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Mar 3rd 2023
Una nueva e importante iniciativa incluirá un estudio longitudinal internacional y la creación de un servicio totalmente nacional para el tratamiento de la #DisforiaDeGenero #Irlanda #SistemaNacionalDeSalud #HSE #EnBuscaDeEvidencias
La noticia llega tras la visita a Dublín la semana pasada de la Dra. Hilary Cass, que dirige una revisión en curso en #UK sobre el tratamiento de la disforia de género en menores y jóvenes 2/ #EnBuscaDeEvidencias
La Dra. Hilary Cass recomendó la sustitución del único servicio especializado en identidad de género, en la clínica #Tavistock de Londres, por seis centros regionales en Inglaterra y Gales 3/ #EnBuscaDeEvidencias
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Jan 20th 2023
Everyone, this is a thread about the work that people at @Enhesa have done in research on EHS legislation, upcoming changes, insights and trends.

Please give a like and a share if you think this can be useful for someone in your circles.

#EHS #EHScompliance #ESG #industrial
There’s been a lot of talk about ramping up energy efficiency in the EU. Now revisions are on their way. Read what to expect in 2023.

Read all about it in this article by @Beatriz Barbieri

#netzero #sustainability #energyefficiency #eu…
EHS regulations spotlight: Serious Accident Punishment Act: Dive deeper into one of today’s standout EHS regulations and what its regulatory changes mean for businesses operating in South Korea.

#EHS #EHSCompliance #Seriousaccidents…
Read 17 tweets
Nov 11th 2021
When @DonnellyStephen, @CMOIreland, @HSELive, @laoneill111 state that I should be vaccinated, they should have the ability to convince me its safe and that I can trust them. They've certainly not done that; let me explain 👇
When they tell me to not wear a mask, and then suddenly change to wear a mask, they aroused my suspicion

When the #HSE told kids (with cfr of 500000/1+) that it's safe based on a) avoiding mild illness b) going back to school c) rejoin society without risk analysis figures, but declare a 16000/1 chance of a severe adverse reaction, they arouse my suspicion
Read 13 tweets
May 9th 2021
V.v. disappointing experience for vulnerable ex-army man...rejected by his local primary care centre ...told no vaccine available to him because he had not registered with any G.P. .. therefore no referral
Born 1943...not given any phone number for any older persons services.. not given any phone number for any public health number offered for HSElive etc...
@projectCB is not kin of this man...but informally asked one weekend to help... cannot get thru to HSElive...caution: option 1 on automated phone service sends caller around in circles for option 1 "English" only for automatic phone system to hangs-up on caller #HSELive
Read 23 tweets
May 18th 2020
Boris Johnson promised me that there would be 'workplace inspections' so people could be sure they could #staysafe when returning to work. But they don't exist:…
The North East has high rates of coronavirus infection, low pay & deprivation. Govt mustn't put more risk on those already at risk by forcing a return to work in unsafe conditions. Glad the Prime Minister agreed everyone has a duty & a right to #staysafe
I said I would hold the Prime Minister to account when he promised a safe working environment & spotchecks for workers and I will do - I've written to him to ask how he is going to keep his promise, given the #HSE isn't making spotchecks…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 16th 2020
Apologies to anyone who thought I was denigrating the Republic of Ireland’s HSE. That was never my intention the point I was making is that different countries have different health systems, different demographics & different current circumstances regarding #coronavirus
This is why internationally the approaches of scientific & medical experts differ. I understand the service in Ireland is not totally free at the point of delivery as it is under our NHS & I was under a lot of pressure to answer as many questions on todays programme as possible.
The bottom line is we all have to pull together on this terrible infection & its consequences. Anger, bitterness & division will not help. Please accept my sincere apologies for the unintentional inaccuracies.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 1st 2019
Classes of Fire Extinguishers
Did you know that any fire extinguisher can't be used on any fire? Fires are caused by a number of factors; the principal cause of the fire determines the extinguisher to be used. Image
Fire extinguishers are placed into 4 classes:
Class A: Puts out fires in common combustibles like paper and wood
Class B: This class extinguishes fires that are caused by flammable liquids such as petrol and oil
Class C: Extinguishes electrically related fires
Class D: It extinguishes fires caused by flammable metals

The class type is written on the body of the fire extinguisher along with a colour code.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 19th 2019
Tilted and Fallen Poles

Tilted, broken and fallen poles pose a great hazard to us and the environment we live in.
Fallen poles can still be energised leading to electrocution and electrical fires, hence, the need to identify it and report immediately.
Factors that could lead to above scenario include:
a. Weakened wooden poles as a result of aging and exposure to the elements.
b. Broken concrete poles due to vehicles ramming into it.
c. Loose soil texture could cause poles to tilt and eventually fall.
Have you seen such poles in your area? If yes, kindly share pictures of the affected pole and the exact location (street address, town, nearest bus stop or landmark) of the pole(s) you saw.

#thinksafety #safetyeveryday #hse #tgif Image
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Jul 10th 2019
Safety signs are divided into categories with a specific colour and format assigned to it. The categories of safety signs are:
1. Prohibition Signs (RED SIGN)
It conveys “DO NOT” or “NOT ALLOWED” command. This sign means stop performing a certain action. This sign has a white background circle with a thick red outline and a 45📷 diagonal crossbar that descends from left to right & a black pictogram.
2. Warning Signs (YELLOW SIGN)
This sign alerts people of nearby danger or hazard. It consists of a yellow equilateral triangle, with a black outline and a black pictogram in the middle of the triangle.
Read 7 tweets

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