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Una nueva e importante iniciativa incluirá un estudio longitudinal internacional y la creación de un servicio totalmente nacional para el tratamiento de la #DisforiaDeGenero #Irlanda #SistemaNacionalDeSalud #HSE #EnBuscaDeEvidencias
La noticia llega tras la visita a Dublín la semana pasada de la Dra. Hilary Cass, que dirige una revisión en curso en #UK sobre el tratamiento de la disforia de género en menores y jóvenes 2/ #EnBuscaDeEvidencias
La Dra. Hilary Cass recomendó la sustitución del único servicio especializado en identidad de género, en la clínica #Tavistock de Londres, por seis centros regionales en Inglaterra y Gales 3/ #EnBuscaDeEvidencias
Read 11 tweets
This book is going to be cataclysmic for Gender Ideology, and the people that have been pushing it. As will the final #CassReport.

We must never forget who these bastards were, even as they desert the ship.

Thank you @hannahsbee.

It can't have been easy to write or get published, but it's already clear from the early excerpts that this is the book about the #Tavistock that we have been waiting for.

#WomensRightsAreHumanRights Image
97.5% of the children seeking 'sex changes' were either on the autistic spectrum, suffered with depression, or had other serious problems that were ignored at the Tavistock. Image
Read 10 tweets
UK: "a former social worker at a GIDS satellite clinic in Leeds estimated that “only 2-3%” of the children seen by staff would have continued to identify as transgender for life if they had not been referred for medical intervention."
"Her estimate is broadly in line with the beliefs of Domenico Di Ceglie, who founded Gids in 1989, who said only 5% of patients would transition and 60-70% would be gay.
"Studies elsewhere had shown that for the majority of young people who experienced gender dysphoria as children, their desire to change sex would disappear during puberty."
Read 5 tweets
Im #volksverpetzer gibt es einen anonymen Hetzartikel zum drohenden #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz. Geschrieben von “Florence Trübinger“, über den/die es keine Infos im Netz gibt.
In Anlehnung an #Böhmermann werden frauenhasserfüllt Fakeargumente ausgespotzt.
Zum einen wird der Öffentlichkeit weiter Sand in die Augen gestreut mit dem Begriff #Trans-Person. Dabei denkt jeder an einen Transsexuellen, also eine Person, bei der eine Körperwahrnehmungsstörung so tief sitzt, das sie nicht therapiert werden kann und Leid durch eine…
…körperliche & soziale Geschlechtsanpassung gemildert werden kann. Die Kurzform Trans bedeutet aber #Transgender und umfasst viel mehr. Eine große Gruppe sind autogynophile Männer, die bei der Vorstellung, eine Frau zu sein, sexuelle Erregung erfahren & andere Fetischisten.
Read 15 tweets
@HadleyFreeman on @BBCWomansHour to tell us why she resigned after 22 years at @guardian.
I wonder what she’ll be talking about?
Must listen.
7 years ago Hadley says the Guardian became a conspiracy theorist.
Gender identity was the theory.
Hadley wanted to write a long piece about Susy Green and #Metmaids and the reasons kept changing.
Post Telegraph’s expose they refused to report.
@Emmabarnett pointed out that the Charity Commission is investigating #Mermaids.
@HadleyFreeman said she wished to write about #AlisonBailey, @MForstater cases etc.
They ran lots of articles on Trans people, but nothing about Trans sceptical women.
Read 14 tweets
LSD - another #Pharaoh product
Developed in 1943 by Albert Hoffman at Sandoz, a Swiss pharma house owned by S.G. Warburg
Allen Dulles, later of CIA (himself Swiss) was the OSS station chief throughout the development time. His assistant worked with Aldus Huxley
In 1953 MK-ULTRA was established & CIA research started developing chemical (including LSD), biological & radiological materials capable of modifying human behaviour.
Timothy Leary "everything I am, I owe to the foresight of the CIA"
The simmering political unrest on the 1960's America campus, plus the traumatic decapitation of the nation by the JFK ritual killing, was ripe for a simultaneous introduction of widespread drug & LSD use, bringing the world into the Aquarian Conspiracy...
Read 5 tweets
¿Está cambiando la marea?

