funded investigators is most welcome ā€¦ please comment away! This is meant to be helpful for all early-career folks (not just K awardees) thinking of applying for R01 funding in the future. #KtoR01 (2/31)
First, what is #ESI status, and why does it matter?

šŸ”† ESI = Early Stage Investigator
šŸ”† Usually within 10 yrs of terminal degree or end of ACGME training
(read more here:ā€¦)

ESI status gives bonus points towards reaching the payline. #KtoR01 (3/31)
Read 31 tweets

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