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May 18th 2023
Book proposals: What’s involved? How do you write them? Here are 14 tips from editors Emily Andrew of @McGillQueensUP, Randy Schmidt of @UBCPress and Dan Quinlan of @utpress. They’ll have more to say at a panel at #congressh in Toronto. A thread… 🧵 Image
1. Before you submit a book proposal, meet with an acquisition editor to form a relationship. This way when the proposal arrives it will have a face and a conversation attached. 🤝(@eandreweditor) #bookproposal
2. There is no protocol to contacting an acquisitions editor. Reach out to them by name. Our contact information is online, we will know many of your colleagues and peers, and we are approachable. Leverage mutual contacts and relationships. (Dan Quinlan, @utpress) 📧📞#Editors
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Jun 12th 2022
1/ first: don't sit there forcing yourself to get the motivation back. Nobody in the history of ever got motivated by telling themselves to feel motivated.

Instead, acknowledge you're not feeling it & shift focus instead. Read on... 👇🏼
2/ Try reading something that usually gives you the academic equivalent of fanny flutters (!). Your favourite journo article, your fave writer, a section of your research journal, an interesting joy-giving bit of data.

That might spark some ideas to bring back into your writing
Read 16 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
My first #dissertation chapter has been published! The paper focuses on #predation of #urban #wildlife by #cats with recommendations for collaborative data-driven management strategies. Main points are summarized in this #infographic, but more info and paper link in this thread!
We spent 3 years surveying #WashingtonDC for #cats using #trailcams. Whenever we saw an image of a cat carrying prey, we noted the species and location, and added it to our predation database.
So what influences predation rates by #urban #feral cats? We found 2 driving factors: access to cat food and distance to forest edge. Why would cat food increase predation? Supplemental food allows cats to occur at greater densities, amplifying population-level predation!
Read 9 tweets
Jan 28th 2022
example of how i organize sources and keep track of reading progress in @logseq

🦴💀 = headings and structure

#TfT #PKM #Dissertation #PhD #AcademicTwitter Image
@logseq quick overview...

1. First on a page "library" create blocks with the titles of each source in your library.
2. Upload the PDF by typing "/asset" (without quotes)
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Jan 26th 2022
Someone asked me to share my research workflow in @logseq! Here's an overview of my very simple process 🧵 Image
1. Rewrite the article/chapter/section in my own words using the 3rd person (“[The authors] studied/argued”)

2. Evaluate the article using a checklist to assess clarity, novelty, “truth” (strength of arguments and evidence), how if at all it’s relevant to my own research question(s), and any general perceptions

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Sep 6th 2021
In einem Interview mit der #WamS sagte #Taliban-Sprecher Zabiullah Mudschahid, dass die Deutschen „viel Gutes im Land getan [haben], schon zu Zeiten des [Königs]“. WELT ONLINE ergänzte dazu, damit sei die Zeit „vor etwa hundert Jahren“ gemeint. Worauf spielte Mudschahid an?
Im Jahr 1915 erreichte eine deutsch-osmanische Mission Kabul. Die Leiter der Mission, Oskar Niedermayer und Werner Otto von Hentig (siehe die Fotos), sollten den Emir von #Afghanistan überzeugen, auf der Seite der Mittelmächte in den Ersten Weltkrieg einzutreten.
Der Emir hielt die Deutschen jedoch hin und gewährte ihnen über Monate keine Audienz. Also beschäftigten sie sich anders: Sie nahmen an einer Militärparade teil, Niedermayer fertigte Pläne zur Reorganisation der afghanischen Armee an und gründete sogar eine Offiziersschule.
Read 23 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
Great thread for anyone pursuing graduate studies. Here are my top 10 tips for a new #phdstudent in their first 6 months. #phdchat #AcademicTwitter
@AcademicChatter @PhDVoice @OpenAcademics #coachphd
1. Start with an attitude of gratitude. If it was your choice to pursue a PhD, it’s a privilege. Imagine all the people who would love to have such an opportunity to extend their schooling beyond highschool, to learn a topic in depth, but couldn’t for all kinds of reasons.
2. Don’t rush. Take the time you need to choose your #dissertation topic wisely (of course stay within the timelines of your program for finalizing your choice) - if you can, discuss with your mentor/s a few avenues for your dissertation and the various pros/cons of each.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 15th 2021
Today’s #ResearchTip is...did you know if someone’s created a research tool (interview schedule, questionnaire etc) and it would work for your research then you can - and should - use it? Here’s why and how /1
#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #PhDChat #gradschool #dissertation
If an existing research tool could be used in your study it’ll save time, allow you to build on existing research, and help you network with other researches in your field. If someone describes using a tool/technique in a paper it’s fine to email them and ask for more details /2
Researchers can let you have a copy of their research tool which you can either replicate or amend (assuming it won’t affect validity). It might be you translate or adapt it in other ways depending on your participants, so piloting is key. /3
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Aug 16th 2020
Yesterday, I officially #graduated with a #PhD from @UF. I spent 5 years working on #Conservation #Ecology of #Dholes or Asiatic wild dogs. Here's an #illustrated #SciArt thread of my #dissertation. #AcademicChatter #phdchat 🦊🤎(1/22)
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Jun 17th 2019
Han salido los temas de filosofía del #bac (la selectividad francesa). Los de ciencias pueden elegir entre:
- ¿Es la pluralidad de las culturas un obstáculo a la unidad del género humano?
- Reconocer sus deberes ¿es renunciar a su libertad?
- Comentario de un texto de Freud.
#Bac. Son de esos temas que nos encanta comentar a los franceses décadas después del examen. Suelen abrir los telediarios. Para los de ciencias económicas y sociales:
- ¿Es la moral la mejor de las políticas?
- ¿El trabajo divide a los hombres?
- Texto de Leibniz sobre Descartes.
Responder a una de esas preguntas es hacer una "dissertation", un ejercicio muy francés, muy estructurado y también muy libre, lo opuesto a la mera memorización. Para los de letras:
- ¿Es posible escapar al tiempo?
- ¿Para qué explicar una obra de arte?
- Texto de Hegel.
Read 16 tweets
Jun 13th 2018
Question for professors and #dissertating PhDs out there: what sources would you recommend for #dissertation writing that is oriented towards the book model? #AcademicTwitter #phdchat 1/3
I'm working on my diss proposal and know that I should be thinking now about the format I want my diss to be in. My goal is to be able to take the finished diss and have a clear plan moving forward post-PhD for transforming it into a book. 2/3
For clarification purposes: graduates in my department (@umsi) predominantly use the 3-essay (rather than book) model; I use a combination of ethnography and design methods. 3/3
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