El Servicio Nacional de Salud inglés acaba de emitir el borrador de su nueva guia para el tratamiento de la disforia de género en menores, y, spoiler: @IreneMontero va a pasar olímpicamente de darse por enterada.

Hilo va ⬇️

El NHS pone fin al "modelo de atención afirmativa de género" para jóvenes.

Yuhuuuu, ¿alguien ahí, @IreneMontero , @IgualdadGob?

Holaaaa... Que ya son 3 los países con amplia experiencia en el modelo afirmativo que lo abandonan por, espera, cómo dice el estudio... ¿Nocivo?
⬇️ ImageImage
Se desaconseja expresamente la transición social, se reconoce que no hay evidencia científica sobre los resultados terapéuticos del método afirmativo ni los bloqueadores, los bloqueadores solo se usarán en entorno de investigación...

Vaya, no parecen muy contentos... ImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Psiquiatra afirma que padres con niños de 3 años "llevaban a sus hijos a la clínica #Tavistock alegando que eran trans cuando solo querían un hijo de un sexo diferente"

"#Tavistock era una fabrica de niños trans"

"Era Munchausen por poderes"

El artículo en sí era interesante y duro, pero no lo voy a traducir a menos que alguien lo pida.
Lo que me apetece traducir es la cronología del escándalo #Tavistock incluída al final.

Más que nada por que lo leais poniendo nombres en español, para acostumbraros a lo que viene⬇️
2005: Sue Evans, enfermera de Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust's Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), advierte que las evaluaciones a menores están siendo realizadas con demasiada rapidez, y que su tratamiento está influenciado por grupos pro derechos trans.
Read 22 tweets
"The UDV is ..a religion “shrouded in mystery” and derived from a nativist religious movement in Brazil whose core beliefs are a “mixture of Christianity, Freemasonry, Kardecism/Spiritism, and tiny sprinkles of African-based religions "…
"It incorporates “lots of stories from other religions changed/tweaked to fit this religion” like “the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, the beheading of John the Baptist,” and they “believe King Solomon invented ayahuasca,”"
Read 13 tweets

Dünya sahnesinden
bircok farkli Dil-irk-DNA-GEN yapisina sahip
cins insan-toplum geldi gecti

Asagida gördügünüz görselde
#Arkeoloji'k kazilarda bulunan
farkli bir DNA'ya sahip olan iskeleti görüyorsunuz

DNA'nin Kenanlilar'a ait oldugu iddia ediliyor.. Image
yeryüzünde kaybolmaya yüz tutmus bir DNA türüdür

Romalilar tarafindan yakilip-yikilan
ve yok olma noktasina getirilen bir toplumdur

Köken olarak Esav soyundan gelirler

Edomitler olarak bilinen topluluktur

Edomitler+Türkler=HazarTürklerini olusturur Image
seytani sapkinlik neticesi
ikinci #Mekke niyetine
#Petra'yi kuranlardir

Hazarlar daha sonra
karsimiza #Venedikliler olarak cikiyorlar

Avrupa'daki Kraliyet Ailelerini olusturanlardir

Esseniler-Kasidimler=Tapinakcilar-Masonlar'dir Image
Read 13 tweets
Tavistock’s ‘1000 Families’ Lawsuit: A Thread

I am very late to the game here but I did some research that makes this claim even funnier than originally thought.

I’ll be linking my sources at the end, I’d also recommend checking out @truesolicitor ‘s thread on this topic. (1/?)
On the 11th of August, The Times published the article below. As the website is paywalled, readers were unable to read the entire article without paying.
(A free archive link to the article available in @truesolicitor ‘s thread)
I’d suggest that the article’s title is intentionally misleading. A quick glance on Twitter and you can see hundreds of users genuinely believing that Tavistock is currently facing a lawsuit from 1000 families.

This isn’t true - the number is an estimate.

