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Dec 22nd 2020
Graduates, take notes...

Do you know that your salary is an illusion?

Let me teach you some basic math: R350,000 a year. After taxes you only get about R287, 225. Minus 12% for pension, take home is R257 565. Image
If you are not staying at home, rent can be about R4500/month. #stayhome
If you don't have medical aid already, R1700 minimum less maybe for hospital cover only...

Your new cash flow is R257, 565−(R54, 000+R1, 700×12) = R183, 165. Image
Need a car? used car (preowned) with an average car payment of R3, 500 and your insurance about R1, 500 (if you have never been covered by car insurance this value can be quite high, first time driver. So many other reasons.).

Don't buy a car yet... Please... Image
Read 12 tweets
Aug 16th 2020
Yesterday, I officially #graduated with a #PhD from @UF. I spent 5 years working on #Conservation #Ecology of #Dholes or Asiatic wild dogs. Here's an #illustrated #SciArt thread of my #dissertation. #AcademicChatter #phdchat 🦊🤎(1/22)
Read 22 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
Good Morning Everyone! This is @Typicallysilent taking over for @TheRealDoctorT.
Feels kinda strange to gettin the keys🗝️ to the jag, but I don’t mind taking these wheels 🚗 for a spin.
Oh, the places we're going! #ShareTheMicNowMed
😃I was born in BMORE!
👪Both my parents are Nigerian 🇳🇬 and Igbo
🏚️My father worked for the Housing Authority of Baltimore for those in need of Section 8 housing.
👩‍🏫Mom is a teacher in special education Walter P. Carter #firstgen #firstMD
🏫I attended the @UMmedschool for Medical School
🎓Just #graduated from @EmoryDeptofMed
💩Will be starting a fellowship in GI @EmoryGastroHep with an interest in Motility/Esophagus

I learned a lot and hope to keep learning!
Read 4 tweets

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