🔆 ESI = Early Stage Investigator
🔆 Usually within 10 yrs of terminal degree or end of ACGME training
(read more here: grants.nih.gov/policy/early-i…)
ESI status gives bonus points towards reaching the payline. #KtoR01 (3/31)
I’m good until 2024. #getthatmoneyhoney #KtoR01 (6/31)

projectreporter.nih.gov/reporter_match… (7/31)
Apply here (must be faculty, not post-doc): public.csr.nih.gov/ForReviewers/B…
#KtoR01 (16/31)
First, we can get so bogged down in scientific detail that we cram as much as possible into 12 pages without making sure our proposal is actually enjoyable to read. #KtoR01 (17/31)

It’s the first impression you give, and you want reviewers to want to read more (i.e., the appraoch). #KtoR01 (19/31)
✅ Define
✅ Quantify
✅ Prove
✅ Disprove
✅ Determine
✅ Increase or decrease (not alter or change)
These words are action-oriented and imply you’re going to do something in your studies.
#KtoR01 (20/31)
❌ Evaluate
❌ Study
❌ Compare
❌ Describe
❌ Look at
❌ Check
❌ Estimate
These words tend to imply the action of study is over and you’re doing something afterwards.
#KtoR01 (21/31)
Feasible in your hands
Detailed enough that reviewers know you know what you’re doing
Not too detailed to bore
Addressing important pitfalls
Visually pleasing enough with schematic diagrams
#KtoR01 (22/31)
Not demonstrating adequate power
Not describing quantification + interpretation
Not including age and sex as biological variables
Not choosing correct statistical tests
Not correcting for multiple comparisons
#KtoR01 (23/31)
Inter-dependent aims where one relies on results of another (kiss of death)
Overambitious scope
Poorly justified research question / approach
Expertise of PI not demonstrated
Poorly written prose + sloppy layout
#KtoR01 (24/31)
People outside your field (people most familiar with your work will likely have conflicts, so reviewers might be outside your immediate area)
Can even pay consultants for pre submission review
#KtoR01 (26/31)
⏲️ Plan in advance, ideally 6 months prior, with 6-weeks of dedicated writing time leading up to deadline.
🙅♀️Have a mentor who advises on whether you should say no to tasks asked of you
#KtoR01 (27/31)
Accept that your central idea may not be good. Don’t take it personally.
Read more: superficial understanding can be a pitfall.
Build a research program with more than one theme so you can easily pivot to an already developed project.
#KtoR01 (28/31)
You need people to review your ALL science sections, not just the aims page. People often fall down on how they lay out the approach.
#KtoR01 (29/31)
Good luck to everyone out there! (fin)