Read 22 tweets
Mattei, #Moro, Falcone... la lunga scia di sangue che ha accompagnato la destabilizzazione dell'#Italia:

“La stagione dei diritti e libertà si rivelerà effimera se questo paese non avrà una buona coscienza.”
(Aldo Moro)…

Tutti i video della serie "The Moro Files", con Gero Grassi ex membro della seconda commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sul rapimento e l'uccisione di Aldo Moro, sono disponibili solo qui: dopo che sui social sono stati censurati, anche…
#Berlinguer svendette il #PCI alla #NATO (col famoso viaggio a Washington di Giorgio Napolitano in pieno sequestro #Moro), in sostituzione della "statalista" #DC. Cominciò così la svendita ed il declino dell'#Italia.…

Read 38 tweets
EXCLUSIVE: Post piles up in Geoffrey Cox’s constituency office while he is working on tax haven island.
Local voters ask if they are being neglected.…
@theipaper #GeoffreyCox #Tavistock
Under fire Conservative MP Sir Geoffrey Cox has left a pile of constituency post unread while he works his second lucrative legal job from the sunshine tax haven island of Mauritius.
Local voters told i they barely see their MP in the town, despite his constituency home only a ten minute drive from his office.
Read 4 tweets
Tories speak in Geoffrey Cox’s Devon seat: ‘I’ve never seen him here for years. Except at election time’.
@theipaper visits Tavistock and finds the local MP isn’t flavour of the month, even at the Conservative Club.…
#GeoffreyCox #Tavistock @TWDCA1
It’s 2pm at the local Conservative Club. No one wants to provide their name. “We’re told not to talk on behalf of the party,” says one man. “But it’d be nice to see him in here.”
“He’s too posh for us here,” says a female member of the club.
Another Conservative Club member says: “A Dartmoor pony could get elected for the Tories here. That would probably make more of an effort to meet the locals too.”
Read 5 tweets
IRELAND: In 2007 the Ombudsman for Children @OCO_ireland had formed very strong opinions on what would be in children’s best interest regarding gender Identity and transitioning & GRA

A thread with screen shots taken from...
3/ Dealing with the first link first- this is the submission from OCO “Advice on the General Scheme of the Gender Recognition Bill 2013”. This was the proposed medical model Bill which was passed in the Seanad and then changed to self ID when it reached the Dáil.
Read 26 tweets
EMERGENCY MOTION: PROHIBIT GENDERGP FROM OPERATING IN UK on Grounds of Patient Safety, Lack of Child Informed Consent & Safeguarding Failures. This EM will be voted on at #gpconf plenary! Full text in image & thread. @TheGreenParty members pls support motion. #GenderGP #Tavistock Emergency Motion to Green Party Spring Conference 2021: Proh
Link also here:…

"The Green Party is extremely concerned to learn about the clinical practice of GenderGP in its treatment of patients reporting gender dysphoria, as exposed by the @Telegraph Investigations Team (26 Feb 2021) . . ."
". . . and in an open letter by the General Pharmaceutical Council (@TheGPhC,…), which explained their enforcement actions against two of GenderGP’s partner pharmacies in the UK, Clear Chemist and (10 Feb 2021)."
Read 10 tweets
@AdamWagner1 @OmarSalem Indeed one would have hoped a dramatic #medicalExperimentation basically castrating unhinged children using #OffLabel drugs

based on blatant lies about suicide risks& #detransitioners

would have been prohibited by medical ethics.1/ #PubertyBlockers

@AdamWagner1 @OmarSalem Not conducting proper scientific evaluation of powerful drugs used #offLabel on children is against HR .
Lying to politicians & parents by pretending an old, small, very poor scientifically study from the Netherland were definitive is an old crooky trick👇
@AdamWagner1 @OmarSalem Of note, in Sweden politicians put a stop to the blind implementation in the Law of the #transExtremismPropaganda after investigative journalism exposed the lies in particular re : #suicideThreat

In UK @deb_cohen 's work exists but judges were needed...
Read 7 tweets
1/n In the first thread, linked below, I looked at how the UK court case of #KieraBell began, and how it ended, and the specific issues *decided*. But that's far from all; there are issues that came up in the court case.

