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Apr 20th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/20/2021…
Looking at portraits with an eye to evolutionary psychology…

#EvolutionaryPsychology #portraiture #interpretation
Phase transitions, collective emotions and decision-making problem in heterogeneous social systems…

#PhaseTransitions #CollectiveDecisionMaking #InformationExchanges #SocialSystems #heterogeneous
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Feb 12th 2021
John McWhorter "doesn’t expect to argue the religiously antiracist out of their creed, but hopes to figure out how to live among these zealots without letting them suck all the air out of the room."…
The religiously antiracist believe in their creed, I suggest, because it gives their lives a sense meaning & purpose, while at the same time imparting socio-economic &/or political advantage, as well as a sense of belonging to a morally superior community.
The personal sense of moral authority/superiority, of course, also plays an important role.

The #EvolutionaryPsychology behind the religion/ideology of Post-Racial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism (to give it its full name) needs to be understood.
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Aug 27th 2020
I have some important insights & ideas to contribute to the issue of race & identity, but anything which fails to comply with his own, illiberal & quite Orwellian racial ideology @DAaronovitch dismisses as RACIST.
The British state & establishment, like all western establishments, which have shared roots in international academia, are committed to an ideology of racial mixing, known in Orwellian newspeak as post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY, & promoted by mass 3rd world immigration.
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Aug 19th 2020
There are always those who want to cure society of its ills, especially when they are young, & I was & still am one of them.

Thus far, our good intentions have invariably paved the way to hell, &, no longer young, I have given years of thought to understanding why this is.
Even if I'm wrong in some of the details, which I may well be, I think I'm on the right track, which is based on an evolutionary understanding of human nature & how it is perverted in the artificial environment of civilisation itself.
This artificial environment we call civilisation was not shaped by society's elites in the interests of society at large, but in their own narrow & short-sighted self-interests, which they rationalised as being in the interests of everyone.
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Jul 11th 2020
Like all animals, humans exploit their environment, but are special in having created the artificial environment of civilisation, which they exploit alongside that of the natural environment.

Both environments are currently being exploited to destruction.
This is insane - indeed, suicidal - but it's what we're doing, for the simple reason that those we look to as authorities on understanding our situation fail to do so. Instead they rationalise it, as they do their ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY.
What causes the social sciences to rationalise our situation, rather than to understand it?

The current situation is working to their narrow & short-sighted personal advantage, which blinds them to reality. That's why. It's basic #EvolutionaryPsychology.
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Jul 4th 2020
A truly virtuous person does not virtue-signal as a means of gaining social status & personal advantage, but we can't help knowing that being seen to be virtuous is advantageous.
To want to be virtuous is a good thing, but all too often, good intentions are misconceived & thus pave the way to hell.

This is what is happening in regard to anti-fascism & anti-racism, & the ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY they have given rise to.
The ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY turns Nazi racial ideology on its head, going to opposite, but equally insane extremes, & serving Big Brother & his minions as the perfect means of virtue-signalling their moral authority over others.
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Jun 18th 2020
I have said the USA could never win another world war. They are fat, poorly informed & incapable of change as the WW2 generation was. The corollary is the rich, who become entrained in a lifestyle of soft pleasures and refuse to sacrifice. #ethics #praxis #EvolutionaryPsychology
If people want to know what sacrifice is about, consider the siege of Leningrad during WW2: "By January 1944, when the Wehrmacht finally began to retreat, around 750,000 civilians had been deliberately starved to death." #History #Survival #Horror…
True horror: "Nevertheless, the Somme heralded a new age of atrocity and diminished individual responsibility for it. Politicians, generals and ideologues... were able to ignore the moral consequences of their work." #History #WW1…
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