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Feb 4th 2022
1/20🧵 I have some pretty big news to share #Thread #CDNpoli

I finally have all my specialized test results & it's much worse than anyone hoped or predicted. My life is going to be cut rather short due to physical complications with cancer & political complications with #Covid19
2/20 🧵#CDNpoli #Cancer #COVID19

In the past 2 months, my lung cancer tumor has already grown. But yesterday we finally learned why I was falling & what injured my leg & back to make them so painful & too weak to walk anymore

I don't just have lung cancer. There's more...
3/20🧵#CDNpoli #Cancer #COVID19

In addition to the lung tumor, my left leg & hip are riddled with cancer. It began in my right leg too. All lymph nodes have cancer. Two spots in my spine have cancer (T5 & T12). Cancer in my left rib & right shoulder. 3 tumors in my liver as well
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