2/ what was the #Tavistock NHS #GIDS doing to date? The court summarizes the first part so:
§ 15 of Section A (my inserts in square brackets [ ]) below. Keep in mind this is for the UK.

In § 5, we learn children as young as 10 have been prescribed puberty-blockers by Tavistock. Image
3/ In § 22, we learn that till 2011, puberty-blockers were only prescribed to those over 16. From 2011~2014 children 12~15 were prescribed PB's, so was it 2014 or after that children as young as 10 got given them?
Read 8 tweets
1/n On the #KieraBell court ruling. This is a UK High Court legal review that has been set in motion since January. Defendant: The Tavistock And Portman NHS Foundation Trust.
The NHS England also enters as "Interested Party".…
2/ One point here: the #Tavistock, & anybody who cared, have had since January to brush up their data, & their legal arguments, since January. *Plenty* of time.

It involves not just #KieraBell, but another, Mrs. A..
A good start to understanding:…
3/ So what is the #KieraBell legal review case & ruling about?
The prescribing of puberty-suppressing meds to those under the age of 18 who experience #GenderDysphoria, by the #Tavistock, through its Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS).…
Read 12 tweets
1. Visit my website, Fighting Monarch, to learn how CIA uses cybernetics, hypnotism, drugs, and horrific sexual abuse to enslave people and to warp their sexuality

#hefner #playboy #playboyplaymates #mkultra #projectmonarch #mindcontrol #cia #mi7 #tavistock #newworldorder #nwo
2. Playboy is one of the weapons in NWO’s arsenal.…
3. Like Disney, it looks innocent, but it is far from it.
Read 20 tweets
1. Mia Khalifa is a person of interest when it comes to CIA activity, as they use her in OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD.

#miakhalifa #miak #projectmonarch #mkultra #operationmockingbird #cia #mi7 #tavistock
2. Mia Khalifa grew up in war-torn Beirut, a hotbed of CIA activity.
3. Then she went to Massanutten Military Academy.
Read 16 tweets
1. Visit my website, Fighting Monarch, to learn how CIA uses cybernetics, hypnotism, drugs, and horrific sexual abuse to enslave people & to warp their sexuality.

#hefner #playboy #playboyplaymates #mkultra #projectmonarch #mindcontrol #cia #mi7 #tavistock #newworldorder #nwo
2. Playboy is one of the weapons in NWO’s arsenal.…
3. Like Disney, it looks innocent, but it is far from it.
Read 19 tweets
We have reached the #tippingpoint. For the past year+, the visceral comments on @realDonaldTrump's tweets has been almost unbearable. In the past week, something has changed. Less Tavistock/Soros paid NPC bot's comments, & much more push back against those comments. #NinjaNews
Twitter is still doing their part by keeping the NPC comments at the top of the feed, but those comments are definitely less and getting a much different response. I will post some for you, so that you can see what I am saying is true.
This peach makes the common NPC statement in response to @realDonaldTrump's tweet this morning- using words like pathetic, immature, dumb and STFU. She even throws in a big ol FU.
Read 9 tweets
#Gender #Identity (FCO since 2009) Mathematical Analysis of @MoJGovUK stats 30 June 2018 wrt sexual offences (99.1% #Male) #Male-pattern Sexual Offending shared by #Transwomen, 60 is just under half of 128 #female from total population of 30M in #England & #Wales. @munkihanger
#Gender #Identity:
#Tavistock *Gender Identity* Clinic
#BAGIS #British Assn of *Gender Identity* Specialists
#GIRES *Gender Identity* #Research & #Education #Service &
@FCOHumanRights since 2009/10-ish!
Why does this #Lesbian of the #BritishEmpire know? 🤔
@faintlyfalling 😊😊😊
#Shoutout for @mrkhtake2 for patiently explaining that #Intersex people can ONLY be i) #female with Variant Sex Characteristics from typical #female sex characteristics presentation &... ii) #male with Variant Sex Characteristics from typical #male sex characteristics. @ClareCAIS
Read 29 tweets

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